Holy Cross?

Central Mass. has traditionally been a center for Catholic loyalty and enthusiasm. Unfortunately, like so many trends lately, there has been a moral shift in this region. We all remember that when Bill Clinton was in the deepest abyss of his scandals he knew all too well there was one place he might still get applause, Mechanics Hall, Worcester, MA! It is therefore hardly surprising that in this place of changing moral winds we find an age-old Catholic (?) Institution, the College of the Holy Cross, just another victim of evil secular Sin!

Recently the leadership at Holy Cross, in particular Father McFarland, S.J. , allowed the presentation for the second straight year (again on the advent of Lent!!) of the Vagina Monologues!!! Once again Father MacFarland says to the greater Faithful Catholic Community “in your face Traditional Catholics”. We here at Holy Cross represent a “new Catholicism” which supports illicit sexual behavior of every variety. We do this, of course, in the name of “diversity” i.e. gay rights, the feminist agenda, Marxism and let’s not forget, SATAN!

You see my dear fellow Catholics, Holy Cross is no more Catholic than UMASS or any other State University because a long time ago (the late 1960’s to be exact) the Jesuit Order became a House Divided! There were those maintaining obedience to the Church’s Official Teaching Authority (the Magisterium) vs. those following the secular course of academic freedom. (In fact, I just returned from California visiting with two very dignified older Jesuits who re-affirmed my suspicions.) Documents abounded during that time upholding the theologian’s right to “speculate” while Catechists were still under the obligation to be obedient in their classroom. Consequently, in the hallowed higher ed. halls of the early 70’s, we began to see a totally new indoctrination of pro-choice mind-sets, feminist assaults on the priesthood, gay or other “alternative” sexual affirmations; not to mention birth-control on demand, Marxist-Socialist-Liberation politics etc. etc. etc. All became acceptable and Very Cool for Professors more concerned about POPULARITY!!!As we all know it was simply hip to turn Leave It To Beaver upside down on his head!!

During the 70’s this growing radical divide existed between those teaching at the parish level vs. those in the elitist-arrogant halls of academia. I was personally recipient of that quasi-Catholic brainwashing; except by God’s Grace I was able to keep my brain intact. The profound difference today, however, is that the majority of students during those revolutionary years are now the mainstream DRE’s (Directors of Religious Education), Dirs. Of Youth Ministry, etc. at your neighboring parish. Many were only too human to take and run with the New Revelation that the Individual, Situational-Circumstances and Political Agendas were now superior to Jesus’s Apostolic Church, Commandments and Salvific Heavenly Atonement!!!

In other words, the bottom-line of “academic freedom” gave immoral license to ivory tower professors and the opportunity to treat dissident, heretical views as legitimate on an equal plane with the Catechism. Indeed, the Catechism’s Authority would now be consistently undermined by being referred to purely as a “reference tool”. (as opposed to a beautiful summation of actual Church Teaching!) The students of these new gurus (who let there be no doubt were no longer Catholic!) were grossly mis-educated by basic Protestantism in Catholic clothes. Yes, this quasi-Catholicism (which cannot be Catholicism at all) has been and still is the overwhelming ideology of the Theology Departments and Administrations of your biggest “Catholic” Universities.

Let there also be no doubt “the Rev. MacFarland,S.J.” was and is quite obviously the product of this time and ill-schooling! He is also an outrage and disgrace to the real Society of Jesus! (who were, by the way, founded to be the intellectual right hand arms of the Holy Father ) He is not representative of the Catholic Priesthood because he does not uphold the Holiness and Truthfullness of clear Authentic Churth Teachings! Neither he or the school in accord with Ex Corde Ecclesia has the right to just “appear” as Catholic.

He is also ARROGANT TO THE MAXIMUM DEGREE in his latest maneuver WHICH IS THE ULTIMATE DISGRACE TO HIS PRIESTHOOD. He should be ashamed and should resign but like too many die-in-the-wool-liberals he will probably wait till his last breadth to “give it up” and admit his wrong-doing.

I just came back (as a long-time Lay Faithful Catholic Minister) from the New Evangelization Conference in Dallas, TX where I had the privledge to meet the New Breed of Catholic Leaders already beyond the horizon. We are Proud to be Catholic, Happy and Faithful! We are also determined to eliminate “embarrassed-Catholicism”; that hodge-podge of Marxism-Feminism-Freudian and Rogerian Psycholgy! We are going to expose this HERESY in O’Reilly-like fashion as we gain control of the airwaves ever so gradually. EVIL never goes away unless it’s exposed. There is great EVIL up on the Hill, “Pres. MacFarland” and it will be “put in His Light” by those “Not Afraid”; just to remember a wonderful motto-phrase of the one you despise the most, the man who will go down as Pope John Paul the Great! Mark my words, “Pres. MacFarland” because I say them as a regular guy with a Certitude and Authority you neither possess or remember!

We will pray for the renewal of Holy Cross and the strength of those Alumni in tears for one long time who yearn to see “The Cross”once again a Rock of Authentic Catholicity!

We will also sincerely pray for your conversion and return home. May Our Lord Be Merciful To You!

Tim Kilcoyne, BA/M.Ed.

Religious Education & Theology, Boston College, 1981 & 1986

Director & Founder- Talk Catholic/ Ed. Services

P.S. The invitation to Chris Matthews is just one more outrageous example of the Administration‘s desire to be more caught up in Politically-Correct Perception and Popularity than representing the Catholic roots and authentic Spirit of the school. When the new guidelines being drawn up in Rome right now regarding “public figures” hits home, these invites will simply not happen.