

Monday, December 7th-Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

Monday, December 7th


12:30-1:45Opening General Session


2:00-3:15Session I Workshops

  • Payroll Budget WorksPresenter: Brandon Seigman

Learn how to use Budget Work to forecast personnel salaries and benefits, update GL Budgets, and perform annual step and salary increases without impacting your live Payroll System

  • W2 Processing and End of Year ClosePresenter: Ryan Gibney

Covers the preparation, processing, and printing of W2’s, as well as the calendar year end initialization of earnings and deduction data

  • 1099 Processing and Vendor MaintenancePresenter: Todd Smith

A review of Calendar Year End processing\1099 preparation and Vendor File Maintenance procedures

  • Budgeting ProceduresPresenter: Linda Shand

Procedures used in the preparation of New Year Budgets,Budget Modifications and Budget Amendments


3:30-4:45Session II Workshops

  • Payroll Budget WorksPresenter: Brandon Seigman

Learn how to use Budget Work to forecast personnel salariesand benefits, update GL Budgets, and perform annual step andsalary increases without impacting your live Payroll System

  • W2 Processing and End of Year ClosePresenter: Ryan Gibney

Covers the preparation, processing, and printing of W2’s, as well as the calendar year end initialization of earnings and deduction data

  • Budgetary Reports, Queries, Tips, and TricksPresenter: Julia Carrington

Learn how to utilize the numerous reports and queries in the Budgetary accounting menus. Find out how to get theinformation you need in the format you need it in.

  • Open Budgetary SessionPresenter: Tim Dunne

Lab Environment to provide users to address specific questionsor problems requiring individualized attention

Tuesday, December 8th

7:30-8:30Buffet Breakfast

8:30-9:45Session III Workshops

  • Human ResourcesPresenter: Shannon Blake

Get the most out of your NextGen HR Application by utilizing the flexible data collection screens, reports and queries

  • Open Human Resources/ Payroll SessionPresenters: Nicole, Jason, and Joan

Bring your questions and suggestions to an informal discussion of the NextGen HR and PR Applications

  • 1099 Processing and Vendor MaintenancePresenter: Todd Smith

A review of Calendar Year End processing\1099 preparation and Vendor FileMaintenance procedures

  • Allocation TrackingPresenter: Linda Shand

An overview of Allocation Tracking set up and procedures used for Instructional Supplies, Technology, Vocational, Library and other expenditures

9:45-10:15Break – Check Out of Hotel

10:15-11:30Session IV Workshops

  • Position ControlPresenter: Shannon Blake

An overview of an integrated NextGen module that manages positions, not just employees, and streamlines the workflow between your HR and PR Departments

  • Payroll Reports, Queries, Tips, and TricksPresenters: Jasonand Brandon

Are you overwhelmed by the numerous reports and queries in the PR and HR menus? Let us help you get the information you need in the format you need it in

  • Fixed AssetsPresenter: David Steelman

A workshop to provide information regarding set-up and recordkeeping of Fixed Assets and Asset Inventory Items

  • Open Budgetary SessionPresenter: Tim Dunne

Lab Environment to provide users to address specific questionsor problems requiring individualized attention

11:30-12:30Buffet Lunch

12:30-1:45Session V Workshops

  • Payroll TroubleshootingPresenter: Nicole Eggert

Find ways to research and fix some of the most common problems that occur in PR Processing, including Compute Errors, Restarting Checks, and entering Input Pay Adjustmentsto History

  • Budgetary TroubleshootingPresenter: Julia Carrington

Get information on how to fix some of the most commonproblems that occur in AP, Requisition and PO Processing including Reporting Parameters, LSA Import Errors, Reprinting Checks, Login issues and other items

  • Document Services/Application CenterPresenter: Bo Gunn

Demonstration of Document Services and Application Center processes and advantages to using these optional services

  • Routing System Presenter: David Steelman

Workshop session to provide information on the use of the Routing System for streamlining notification to applicable individuals involved in approvals

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