To graduate students who experience a rigorous academic program and emerge as confident critical thinkers who embrace challenges, demonstrate resiliency, and are empowered to pursue personal goals and contribute positively to their communities.
RIGOR – We hold high expectations academically and behaviorally of all students. Teachers provide challenging, stimulating instruction that emphasizes critical thinking, encourages creativity, and builds confidence.
RELATIONSHIPS – We create innovative programs to establish meaningful relationships between students and staff. These relationships increase trust, enhance motivation and improve academic performance.
RESILIENCE – We challenge students through demanding coursework and extracurricular involvement to demonstrate the courage to take positive risks’ learn from mistakes, value perseverance and strive for excellence.
RESPONSIBILITY – We expect students to value diversity, demonstrate high moral character and commit to become caring, engaged citizens of a global community.
RESULTS – We create a passion for excellence through the collaborative efforts of staff, students, parents and the community. We develop students who possess positive self-esteem, feel confidently prepared for college or a career and commit to being lifelong learners.
Warriors’ period
The Warriors' Period helps all students further their educational goals by providing time, access to school based resources, a small group environment, and a mentoring relationship with a staff member.
Warriors’ Period is:
· Time for teachers to invite students in for additional assistance
· Time for administrators and counselors to check in with students
· Time for students to access help from teachers, work on homework, work with other students on group projects.
The Warriors Period:
Philosophy: The Warriors’ Period supports students as they achieve positive results at the highest possible level of rigor through respectful self-advocacy, improved resiliency, and increased personal responsibility
Class Time
Students are expected to use Warriors’ Period to further their academic achievement. Students should be working on assignments, pursuing independent reading, seeking help from teachers, or organizing their materials.
Students should come to Warriors’ Period with the materials they need to be productive. This includes their agenda, notebooks, textbooks, assignments, writing implements, and independent reading.
Advisory notices & report cards
At mid-quarter, an interim report will be sent home. Students will receive a detailed grade summary in each class to take home during student conference time (see calendar). Parents are encouraged to contact teachers and counselors to review student’s progress, particularly when an advisory is issued. Report cards are mailed home after each quarter.
Students who stay after school should be under the supervision of a coach or teacher. Students who are not staying with a coach or teacher are expected to leave the building by 3:20 PM.
Alumni day
A great Wakefield tradition lives on! Every year, the Counseling Department invites Wakefield alumni to speak with seniors and juniors about all aspects of college life. Various aspects of “life after high school” are explored. Older alumni also speak about career goals and work experiences. Alumni Day is usually held in December. All Alumni are welcome to attend.
ap network
Wakefield’s Instructional Leadership Team can take credit for changing the way our teachers think about just who the AP student is. Formerly, the Advanced Placement students were viewed to be those at the top of the class with the highest GPA’s. These students typically took 2 or more Advanced Placement classes and were highly self-motivated.
Currently, more students are enrolling in AP courses as a result of staff initiatives. Wakefield has devoted five periods to an Advanced Placement coordinator responsible for tracking student progress in AP courses and referring them to tutoring and academic support labs as needed. Our counselors and gifted coordinator assist in identifying talented students early and planning appropriate curriculum with them.
Our Academic Cohort Program identifies African American and Hispanic males in 9th grade who are capable of taking a more demanding course load. These students are supported through graduation. They meet weekly with our gifted Coordinator, a school counselor and social worker to lend support to each other as they tackle-demanding coursework.
Wakefield has always committed to making the AP Exam affordable for our students. Now the fee is paid by the school system, it takes the burden off of our local budget and allows all AP students to test free.
athletic eligibility
Athletes must adhere to the eligibility requirements established by the Virginia High School League. Additionally, Wakefield requires student-athletes to maintain a 2.0 GPA (eligibility policy approved by the Arlington School Board).
