Center for Student Media Advisory Board
Meeting Agenda
Monday, May 4, 2011
UNF Student Union, Building 58 West, Room 3804
- Call to Order – 10:12am
- Attendance – Lori Durham
Members Present
John Timpe, ChairAdviser, Center for Student Media
Courtney WarnerStudent Government Representative
Ryan WinterStudent Government Representative
Madeline EdwardsStudent in Communication Major
Michelle GanderStudent in non-Communication Major Elect
David JohnsonProfessional Print Journalism Representative
Members Absent
Dave LuckinRadio Professional Broadcasting Representative
Michelle MooreTV Professional Broadcasting Representative
Dr. Horvath-NeimeyerCommunication Department Faculty Representative
(Madeline Edwards will carry Paula Horvath-Neimeyer’s vote as proxy)
Others Present
Matt HeadStation Manager Elect, Osprey TV
Matt BrockelmanStudent Body President
Lori Durham, SecretaryOffice Manager, Center for Student Media
Andrew LandisStation Manager Elect, Osprey Radio
Giovannie MedinaStudent
Chance RyanEditor-in-Chief, the Spinnaker
- New Business
- Update on Student Life Fee
- John – Awaiting Pres. Delaney’s signature. Flexibility on how dollars can be used. Will give CSM flexibility on what we are trying to do here.
- Old Business
- By-law changes
- John –Leaders met. Referenced email sent by leaders to board.
- Matt – We decided on convergence. Spinnaker name will be on website. This will allow business office to be separate and all will work together.
- John – The name, the framework for the long-term legacy kind of things the Board should have a say in. Understanding is that the digital and news gathering would have one identity and it would be Spinnaker news.
- Matt – In terms of selling, will still be individual revenue, but will be bundled rates.
- John – The funding, the monitoring, the spending, the revenue will all be separate. Digital will have to create a new auxiliary account. Business department will be separate. Business office will be like it is now, but it will be able to sell bundled packages.Symbol as to how this works will like how we handle the golf cart. When CSM bought it, Spinnaker paid for ½ and TV and Radio paid ¼. TV and Radio are trying to buy into a third each. Eventually it will be equal and benefits equally.
- John– Proposed bylaw changes.
- Matt B. – Can’t vote as member. He will call for representative, and Ryan will serve as his designee for remaining of this meeting.
- John – Do leaders have any issue with Ryan being designated as Matt’s proxy (sic-representative)?Leaders in agreement.
- John – First thing to vote on is calling news enterprise Spinnaker. Spinnaker Digital News best captures what they are talking about.
- John – Madeline motioned to call new office Spinnaker Digital or Spinnaker Digital news, Ryan Winter seconded. Vote taken, passed 5 to zero.
- John – Next vote is to elevate current CSM Business Manger to head of CSM Business office. This position would be reporting to the Board as a 5th Student Leader.
- Madeline – When we would hire them?
- John – Talked couples of weeks ago about interim for summer so we could get bylaws to Student Affairs for signatures. Then fall interview and vote. Strength will allow us to have an interim under Spinnaker until convergence in fall and give us time to hire digital person. We can pull web positions in other departments into this digital department or find someone to do for May and June and go to special request money for additional dollars to pay until becomes Spinnaker Digital becomes self dependent. Or student life funding may be possibility to fund this position.
We can look over resumes today.Recommendation that John will get together with leaders to review resumes and talk them.
Is board OK to elevate Business Manager to elected and creating Spinnaker Digital Editor? Web Editor now mostly design and creation. Digital editor will be equal with the three leaders. Would have keen news judgment and be able to collaborate.
- David – Motion made to approve as amended bylaw changes B and C, elevation of Business Manager to elected leader and creating Digital Editor position as an elected leader. Madeline seconded motion. Vote taken. Motion passed five to zero.
- John– Spinnaker Independence. Covered some of this at last meeting. Talked about designing an outline for the Board to vote on in the fall. I want Chance’s input on this. Will try to get this to you in the next month or so, for review.
- David J. – Suggested that we install Michelle Gander.
- Michelle – Political Science Major, 3 minors. Interested because always been on some type of advisory board for clubs in high school, processes are good for politics, likes journalism and communications. Madeline suggested she step in. Being on the board will allow her to gain more experience. Believes in freedom of speech.
- John –Board meets once a month. Any time constraints or memberships that would cause you to recue yourself? Michelle- no constraints. Will graduate in spring after internship.
- David – Motion to approve for nominee Michelle Gander as non-communication student representative. Ryan seconded motion. Vote taken, passed five to zero.
- John – Thanked board for their hard work. Still wants to tour WJCT with David.
- Adjournment – 11:05 a.m.