Board of State and Community Corrections

Corrections Planning and Programs Division

Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) - Direct Allocation Program

2012/2013 Quarterly Progress Report



Grantee: / Grant Award Number:
(This is your current contract number)
Implementing Agency: / Project Title:
Prepared by:
Title: / Phone: () -
Email: / Date Submitted:
Day-to-Day Contact:
Title: / Email:
Reporting Quarters
Qtr 1
July-September 2012 / Qtr 2
October-December 2012 / Qtr 3
January-March 2013 / Qtr 4
April-June 2013
Specify Program Purpose Area(s) identified in your Application: / Federal Grant Funds Awarded this year:
Group(s) Served
Check all that apply / Group(s) Targeted
Check all that apply / Population
Youth population not directly served (skip to Section 2)
American Indian/Alaskan Native
Black/African American
Hispanic or Latino
Native Hawaiian & other Pacific Islander
First Time Offenders
Repeat Offenders
Sex Offenders
Status Offenders
Violent Offenders
11 & under
18 and over
Mental Health
Substance Abuse


PR Revised 9/2012

Board of State Community Corrections

Corrections Planning and Programs Division

Juvenile Accountability Block Grant (JABG) - Direct Allocation Program

2012/2013 Quarterly Progress Report



Below are Core Performance measures that are required of all grantees funded with Juvenile Accountability Block Grant funds. Please provide data in all the fields below. Should your project be unable to provide the data requested, an explanation must be provided for all zero reported data fields.

Mandatory Core Performance Measures
1. / Number and percent of programs/initiatives employing evidence-based practices
/ A. / Number of program/initiatives employing best practices / 0
/ B. / Number of programs/initiatives / 0
/ C. / Percent A/B / 0
2. / Number and percent of youth with whom an evidence-based practice was used
/ A. / Number of youth with whom a best practice is used / 0
/ B. / Number of youth / 0
/ C. / Percent A/B / 0
3. / Number of youth or youth and families served
/ A. / Number of program youth (or youth and families) carried over from the previous reporting period, plus new admissions during the reporting period. / 0
4. / Number and percent of program youth completing program requirements
/ A. / Number of program youth who exited the program having completed program requirements / 0
/ B. / Number of youth who left the program / 0
/ C. / Percent A/B
5. / Number and percent of program youth who offend during the reporting period
/ A. / Total number of program youth served / 0
/ B. / Number of program youth tracked during this reporting period / 0
/ C. / Of B, the number of program youth who had a new arrest or delinquent offense during this reporting period / 0
/ D. / Number of program youth who were recommitted to a juvenile facility during this reporting period / 0
/ E. / Number of program youth who were sentenced to adult prison during this reporting period / 0
/ F. / Number of youth who received another sentence during this reporting period / 0
/ G. / Percent OFFENDING (C/B)
6. / Number and percent of program youth who offend during the reporting period
/ A. / Number of program youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago that you are tracking / 0
/ B. / Of A, the number of program youth who had a new arrest or delinquent offense during this reporting period / 0
/ C. / Number of program youth who were recommitted to a juvenile facility during this reporting period / 0
/ D. / Number of program youth who were sentenced to adult prison during this reporting period / 0
/ E. / Number of youth who received another sentence during this reporting period / 0
/ F. / Percent of Long Term RECIDIVISM (B/A)
7. / Number and percent of program youth who re-offend
/ A. / Total number of program youth served / 0
/ B. / Number of program youth tracked during this reporting period / 0
/ C. / Of B, the number of program youth who had a new arrest or delinquent offense during this reporting period / 0
/ D. / Number of program youth who were recommitted to a juvenile facility during this reporting period / 0
/ E. / Number of program youth who were sentenced to adult prison during this reporting period / 0
/ F. / Number of youth who received another sentence during this reporting period / 0
/ G. / Percent RECIDIVISM (C/B)
8. / Number and percent of program youth who re-offend
/ A. / Number of program youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago that you are tracking / 0
/ B. / Of A, the number of program youth who had a new arrest or delinquent offense during this reporting period / 0
/ C. / Number of program youth who were recommitted to a juvenile facility during this reporting period / 0
/ D. / Number of program youth who were sentenced to adult prison during this reporting period / 0
/ E. / Number of youth who received another sentence during this reporting period / 0
/ F. / Percent of Long Term RECIDIVISM (B/A)
9. / Number and percent of program youth who are victimized
/ A. / Total number of program youth served / 0
/ B. / Number of program youth tracked during this reporting period for (re)victimization / 0
/ C. / Of B, the number of program youth who were (re)victimized / 0
/ D. / C/B
10. / Number and percent of program youth who are victimized
/ A. / Number of program youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago that you are tracking for victimization / 0
/ B. / Of A, the number of program youth who were victimized during this reporting period / 0
/ C. / Percent (b/a)
11. / Number and percent of program youth who are re-victimized
/ A. / Total number of program youth served / 0
/ B. / Number of program youth tracked during this reporting period for re-victimization / 0
/ C. / Of B, the number of program youth who were re-victimized / 0
/ D. / C/B
12. / Number and percent of program youth who are re victimized
/ A. / Number of program youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago that you are tracking for re-victimization / 0
/ B. / Of A, the number of program youth who were re-victimized during this reporting period / 0
/ C. / Percent (b/a)
13a. / Antisocial behavior
/ A. / Number of program youth with the noted behavioral change during the reporting period / 0
/ B. / Number of youth in the program who received services for this behavior / 0
/ C. / Percent A/B
13b. / Antisocial behavior
/ A. / Total number of youth who exited the program 6-12 months ago who had the noted behavioral change / 0
/ B. / Number of youth who exited the program 6-12 months earlier and received services for this behavior / 0
/ C. / Percent (A/B)