1. A student must have passed a least FIVE (5)-credit subjects the immediately preceding year or semester.
2. A student must currently be a full time student, enrolled in at least FIVE (5) credit courses.
3. The student-athlete must have a completed Athletic Participation/Parental Consent/Physical Examination form (2 pages), signed by a parent/guardian, student and physician.
4. A physical is required annually May 1 through June 30 for the following year. All physicals should be turned in to the athletic trainer (Becky Kigin) in room E-030. All physicals must be completed on the new VHSL Physical Form. The student activities office cannot accept sports physicals completed on any other form.
5. The student-athlete must not have reached his/her nineteenth birthday on or before the first day of August of the current school year.
6. No student-athlete is eligible if she/he has attended more than EIGHT (8) consecutive semesters in high school.
7. Transfer student-athletes must see Noel Deskins or Robert Strauss.
8. Providing (any) false information on the physical form could result in ineligibility of up to one year.
1. Wakefield High School will require all student athletes to have a 2.0 GPA and a 2.0 each semester thereafter.
2. All student-athletes are monitored at interim and at grade report time. A student will be placed in study hall if they are deficient in any class.
3. Final eligibility clearance will be granted by the Director of Student Activities (Noel Deskins) in accordance with the VHSL rules and Wakefield requirements.
4. Medical Insurance is mandatory.
5. Team equipment and uniforms are distributed to student athletes once they have made a team. All school issued equipment will be collected at the conclusion of each sport season. Students are expected to pay for all equipment, uniforms, and other school issued items if not returned.
1. Students will submit a written request for an appeal to Ms. Deskins.
2. Ms. Deskins will schedule a meeting with student and their Assistant Principal when needed.
3. Grade history will be reviewed and in some cases, the students’ behavior record.
4. If an appeal is granted, the student will automatically be placed in study hall. A student could be assigned to attend Saturday school to help improve their academic standing.
5. Appeals that are denied are not counted as their one time appeal.
6. Appeals are granted on a one-time basis.
· Transfer students – All transfer students must meet the Wakefield requirements. Transfer students who do not have a cumulative 2.0 may make a one-time appeal.
athletic tryout schedule
Fall Season - (Aug-Nov)Try-outs begin 8/4/14
Follow us on Twitter / Winter Season - (Nov-Feb)
Try-outs begin on 11/10/14
Follow us on Twitter / Spring Season - (Feb-May)
Try-outs begin on 2/23/15
Follow us on Twitter
Cheerleading - @WarriorCheerfam / Boys Basketball
Girls Basketball - @WKgirlshoops / Baseball
Cross Country - @runWakefield / Cheerleading - @WarriorCheerfam / Crew - @WakefieldRowing
Field Hockey - @fieldhockeyWHS / Dance / Boys Lacrosse - @WFLacrosse
Girls Lacrosse -@WHS_Girls_Lax
Football - @WarriorGridiron / Gymnastics / Boys Soccer - @WHS_BoysSoccer
Girls Soccer -
Golf - @varsitygolfWHS / Indoor Track - @runWakefield / Softball - @20WHSsoftball15
Volleyball - @WakefieldVB / Swim/Dive - @WHSswim_dive / Tennis
Wrestling / Outdoor Track - @runWakefield
· OTHER VHSL ACTIVITIES: One Act Play or Theatre Festival (@WakePlayers),
· Scholastic Bowl Team (@WHATteam), & Forensics
· Room C-126 – 703.228.6730
Regular attendance to school is directly related to academic achievement. It is important to attend school daily. Unexcused absences and/or tardiness can result in a failing grade and consequences mandated by State Code. The attendance office determines if an absence is excused or unexcused according to School Board policy.
1. Excused absences: illness, death, quarantine, religious holiday, violent storm, court summons or state emergency, supported by a telephone call and a note from the parent/guardian. The note must be received within two days of the student’s return, and contain the student’s full name, date(s) absent, reason for absence, and the parent or guardian signature and telephone number. College visitations must be approved in advance to be excused. It is the student’s responsibility to make up missed work.
