1 November 2017

Dear Councillor

You are invitedto attend a meeting of the


to be held on TUESDAY7 NOVEMBER2017 at 6.30pm


Joyce Holman

Parish Clerk


Public Questions, Comments or Representations (maximum of 10 minutes)

1. / Apologies
2. / Declarations of Interest & Applications for Dispensation
To receive any Declarations of Interest required by the Code of Conduct adopted by the Parish Council on 17 May 2017.
3. / Spring Gardens Refurbishment Plans
To receive a presentation from David James, Leisure Projects Officer at Swindon Borough Council.
4. / Cage Cricket Opportunity
Clerk and David James to report.
5. / Library Working Party (Min.156 – 12.09.17)
To consider the report of the Library Working Party (copy to follow) and receive information from Fred Blunt about his designs for the library mural.
6. / Badbury Park Community Centre (Min.215 – 03.10.17)
Cllrs Hawkins and Short to provide verbal report on meeting held on 29 August 2017.
7. / Location of Dog Bins in Lawns
To consider an email dated 23 October 2017 from Cllr Milner-Barry (copy attached).
8. / Improvement Work to Shaftesbury Lakes (Min.220 – 03.10.17)
Cllr C Watts and Clerk to report.
9. / Arqiva Broadcast Equipment requirement at Broome Manor Allotment Site (Min.89 – 11.07.17)
To consider an email dated 12 October 2017 from the Parish Council's solicitor and the response of the Clerk and approve the lease to Arqiva for the cabin (Copies attached) and consider the CTIL Heads of Terms (copy to follow).
Members of Committee
Cllr Neil Hopkins (Chair)
Cllr Barrie Thompson (Vice-Chair)
Cllr Junab Ali
Cllr Steve Allsopp
Cllr Nicholas Burns-Howell
Cllr Michael Dickinson
Cllr Paul Dixon
Cllr John Firmin
Cllr Mary Gladman
Cllr Anthony Hawkins
Cllr Janine Howarth
Cllr Jamal Miah
Cllr Javed Miah
Cllr Jane Milner-Barry
Cllr Dawn Pajak
Cllr Stan Pajak
Cllr Trish Philpot
Cllr Toby Robson
Cllr Imtiyaz Shaikh
Cllr John Short
Cllr Chris Watts
Cllr Nadine Watts
Cllr Dave Wood
Members are reminded that the Council has a general duty to consider the following matters in the exercise of any of its functions: Equal Opportunities (age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation), Crime and Disorder, Health & Safety and Human Rights.

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