Joseph E. Trimble 1

September 2017


Joseph Everett Trimble


Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Department of Psychology

516 High Street, Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA 98225.

Telephone - 360.650.3058, Fax – 360.650.7305, E-Mail Address


Ph.D. in Social Psychology, University of Oklahoma, 1969. Concentrated in interdisciplinary studies in psychology and sociology at the Institute of Group Relations. Doctoral dissertation, chaired by William R. Hood, titled, Psychosocial indices of employed and unemployed male western Oklahoma American Indians.

  • M.A. in General Psychology, University of New Hampshire, 1965. Concentrated studies in clinical and experimental psychology.
  • B.A. in General Psychology, Waynesburg College (now University), 1961. Concentrated studies in psychology, natural science, British literature, and French.
  • RF (Radcliffe Fellow and Visiting Professor). Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, 2000-2001.


  • Graduate studiesin psychology at Harvard University, 1964-1966.
  • Studied Computer Science at the University of Colorado in 1969 under a National Science Foundation Summer Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • Studied Mass Communication at the University of Ohio in 1971 under a National Science Foundation Summer Institute Postdoctoral Fellowship.
  • Studied Cross-Cultural Counseling at the Cultural Learning Institute under a fellowship from the National Institute of Mental Health, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawai’i, 1976.


2000 –2001: Harvard University, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Fellow and Visiting Professor.

1979-Present:Western Washington University. Distinguished University Professor, Professor of Psychology and Professor in the Woodring College of Education (tenured, June 1985). Research Associate in the Center for Cross-Cultural Research.

2011-Present. President’s Professor. Center for Alaska Native Health Research. University of Alaska Fairbanks, AK.

1990-1999/2001-2009: Director, Office of Institutional Assessment, Research, and Testing, Western Washington University.

1990-Present:Colorado State University. Tri-Ethnic Center for Prevention Research, Department of Psychology, Center Scholar and Adjunct Professor of Psychology.

1986-Present:Colorado School of Public Health. National Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research. Research Associate.

1995-1999: University of Alaska, Anchorage. Adjunct Research Professor. Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies.

1986, 1994 (Summer): University of Alaska, Fairbanks. Visiting Professor of Psychology.

1980-1986: Oregon Health Sciences University. Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychiatry.

1981-1986: Portland State University. Institute on Aging, Research Associate.

1975-1978: Battelle Human Affairs Research Centers, Seattle, Washington. Research Scientist, Social Change Study Center.

1968-1975: Oklahoma City University. Associate Professor of Psychology (tenured, June,1972).

1972-1973: University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. Adjunct Professor of Human Ecology.

1968: University of Oklahoma. American Indian Institute. Research Associate.

1968: University of Oklahoma. Department of Psychology. Research and Teaching Assistant.

1967: University of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Center for Continuing Education. VISTA Trainer.

1963-1964: University of New Hampshire. Department of Psychology. Research Assistant.