Zero Data - Explain all zero reported data:

Below are output and outcome measures that are required for your project’s program purpose area(s). Please provide data for all fields below. Should your project be unable to provide the data requested, an explanation must be provided for all zero reported data fields.

Program Purpose Area: 17 Reentry
Output Measure #457
1.  Amount of funds allocated to pre-release and post-release programming
A.  Number of dollars spent on pre-release and post-release programming / 0
Program Purpose Area: 17 Reentry
Outcome Measure #471
1. / Number and percent of target youth to receive pre-release and post-release programming
/ A.
C. / Number of youth to participate in pre-release and post-release
Number of youth served
Percent (A/B) / 0

Explain all zero reported data: (i.e. Project does not provide direct services to youth)

Additional measures collected: Please describe any additional data collected (as outputs or outcomes) for your project that may demonstrate program effectiveness but were not included in the above federal mandatory measurements.



A.  Goals and Progress – List project goals and the progress associated with each goal.

B.  Evidence Based Practices – List the EBPs currently utilized in your JABG project.

– How are these EBPs being evaluated to determine effectiveness?

– What program outcomes have been achieved to date as a result of this evaluation?

C.  Expenditure Status:

Federal Award Amount / $
Amount Invoiced Year-to-Date (Sum of Quarterly Invoices) / $
Percent of Award Invoiced to Date (Amount above ÷ Annual Award) / %

In relation to the expenditure status as identified above, are federal funds being expended as planned and on the schedule provided in your JABG application? Yes No

If not, please explain why, and describe what expenditure plans exist for the duration of the grant period.

Are matching funds being claimed as planned? If not, please explain why.

D.  Staffing – Indicate whether all positions included in the application have been filled. If positions remain unfilled, what is the plan and anticipated outcome for staffing of the program? Are surplus funds anticipated due to salary savings, and what is the plan for these funds?

E.  Problem Identification – Describe problems the project has encountered during the reporting period, if any, particularly those that may be affecting project effectiveness or have the potential for affecting program outcomes. Examples of areas where problems of this nature may exist are program administration, service delivery, rate of referrals and participant enrollment. Indicate the steps taken to resolve any problems mentioned.

F.  Project Changes – Describe major changes or modifications that have taken place in the reporting period, if any. This should include budget, project management, service delivery, or changes to contact persons listed in the original application.

G.  Proposed Changes – Describe any changes that are being proposed to improve the program within the next reporting period. (Note that some changes may require a formal Budget/Program Modification to be approved by your Field Representative.)

H.  Activities – Describe any significant program activities anticipated in the next reporting period (i.e., award ceremonies, graduation ceremonies, media events).



If you would like technical assistance, please identify the nature of the request:



Complete this section for the final reporting period only, in addition to all other sections of the Progress Report.

A.  Discuss overall program effectiveness. Specifically, how have the problems identified in the application been addressed? What progress has been made in the program’s ability to promote juvenile accountability, and prevent or reduce juvenile crime in your community?

B. Describe collaboration efforts with other agencies throughout the grant period.

C. Describe efforts the project has made toward program sustainability beyond the grant period.

D.  Describe recommended program modifications/improvements should the program be replicated or continued.

E.  Describe lessons learned from the program.


F.  What data, above and beyond the Federal Performance Measures, have been collected related to this project that support outcomes demonstrating program effectiveness? What are the successful outcomes?

Submit one copy of the report to your assigned

Field Representative electronically or a hard copy to:

Board of State and Community Corrections, 600 Bercut Drive, Sacramento, CA 95811

For BSCC Use Only

Field Representative Reviewing Report:

Date Reviewed:



PR Revised 9/2012