Gun Wharf
Dock Road
Kent ME4 4TR
Telephone:01634 332644
20th February 2014
Dear Colleague,
National Self-Injury Awareness Day March 1st 2014
Medway Public Health Directorate is delivering a mental health promotion campaign to raise awareness of the issue of self harm. A key part of this campaign involves contacting professionals, carers and services who work with or care for individuals who self harm, in particular children and young people.
Research carried out by the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 2010 identified that a public health approach to addressing the issue of self harm and suicide should focus on the following areas:
· raising awareness of the issue of self harm among front line staff in education, prisons and other relevant agencies
· improving access to reliable, accurate information for professionals and people who self harm, including appropriate use of websites.
By way of implementing these recommendations within Medway, a Self Harm Factsheet has been produced which contains some basic information about self harm and a list of current support services, resources, websites and helplines. Enclosed with this letter is a copy of the factsheet and a sample of available leaflets/resources. It is hoped that this information will be useful should you wish to raise awareness of the issues within your own setting either for Self Injury Awareness Day or as an ongoing part of your emotional wellbeing curriculum. The Samaritans website also offers lesson/workshop plans and worksheets to facilitate discussion in a sensitive and responsible manner.
Self harm is an issue which is causing growing concern not only nationally, but at local level and is often poorly understood. By raising awareness of the issue in a professional and co-ordinated approach we can support individuals to understand why they self harm and how they can adopt less destructive ways of managing their overwhelming emotions.
Information sharing sessions and lectures on self harm have been arranged during the first week of March. Further information and booking details can be found in the attached flyer or using the contact details below.
If you would like any further information on this subject or how to use the resources, please contact or 01634332644.
Yours Sincerely,
Rathini Mills
Mental Health Promotion Project Officer
Public Health Directorate