  • Psi Chi, Honorary Society in Psychology, elected 1965.
  • Fellow, American Psychological Association in Division 2, the Society for the Teaching of Psychology, Division 8, the Psychological Study of Social Issues, Division 27, Society for Community Action and Research, Division 45, the Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race, and Division 48, the Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict, and Violence. (First elected in 1981).
  • Fellow, National Science Foundation, 1971, at the University of Ohio and 1969, at the University of Colorado. Both were for summer institute study in mass communication and computer science, respectively.
  • Visiting Scientist for the American Psychological Association, October 1971.
  • Distinguished Scholar, Committee on the Role and Status of Ethnic Minorities in Educational Research, American Educational Research Association, 1985.
  • Outstanding Teacher/Scholar, 1983-1984, Western Washington University.
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, 1986-1987, Western Washington University.
  • Certificate of Appreciation for Outstanding Contribution to the Development and Implementation of the National Institute on Drug Abuse's Special Populations Research Programs, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1991.
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues (Division 45 of the American Psychological Association), 1994.
  • Certificate of Appreciation for Counsel During Term of Office as a Member of the Epidemiology and Prevention Research Subcommittee, National Institute on Drug Abuse, February 1999.
  • Paul J. Olscamp Outstanding Faculty Research Award, Western Washington University, June 1999.
  • The Eleventh Annual Janet E. Helms Award for Mentoring and Scholarship in Professional Psychology, February 2001, at the Teachers College, Columbia University, 18th Annual Roundtable on Cross-Cultural Psychology and Education.
  • Distinguished Psychologist Award for 2002 presented by the Washington State Psychological Association.
  • Certificate of Appreciation for Services as a Member of the Psychosocial Risk and Disease Prevention Study Section, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institute of Health, Center for Scientific Review, June 2004.
  • Peace and Social Justice Award given by the American Psychological Association’s Division of Peace Psychology. August 2004.
  • Allen L. Edwards Lecturer Fellowship, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, February 2006.
  • Distinguished Elder Award, National Multicultural Conference and Summit, Seattle, WA, January 2007.
  • O’Brien Visiting Professor, Scripps College, Claremont, CA, March 2007.
  • The Mary Hennessey Blum Lecturer, Department of Psychology, University of New Hampshire, April 2008.
  • The Henry Tomes Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Psychology from the American Psychological Association’s Council of National Psychological Associations for the Advancement of Ethnic Minority Interests and the Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues, presented at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 2009.
  • International Lifetime Achievement Award, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, presented at the 5th Critical Multicultural Counselling and Psychotherapy Conference, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 2009.
  • American Psychological Association G. Stanley Hall/Harry Kirke Wolfe Senior Lecturer for 2012.
  • Francis J. Bonner, MD Award, Massachusetts General Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Center for Diversity. MD award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of ethnic minority mental health. Boston, MA, November 2013.
  • Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award. The award recognizes educators who have inspired their former students to “create an organization which has demonstrably conferred a benefit on the community at large” or “establish on a lasting basis a concept, procedure, or movement of comparable benefit to the community at large.” Atlanta, GA, November 2013.
  • Diversity Achievement Award, Western Washington University, September2016.
  • Gold Medal for Lifetime Achievement in Psychology in the Public Interest presented by American Psychological Foundation, August 2017. Presented at the 125thconvention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.


Development of socio-economic model to assist unemployed, underprivileged adults in procuring employment training – Funded to the State of Oklahoma, Department of Vocational and Technical Education by Ford Foundation Grant, August 1969, 1970. Project Director.

Development of disguised structured attitude scale to measure attitudes toward labor – Funded by the Oklahoma Consortium for Research and Development to Oklahoma City University October 1969. Research Director.

Development of an index of the social indicators of the American Indian in Oklahoma – Funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development – through State of Oklahoma Office of Community Affairs and Planning – August 1969 to January 1972.

A time budget study of traditional, transitional and acculturated Oklahoma American Indians – Funded to Oklahoma City University by the Oklahoma Consortium for Research and Development – October,1969. Research Director.

Contracted to develop and conduct an Adult Behavioral Modification Institute for the Driver Who Drinks by the Oklahoma City Alcohol Safety Action Project, through the U.S. Department of Transportation - January,1972-1975.

Contracted by the Association of American Indian Social Workers to conduct and direct a nationwide study and survey of the self-image of the American Indian – June,1972 to June 1975.

Contracted by Creek Nation of Oklahoma through Office of Native American Programs to research community definition and socioeconomic development, 1975.

Grant from Battelle Memorial Institute to conduct conference on multi-ethnic mental health, 1975.

Contract from State of Washington, Department of Emergency Services, to research socioeconomic consequences of floods in western Washington and prepare planning for socioeconomic recovery program, 1976.

Contract from U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration to explore consequences of energy exploration and development on cultural impact and social consequences on American Indian reservations, 1976.

Contract from National Indian Education Association and Office of Indian Education, DHEW to conduct and review literature on Indian education, develop sampling plan, and instrumentation for national needs assessment in Indian education, 1976.

Grant from Battelle Memorial Institute to complete data analysis, compile background material and complete manuscript on self-image of American Indians, 1976.

Contract from Northwest Indian Training Institute through National Institute on Alcohol Abuse to conduct program evaluation of training of Indian alcoholism counselors, 1977.

Grant from National Institute of Mental Health, Psychology Training Branch, to conduct conference on mental health graduate education needs of American Indians, 1977.

