Central Ohio Science Modeling Workshop – Curriculum Development/ Advanced Modeling

June 15 – July 2, 2009, 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM

Pickerington High School North

Tentative Syllabus

NOTE: Assigned readings are to be completed for the following day. Other assignments are due at the time noted.

Monday, June 15

AM: Welcome, introductions, orientation, workshop descriptions, distribution of materials, administrivia, expectations & grading

PM: Groups develop Team Agreement and begin review of existing materials. Teams whiteboard general plans: topic, scope.

READING: Hestenes & Wells, "Modeling Methodology” (1998 version)

Tuesday, June 16

DUE: Team Agreements (9:30)

AM: Groups finish review of existing materials, map out work

PM: Discuss reading, teams meet with staff to discuss Team Agreements, teams develop initial story line (What's the model?) and split up development activities according to a Progress Plan, teams select a group liaison for future meetings with liaisons from other teams and staff to discuss formatting, scheduling, etc.

READING: Rice, "Role of Lab Practica"

Wednesday, June 17

Daily Morningboard (from 6/17 on)  What am I doing today, what are we doing today, what got done yesterday, requests for input. They will be due at 8:30 each morning and need to be initialed by each team member.

DUE: Initial story line and Team Progress Plan (9:30)

AM: Materials development, liaison meeting

PM: Discuss reading, BIG discussion: what is Modeling? What is the role of the model? Do you need to revise your storyline? Materials development

READING: Maloney, "Ranking Tasks: A New Type of Test Item"

Thursday, June 18

Daily Morningboard

DUE: List of Expected State Science Standards to be addressed (Team) (3:30)

AM: Materials development

PM: Discuss reading, materials development

READING: Van Heuvelen et al., "Experiment Problems for Mechanics”

Friday, June 19

Daily Morningboard

DUE: Team Progress report, revised storyline (9:30)

AM: Materials development

PM: Discuss reading, materials development

READING: Van Heuvelen and Maloney, "Playing Physics Jeopardy"

Monday, June 22

Daily Morningboard

DUE: Group processing worksheet (individual) (9:30) AND

Individual Learning Report # 1 (what did I learn and how did I learn it?) (individual) (9:30)

AM: Materials Development, presentation by Janice Hudson

PM: Discuss reading, materials development. Groups plan interactive activity for Wednesday or Thursday

READING: Etkina, “Weekly Reports: A Two-Way Feedback Tool”

Tuesday, June 23

Daily Morningboard

DUE: Two alternative problems (individual)

AM: Materials development. Liaisons plan interactive activity with staff.

PM: Discuss reading, materials development


Wednesday, June 24

Daily Morningboard

DUE: Lab practicum outline with science standards included (individual) (9:00)

AM: Materials development, modeling activity w. units (1 group)  Two-way feedback [1 hr. total per group]

PM: Modeling activity w. units (2 groups)  Two-way feedback


Thursday, June 25

Daily Morningboard

DUE: Whiteboard set due (individual) for your unit. Set should include what students should know at that point, the main points the instructor wants to reinforce (possible questions), the set of problems, and a brief discussion/indication of how the main points relate to the problems. (1 PM)

AM: Modeling activity w. units (2 groups)  Two-way feedback

PM: Discuss reading, materials development

Friday, June 26

Daily Morningboard

DUE: Progress Report # 2 (Team) (9:30)

AM: Materials development, discuss reading

PM: Materials development

Monday, June 29

Daily Morningboard

DUE: Weekly Learning report #2 (Individual) (9:30)

Group Processing Worksheet (Individual) (9:30)

AM: Materials Development

PM: Discussion of group processing feedback [Team and Individual], materials development

Tuesday, June 30: Purchase supply orders due. Red Carpet Day

AM: Liaison meeting (early AM), Kathy/Heidi meet with groups as scheduled from 9-11 AM

AM and PM: Work time to finish materials development

DUE:  'Soft' deadline for units is at the end of the day on Tuesday, allowing 24 hrs for presentation prep.

Wednesday, July 1

DUE:  Final deadline for units is 2:30 PM Wednesday, allowing for CD's to be burned. Groups must provide a paper copy and digital copy of the entire unit.

PM: Final revisions and preparation for presentations

Group presentations # 1 & 2 ~ 1.5 hrs each: Group summary + 1 or 2 activities; peer evaluation of presentations

Thursday, July 2

EARLY AM: Last minute preparation for presentations

AM: Group presentation #'s 3 & 4  ~ 1.5 hrs each: Group summary + 1 or 2 activities; peer evaluation of presentations

PM: Group presentation # 5  ~ 1.5 hrs: Group summary + 1 or 2 activities; peer evaluation of presentations

Clerical (paperwork, materials, follow-up?), Modeling reflection, evaluation