Virginia Stormwater BMP Clearinghouse website

The link to the site under construction is:

Going by the hand sketched outline of the site, I wanted to call attention to a few things as you look through the site. The templates used are Virginia Tech templates and I have modified them to try to fit the SWC BMP site. We need to keep the VT copyright in. We also need to have the VT heading at the top with a link to their homepage. The site name beside of the VT heading is a link also back to the SWC BMP site.

The main navigation is listed down the left side of the page. Listed and linked first are the main links (VT, VWRRC, DCR and then the SWC BMP). Underneath are the page links (regulatory programs, bmp selection, standards, costs etc). Underneath the top main maroon heading and below the beige banner are the other links (what’s new, calendar, contact etc). These links can be incorporated into a banner or listed as they are or even moved to the left navigation. Each page from both the side and top navigation are laid out the same.

BANNER: There is a link on the homepage of an existing beige plain banner that says if you click you can see some possible banner creations. These are ideas only and I welcome feedback as both the DCR and WaterCenter logos are very different and each need to be there. Colors throughout the site can be changed, just let me know.

If you click on the Site Map page there is an external link there for examples of a site map at DCR. I used this external link as an example I created for a redirect page to external sites. This is a first attempt at doing the requested notice when someone is leaving the BMP site. There are programs I can use to do this differently as I am not a programmer, but happy to search alternative ways.

The ‘search’ box for the site is not working correctly as of now. I am playing with Google Custom so that we can search from the home page and display results on a similar page I’ve created. Try out the search. I am thinking that I actually need to add some documentation to the site for it to work properly and tweak it as I add information. The other choice is to use the same code that VT uses on their pages ( but so far I can only narrow the search down to the WaterCenter domain which means when the site is searched it is searching the WaterCenter and the SWC BMP site. That kind of makes sense to me because the SWC site is not its own domain, it is pulling from the WaterCenter.

I will add page counters when the site is finished or now depending on what is needed. The counters will come from Google Analytics.

The BMP Standards and Specifications link goes into a lot of trailing and detailed pages. I have created the one example all the way through and will add all of the other pages and links as it is decided on the final format. For now there are links to the standards and specs page then to the post-construction BMPs to the conventional BMPs to the dry detention basin where all pdf’s will be located for this particular link.