2. Late arrivals: report directly to class (8:15 – 8:30 am). After 8:30, students should report to the Attendance Office in room C-126.
3. Early departure: must be supported by a written note from the parent/guardian and presented to the attendance office at the time of departure. If the student returns that day, he/she should report to the attendance office before returning to class.
The State Legislature has enacted new laws related to excessive unexcused absences.
1. If a student has been absent, unexcused, up to five times, the Attendance
Specialist will arrange a conference with the student and parent or guardian to develop a plan to resolve the unexcused absences.
2. If an additional unexcused absence occurs, a meeting will take place with county officials and the family.
3. If yet another unexcused absence occurs, a petition will be filed, and a hearing held in the court with the parent and student.
Automobiles & parking
Staff parking is provided in the lot immediately in front of the school in the new parking lot area. Visitors to the school should not park in designated areas – (i.e. pool spaces, police officer, etc.). Students may park in the lot but must purchase a parking pass for $10 in room A-139. Visitors are required to sign-in at the main office and will receive a temporary parking pass to display on the dash in their vehicle. Parking in the parking lot is by permit only. Tickets may be issued for those who do not properly display their parking pass.
· Awards are given in recognition of outstanding academic achievement and service to the school and community. Recognition of these students takes place in awards ceremonies held in June.
· Honor Roll (Section) - Principal’s Honor Roll will be awarded to students who obtain a GPA of 3.7 or better per grading period. School Honor Roll will be awarded to students who have earned a GPA of 3.0 to 3.6. No “D”s or “E”s will be accepted for students making the honor roll list.
· Academic Achievement/Service Award- Awarded to students through an application process. The applications are reviewed and audited by a Wakefield administrator. Applicants will be granted awards based on points earned for academic achievement and/or hours of service to Wakefield High School.
· The Outstanding Student Award is presented to the outstanding student in each subject area.
back to school night
This night is scheduled in September and provides parents the opportunity to meet their student’s teachers beginning with first period. Parents are to report to the first period class to hear a brief overview from the principal, PTA and Booster Club presidents, and then are dismissed to begin meeting teachers. In addition senior parents will have the opportunity to meet Senior Project teachers as well as representatives from the Career Center programs.
bicycles, moped, skateboards, roller blades
Parking areas are provided for bicycles and mopeds. Students are not permitted to bring bicycles and mopeds inside the building at any time. The use of skateboards and roller blades are not permitted at any time on school grounds. None of these are permitted in the stadium (including the track) or on the athletic fields/tennis courts.
booster club
Operating the concession stands at the football and basketball games is only one of the activities of the Booster Club. This parent group works diligently to raise money for all extracurricular activities at Wakefield. Wakefield School spirit clothing apparel is often sold during sporting events. The Boosters has also been organizing an annual golf tournament fundraiser using proceeds to help support student groups. Parents are encouraged to get involved and join the Booster Club! Visit our website on the Wakefield page and discover us!
Student Bullying and Harassment
School Board Policy states that the school district is committed to creating a safe, caring, respectful learning environment for all students. Bullying or harassment of students, including bullying based on an actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and mental, physical, or sensory disability, is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.
The school district’s anti-bullying policy applies to school buildings; school grounds; school-sponsored social events, trips and sporting events; and to buses and bus stops. Bullying which occurs off of school premises, including misuse or inappropriate use of technology (cyber bullying) is also prohibited and subject to school discipline when the order, safety or welfare of the school or its students is affected as a result of such out-of-school actions.
Students who bully are subject to disciplinary actions in accordance with school district policies and procedures related to bullying behaviors.
bus service
By School Board Policy, students living one and one-half miles or more from the school may ride a school bus. There are late buses Monday through Thursday, leaving the school at 4:45 pm for students staying for a supervised school activity. There is a 6:45 Sports late bus for students involved in late athletic practices. Students may only ride the bus assigned to them according to where they live. Violations of School Board Transportation policies will result in suspension of transportation privileges.