Central States Board of Directors Meeting
July 28, 2006
Bloomington, MN
Meeting was called to order by President Bruce Richardson, W9FZ at 9:04 PM
2006 Conference Report – Bruce, W9FZ
228 Registrants
262 Banquet
Restaurant this morning was a disaster – working the issue; you have the flyer of other places to eat
Hotel responsive in all other respects – Banquet should be ok (different department)
18 folks went on the surplus tour Thursday morning
Boat Tour – OK
Mall Tour – OK, took 5 busses to get all over there
Room was full for the scrap booking activity
Talks OK and on time
Dealer set-up is OK
Trolley ride at 44 for tomorrow morning
Ft. Snelling – only 10 signed up for it
Hospitality Suite – “Holy Cow – I’m Pleased”, (Bruce quote)
Antenna Range: 64 microwave antennas & 43 VHF antennas were measured
Big success but local volunteer help was lacking
Maybe should publicize “how to get your antenna tested” as each range is different
Noise Figure: Testing done by noon today; Tommy, WD5AGO was good. About 45 Noise Figure items were tested
Report on 2007 Conference – Paul, ND2X
Done the “Macro” work
Haven’t started on the “Micro” work
Road Runners Microwave Group will be the organization to draw on for labor.
We are copying all the good stuff from this conference
Hotel: 300 room-nights (Get all the conference meeting facilities at 85% of this)
WA5VJB & ND2X – misunderstanding about coming down to San Antonio & ensuing discussion on teaching how to set up the antenna range. SW Research Institute involved for test equipment. Paul & Kent to work this out off line.
Family Program – So many options we having trouble culling out what to do.
Hotel is about 12 –15 minute drive to the River Walk area.
Thursday night going to propose a river boat dinner
Report on 2008 Conference Proposal – No further proposals received other than Wichita
2009 Conference – Kent Britain and Chuck Clark are willing to be an emergency conference host in the Dallas area.
Minutes of the BOD meetings at last years conference were presented (printed copies handed out).
NN5DX noted corrections should be made as follows:
- On page 3: NN5TX should be NN5DX
- On last page: WA5VLB should be WA5VJB
NN5DX moved to accept the minutes as corrected
WA5VJB seconded the motion
Motion carried by unanimous voice vote
Comments on Donations by W9FZ:
We should be leaving the Treasury with more money than when we started due to larger than budgeted attendance
Recommends $250 & $250 for $500 total - but think about it for next BOD meeting
NN5DX – We usually do this at Sat. BOD meeting
W9FZ – Intuitive feel is we will be $2K to $3K over break even. About $2,500 was starting balance w/o life membership fund
Life membership fund is about $12K
Discussion around the table on why, how, and amount to donate to AMSAT
Lauren, W0LD, moved we affirm that we donate to our traditional organizations and we allocate in November (after our conference business is settled) the amount to each.
K5LLL seconded the motion
The motion passed by majority vote (8 yea & 4 No)
Mike, KM0T, moved that the next president put on the registration form a place to donate directly to decided organizations (as a pass through The CSVHF Society)
N0LNO seconded the motion
Motion passed by unanimous voice vote
Discussion – Organizations to consider:
ARRL Defense of Frequencies
ARRL Education
SETI League
Jon, W0ZQ, moved we give equal percentage of the total donation determined in November to the above four funds
W9GA seconded the motion
K5TTT – We can make it unequal
Others – Rather see us set it in November
Motion failed by show of hands (1 Yea, 10 No, 1 Abstention)
Charlie, K5TTT, moved that contingent upon an excess of $2,000 or more from the 2006 conference, we donate these percentages of the amount decided in November to:
50% to ARRL Defense of Frequencies Fund
30% to AMSAT
20% to SETI League
for this year.
Motion seconded by KM0T
Discussion: Andy, K0SM – like this motion but the ARRL Education fund is a long term goal
Motion passes by show of hands vote (11 Yea, 0 No, and 2 Abstentions)
Lauren, W0LD moved that we request each organization supported by The CSVHF Society to provide a written report of progress toward obtainable goals.
Motion seconded by VE3AX
Motion passed by unanimous voice vote
Business Left over from Thursday’s BOD Meeting:
Ron, NN5DX passed out minutes of the Web Page Committee meeting of 7/18/06 10:15 AM and then briefed the BOD on the committee meeting.
KM0T moved to accept the minutes of the Web Committee and proceed along the lines described therein.
W0LD seconded the motion
Motion passed by majority voice vote (NN5DX abstained)
W0LD moved we adjourn the meeting
KF0Q seconded the motion
Motion passed by unanimous voice vote
Meeting adjourned at 10:47 PM
Minutes recorded and submitted by Acting Secretary Rod Blocksome, K0DAS