Central Plateau Tracks


The intention of this website is to provide information on all the important bush tracks that walkers use to access the more remote parts of Tasmania. The information provided should be enough to plan bushwalks and be able to located the track in the bush.

There are many walking guides that detail walk suggestions but there are no guides that provide a complete inventory of tracks in a particular area. Topographic maps often don’t show the tracks and general knowledge of tracks amongst walkers is diminishing. As a result tracks are becoming over grown and some have disappeared, restricting access to some remote areas. This website attempts to fill the gap.

If you would like to contribute, update or correct any information on this website, send an email to

More information is required for everything highlighted in yellow, in particular for the Lake Fanny, Lake Antimony Track and Lake Olive Track.

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Blue Peaks Track

Purpose / Provides access to Blue Peaks from Lake MacKenzie
Location / Lake MacKenzie
Grid reference (AGD 66) / Lake MacKenzie 447800E, 5385000N; Unnamed lakes south of Blue Peaks 448400E, 5380110N (Determine by using 1:25000 Topo Maps)
Type and condition / Old vehicle track
Signage / None
Height difference / 5km
Walking time / 2 hours
Route description / The old vehicle track climbs up through a small valley to reach the undulating open plateau within 1km of the start. From here it crosses open undulating country eventually passing Blue Peaks on the eastern side to end at an unnamed lake.
Map reference / Tasmap 1:25000 Topographic Map Lake Mackenzie
Further reference
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Lake Explorer Track

Purpose / Provides access to Lake Explorer from Lake Mackenzie
Location / Lake Mackenzie
Grid reference (AGD 66) / Lake Mackenzie 448770E, 5384950N; Lake Explorer 451530E, 5382080N (Determine by using 1:25000 Topo Maps)
Type and condition / Well worn pad
Signage / None
Height difference / 4.5km
Walking time / 1.5 hours
Route description / Track begins on the south side of the spillway of Mackenzie Dam and follows the lake edge until the Fisher River is reached. The Explorer River also enters Lake MacKenzie here. Ford both rivers and follow pad along the Explorer River to the west side of Lake Explorer.
Map reference / Tasmap 1:25000 Topographic Map Lake Mackenzie
Further reference
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Lake Fanny Track

Purpose / Provides access from the east into Lake Fanny, Lake Antimony and Great Pine Tier area
Location / End of Lake Augusta Road at Lake Ada
Grid reference (AGD 66) / Lake Fanny 448130E, 5365700N (Determine using a paper topo 1:25000 scale map)
Grid reference (AGD 94) / Road end 452636E, 5363457N; Lake Fanny 448120E, 5366174N (Determine using Google Earth)
Type and condition
Height difference / 5km
Walking time / 2 hours
Route description / A 4km sidetrack heads south to Antimony Lake and the Great Pine Tier.
Map reference / Tasmap 1:25000 Topographic map sheet Ada
Further reference / Right-Click here to download and save a gpx file of the start of the track. Can then be imported into your GPS or opened in Google Earth.
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Lake Olive Track

Grid reference (AGD 66)
Type and condition
Height difference
Walking time
Route description
Map reference
Further reference
Information correct to
Supplied by
Website version of above notes
Central Plateau Tracks
Blue Peaks Track

Lake Explorer Track

Lake Fanny Track

Lake Olive Track

Blue Peaks Track

This track provides access to Blue Peaks from Lake MacKenzie, grid reference (AGD 66) - Lake MacKenzie 447800E, 5385000N; Unnamed lakes south of Blue Peaks 448400E, 5380110N. The old vehicle track is 5km long with a 110m-height difference. Expect to take 2 hours. The track climbs up through a small valley to reach the undulating open plateau within 1km of the start. From here it crosses open undulating country eventually passing Blue Peaks on the eastern side to end at an unnamed lake. Shown on Tasmap 1:25000 Topographic Map Lake Mackenzie

Lake Explorer Track

Provides access to Lake Explorer from Lake Mackenzie, grid reference (AGD 66) - Lake Mackenzie 448770E, 5384950N; Lake Explorer 451530E, 5382080N. This well-worn pad is 4.5km long and climbs 50m. Expect to take 1.5 hours. Track begins on the south side of the spillway of Mackenzie Dam and follows the lake edge until the Fisher River is reached. The Explorer River also enters Lake MacKenzie here. Ford both rivers and follow pad along the Explorer River to the west side of Lake Explorer. Shown on Tasmap 1:25000 Topographic Map Sheet Lake Mackenzie.

Lake Fanny Track

Provides access from the east into Lake Fanny, Lake Antimony and Great Pine Tier area. Located at the end of the Lake Augusta Road at Lake Ada, grid reference (AGD 66) - Road end; Lake Fanny 448130E, 5365700N. The track is 5km long and climbs 40m. Expect to take 2 hours. A 4km sidetrack heads south to Lake Antimony and the Great Pine Tier. Shown on Tasmap 1:25000 Topographic Map Sheet Ada. Right-Click here to download and save a gpx file of the start of the track. Can then be imported into your GPS or opened in Google Earth.