Grant from the National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health, to investigate ethnic-minority adaptation to life-threatening events, 1979. Principal Investigator.

Grant from National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Prevention Division, to conduct alcohol prevention research using a behavioral-cognitive approach with American Indian youth, 1980. Co-principal Investigator.

Grant from National Institute of Mental Health, Psychology Education Branch, to develop a cross-cultural counseling component for the graduate program in counseling psychology, 1981. Program Director.

Contract from Lummi Indian Business Council to evaluate the Lummi Johnson-O'Malley education program, 1981, 1982, and 1983.

Contract with G. Cvetkovich from State of Washington Department of Social and Health Services, to conduct research on Washington State food stamp work registrant characteristics, 1986-1987.

Grant with S. Manson entitled: Problematic Life Situations: Cross-Cultural Variation in Support Mobilization Among the Elderly. Administration on Aging, Office of Human Development, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,1981. Co-principal investigator.

Grant, National Institute on Mental Health, Psychology Education Branch, to continue to develop and maintain crosscultural counseling component for the graduate program in counseling psychology, 1983-1985. Program Director.

Grant, (with Steven Schinke) National Institute on Drug Abuse, University of Washington and Columbia University, to conduct drug prevention research using a behavioral-cognitive approach with American Indian youth, 1983-1987, 1987-1991.

Grant, State of Washington, Department of Social and Human Services, to conduct research on mental health utilization patterns of American Indian clients, 1984-1985.

Contract from the Indian Health Service, Northwest Regional Office to evaluate the effectiveness of a tribal based health maintenance program, 1987-1988.

Grant, (with Patricia Fabiano), U. S. Department of Education, Project WE CAN 2000: Next steps forward toward healthy and safe campuses, 1997 - 2000. Co-principal investigator.


Served as a data and methodological analyst and consultant for the State of Oklahoma Department of Vocational and Technical Education, l969 to 1973.

Served on the Board of Directors of the Urban League of Oklahoma City, 1970 to 1975. Elected secretary, January 1975.

Served as a data analyst for the State of Oklahoma Division of Research and Planning of the Industrial Development and Parks Department, 1970 to 1971.

Served as a project and research consultant for the Oklahoma Indian Affairs Commission, 1972 to 1973.

Consultant, lecturer and assistant curriculum coordinator for Huron College (SD) and University of South Dakota for continuing education and cultural awareness programs for public school teachers of Indian students (summers), 1971 to 1974.

Consultant to the Weyerhaeuser Company, Hot Springs, Arkansas in the area of interethnic relations, 1973 to 1974.

Consultant for the National Institute of Education, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Washington, DC in the area of ethnic studies, 1973.

Appointed to serve on the Initial Review Group for the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Department of Health, Education and Welfare, January,1975. Term expired 1979.

Served on a minority research committee established by the United States Commission on Civil Rights to evaluate research on school desegregation, November,1973.

Consultant and lecturer for the National Drug Education Center at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, 1972-1974.

Consultant for the Creek Nation of Oklahoma, Okmulgee, Oklahoma, in the area of community development, 1974-1975.

Consultant for the White Cloud Center, American Indian Mental Health Research and Development Program, University of Oregon Health Sciences Center, 1975-1984.

Consultant for National Institute on Aging to develop research programs for elderly ethnic minorities, 1977.

Technical assistant to U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration to recommend relocation program for people of Enewetok Atoll, Marshall Islands, 1977.

Consultant for the National Academy of Sciences and National Science Foundation to review pre-doctoral student fellowships in psychology,1979,1981,1982.

Research consultant with the Alaska Native Human Resources Center, Alaska Native Foundation, to assist in the identification of Alaska Native leadership characteristics and development of a program to train potential Native leaders in reflective use of leadership skills, 1979 - 1981.

Grant Review Committee member, National Institutes of Health, Special Study Section, on Implications of International Migration for the United States, 1980.

Consultant for Development Associates, Inc., Arlington, Virginia, to provide technical assistance on the impact evaluation of Title IV, Part A of the Indian Education Act, 1980 - 1983.

