Cellular Telephone/Tablet/Reimbursement Policy
This policy is established as guidance to employees, who by the nature of their work, are required to be accessible by telephone regardless of the time of day, day of the week, or geographical location or operation of a tablet. Vice Presidents and department heads will determine service equipment and the type of services necessary to fulfill specific University responsibilities. Costs related to these services will be the responsibility of the Department.
University employees are strongly discouraged from using a university provided cell phone while operating a motor vehicle. When it is necessary to use the phone while driving, employees are encouraged to use “hands-free” phones in limited situations and not for prolonged conversation. Cell phone use while driving should only occur when in accordance with local laws and statutes or in an emergency situation.
Employees may be provided with cell phone service or reimbursed as a condition of employment. Employees must seek the approval of their supervisor and department head regarding eligibility and authorization procedures. Subject to approval by the supervisor, department head, and the Vice President for Business Affairs the employees may receive cell phone service through a university-purchased cell phone. All tablet purchases must be approved by the supervisor, department head, Vice President and the Director of Information Systems. This policy applies to all cell phone and/or tablet contracts entered into by Charleston Southern University employees as well as employees being reimbursed for cell phone costs by the University.
This policy applies to all employees and other persons who have or are responsible for any cellular device issued by the University or conduct business on behalf of the school using any cellular device. Business use is any use in the course of performing specific job-related duties on behalf and for the benefit of the University.
It is the policy of Charleston Southern University to consider the issuance of a cellular device when the responsibilities of an employee require:
· The employee to be reachable immediately.
· The employee to be “on call” outside of normal business hours.
· The employee is not normally present at a fixed workstation and timely communication
would otherwise be difficult to transact.
· The employee is required to make frequent and/or prolonged travel.
· Attend meetings requiring tablet functionality such as recruiting, etc.
The final decision on whether an employee will be issued a cellular device/reimbursement rests with the Vice President for Finance. However, cellular devices/reimbursements will not be issued to
student workers, contract employees, part-time, temporary personnel, consultants, or other workers that do not have a compelling use for the technology.
The Vice President for Finance has the ultimate authority interpreting and administering the Cellular Device Policy.
Issuing A Cellular Device
Employees requiring the use of a CSU-owned cellular phone must go through an application process and clearly define why the phone is needed on the purchase order. Employees must be approved and authorized by the employee’s department or department head in writing by email or memo before submission to the purchasing department.
Vice Presidents or department heads will be responsible for determining the best plan and equipment for the employee. In order to take advantage of volume pricing discounts, Charleston Southern University has standardized cellular device equipment, cellular service packages, and cellular accessories. Departments may, at their discretion, purchase cellular phone accessories (batteries, chargers, covers, cases, head/ear phones etc.). Employees are responsible for paying for any service upgrade, unless specific business needs require it and it is approved by the Vice President for Finance.
Cellular Telephone Management
Cell Phone Tracking - Users will be added to a telecommunications database as their cellular service orders are processed. Each user must contact the Purchasing Department to turn in cellular devices to be removed from the database. The user has the option of assuming the liability of a cellular phone. The process is completed through the Purchasing Department**Please note: the department or the individual will continue to be billed for services until you submit a request to discontinue service!
Cell Phone Mismanagement – Information Systems and purchasing will attempt to help identify inappropriate cell phone usage by keying on “red flag areas”. The determination will be facilitated by monthly examination of the invoice. Identified misuse of cell phones may result in termination of cellular services.
Termination or transfer – The phone must be returned to the Purchasing Department upon an employee’s transfer to another department or termination of employment with CSU. Failure to return the device will result in withholding the cost of the equipment from the employee’s final paycheck. If the balance is not satisfied, an invoice will be issued for the outstanding balance.
Two Year Service Contracts
Upon being issued, all cell phones and tablets will be used in accordance with this policy for a term of 24 months. Employees are responsible for the condition of each cell phone or tablet and are expected to make all reasonable efforts to maintain each device in good condition and to avoid damage. In the event that a device is damaged beyond use, the employee will be issued a functional used device from a pool of retired equipment for use until the end of the two year term. Unnecessary device upgrades for convenience will not be allowed.
CSU, in its sole discretion may determine that damages to a cellular device were due to the negligence of the employee. Such negligence will require the employee to replace the device at their own expense. The Business Office and employee’s supervisor will work together to determine such negligence.
Personal Cell Phone Reimbursement
Under certain circumstances employees may be allowed a reimbursement for business use of a personal cell phone in lieu of a CSU issued device. Approval for this reimbursement must follow the same procedure as that of "Issuing a Cellular Device" indicated above. Employees may submit for reimbursement the percentage of actual cost of a personal cell phone used for business purposes up to a maximum reimbursement of $50.00 per month.
Employee Declaration
I, ______[employee name], have read and understand the above Cellular Phone Policy issued, and agree to adhere to the rules outlined therein.
Employee Signature______Date______
Integrating Faith in Learning, Leading and Serving
Policy Issue Date 08/18/2008- Updated 1/9/2018