PROPS: 6-foot table, fake weights, visual electrification equipment,car battery, jumper cables, small electric razor, two black straps, collar with device attached, pen, paper

PROPS: (backstage)broom, newspaper, purse


(Opening Scene: Monster is standing against a 6-foot table, which is in an upright position behind him. Dr. Frankenstein and Egor look on.SOUND EFFECT: a thunder storm should be audible.)

DOCTOR: Egor, elevate the voltage!

EGOR: Yes, master!

(EGOR creates sparks by touching powered battery cables together)

DOCTOR: It isn’t working. We need more power!

SPECIAL EFFECT: lightning strikes – this can be visual and/or audible

MASTER: His fingers are twitching!

DOCTOR: His eyes are fluttering! That last burst of lighting must have amped up the voltage to the sufficient power level! Do you know what that means, Egor?

EGOR: Yes, master!

MASTER & EGOR: He’s alive!

DOCTOR: Unstrap him at once!

(MASTER & EGOR unstrap him. The CREATURE then moves forward and grunts.)

DOCTOR: Let’s put him through our tests.

EGOR: Yes, master. I am sure we will see that he is the perfect being!

DOCTOR: How can he be any less than perfect? I was very careful to dig up only the choicest body parts for the creature. His legs are from a marathon champion.

(CREATURE jogs in place)

DOCTOR: His arms are from a body builder.

(CREATURE flexes his biceps)

DOCTOR: His brain is that of a brilliant scientist.

(CREATURE taps on his temple a couple of times).

EGOR: And his heart, master?

DOCTOR: Ah, most important of all . . . his heart . . . it is the heart of a noble person who gave his life and most of his money to help humanity. A very kind heart, indeed.

(CREATURE thumbs his heart and nods his head)

DOCTOR:Come here, my creature; join me in a foot race.

(DOCTOR and CREATURE move to one side of the stage)

EGOR: On your mark; get set, . . . go!

(CREATURE wins race easily)

DOCTOR: Now for the test of strength.

EGOR: (to creature) Lift the weights, Frankie!

(CREATURE easily lifts the weights and performs several repetitions)

DOCTOR: Very good! And now for the test of intelligence.

(EGOR hands CREATURE pencil and paper)

DOCTOR: What is 34, 508 multiplied by 5, 977, divided by 452?

(CREATURE pretends to quickly write the correct answer)

EGOR: Amazing, master!

DOCTOR: Yes! His intelligence is beyond compare! Egor, just think of the possibilities! How much good could the perfect man do for our world today? Think of how many of society’s ills could be improved by this one solitary life! My name, Dr. Frankenstein, will be forever remembered in the annals of science!

EGOR: But aren’t we forgetting something, master?

DOCTOR: What might we be forgetting, Egor?

EGOR: We are forgetting about the final test.

DOCTOR: Ah, so we are! It is the test of true character. Without passing this test a man who is otherwise perfect might well become a most insidious criminal. Egor, bring in the mother and her daughter.

(EGOR approaches the door, opens it, and tells the ladies to enter. MOTHER & DAUGHTER ENTER and approach Dr. Frankenstein. CUSTODIAN ENTERS and goes about custodial duties such as dusting and sweeping.)

DOCTOR: (while EGOR approaches the door) He must pass the test of true character.

DOCTOR: (to ladies) So good to see you, ladies!

MOTHER: Dr. Frankenstein, this had better not be another one of your lame science experiments. That’s all I can say!

DOCTOR: But this time it has been perfected! Everything about him is perfect. Behold, the perfect man!

MOTHER: (carefully observing the creature) Well, he certainly could use a little improvement in the looks department, that’s for sure!

EGOR: But he has a good heart!

MOTHER: (looking again) He better! Because he’s got a face only a momma could love.

DAUGHTER: What do we have to do to help you with this test, Doctor?

DOCTOR: (to daughter) Simply approach the door as if you are planning to leave. (to creature) Creature, please bring in my newspaper from outside.

(MOTHER, DAUGHTER, and CREATURE approach the door. CREATURE pushes them out of his way and EXITS first.)

MOTHER: Ha! The perfect man, huh? Just another jerk if you ask me!

DAUGHTER: Obviously just another of Dr. Frankenstein’s many failed experiments!

DOCTOR: How did I go wrong? How did I go wrong? The perfect man – a good heart. It was my life’s work! How did I go wrong?

CUSTODIAN: If you don’t mind, sir; I believe I know what went wrong. You expected to be able to create a man without a sin nature. But the Bible says that all have sinned against God. As perfect as he may appear, the creature still has an evil sin nature inside. It can make him wild beyond control! It is only by salvation in the name of Jesus Christ that this sin nature can be controlled. Look! He is beginning to manifest this evil nature!

(CREATURE grabs the mother’s purse as MOTHER screams)

DOCTOR: No! I made this creature and I know how to control him!

(DOCTOR zaps the CREATURE with an electric razor. Sound is amplified by a microphone to sound like a remote control shocking device. CREATURE just gets mad, tears it off and starts to come after the DOCTOR.)

EGOR: Stop!


EGOR: (to audience) Is there a wild creature inside of you tonight? Give your life to the only one who can truly bring it under control . . . give your life to Jesus!