Consultant for Native American Research Associates, Lawrence, Kansas, for research and development efforts concerning mental health and education, 1980.

Special Review Committee member, Technical Consultant for Drug Abuse and Prevention with Ethnic-Minority Populations, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1983.

Technical Program Consultant, Division of Special Mental Health Programs, Prevention Research Branch, National Institute of Mental Health, 1983.

Grant Review Committee member, National Institute of Mental Health, Small Grants Program, 1983-1984.

Special Review Committee Member, Clinical Training Programs for Disadvantaged Populations, National Institute of Mental Health, 1984,1985,1986.

Professional Associate, Institute of Culture and Communication, The East-West Center, Honolulu, HI, 1979, 1980, l985.

Co-Committee Chair, Committee to Develop Training Curriculum for Introducing Special Populations Researchers to the Field of Drug Abuse, Prevention Research Branch, National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1985-1986, 1986, 1988.

Advisory Panel, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Office of Science, 1988-1991.

Special Review Committee, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Clinical and Behavioral Research Review Committee, 1988.

Special Review Committee, National Institute on Mental Health, Research Development and Special Projects Review Committee, 1988.

Review Committee, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Special Populations Drug Abuse Prevention Research, 1989.

Review Committee, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Smoking Cessation Research on Ethnic Minorities, 1989.

Chair, American Indian and Alaska Native Research Development Seminar, sponsored by the Indian Health Service and the Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Bethesda, MD, 1989

Review Committee, SBIR, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Prevention of Alcohol Abuse Among Ethnic-Minority Adolescents, Chevy Chase, MD, 1990.

Review Committee, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Strong Heart Studies, Bethesda, MD, 1991.

Co-chair, Ethnic Minorities Research Workshop, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Special Populations Research, Bethesda, MD, 1991.

Member, Research Subcommittee of the Citizen' s Advisory Council on Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, State of Washington, 1990 - 1992.

Technical Advisor and Facilitator, Development of a Curriculum for Cultural Competence and Program Evaluation for Drug Prevention Activities, Office for Substance Abuse Prevention, Silver Spring, MD, 1991.

Initial Review Group, High Risk Youth Committee, Office for Substance Abuse Prevention, Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, July 1991 - June 1994.

Member, National Center for the Advancement of Prevention (NCAP) Evaluation and Measurement Work Group, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Bethesda, MD, January 1995.

Technical Advisor, National Association for Native American Children of Alcoholics, Seattle, WA, June 1995 – May 1996.

Review Committee, National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, January 1996.

Advisory Committee, Building a Diverse Archive Project, Henry A. Murray Research Center, Radcliffe College, Harvard University, 1996 - 2004.

Review Committee Member, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Division of Epidemiology and Prevention Research, 1997-1999.

Member, Project Expert Panel, National Assessment of Linguistically and Culturally Appropriate Services in Managed Care Organizations Serving Racially and Ethnically Diverse Communities, Office of Minority Health, Office of Public Health and Science, National Institutes of Health, United States Department of Health and Human Services, 1998-2000.

Member, Special Emphasis Review Committee, HIV/AIDS Prevention in Rural Communities, National Institute on Mental Health, Washington, DC, 1998.

Member, Advisory Panel for the U. S. Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Program for Combating Underage Alcohol Use, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, Rockville, MD, 1999-2004.

Review Committee, Minority Mental Health Centers Special Emphasis Panel, National Institute on Mental Health, Washington, DC, November 1998.

Member, Evaluation Guidance Committee, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention’s National Cross-Site Evaluation of the State Incentive Grant Program, Rockville, MD, June 1999.

Member, Risk, Prevention, and Health Behavior Initial Review Group, Center for Scientific Review. National Institutes of Health, 1999-2004.

Member, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention Data Coordinating Center Steering Committee, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,1999-2001.

Member, Native American Researchers and Scholars Workgroup (NARSWG), University of Arizona and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2000-2002.

Member, Steering Committee, Conference on Ethics in Mental Health Science Involving Ethnic Minority Children and Youth, National Institute of Mental Health and Fordham University, 2000-2001.

Member, Review Panel, National Institute on Drug Abuse Transdisciplinary Drug Prevention Research Center Review, 2002.