UNIT 1 Task1 (Cells in action)
Notes to Teachers : Students can work in pairs or 3 depending class size. This task will be done mainly in the classroom time (maybe 4-5 periods of 50 mins ). I am first year teacher out so please feel free to modify/improve the task as you may think appropriate. Also you may wish to scaffold with more questions depending on ability of class/students.
Also important to monitor their progress and guide them to the breadth/depth that you wish them to go to. I have listed 5 topics for this task but you there may be more you can add. I have prepared a assessment criteria sheet based on suggested guidelines in VCE handbook, which follow at the end of this task.
Please note that although its group work, there are criteria in the assessment sheet which allow discriminators for individual marking.
Task: To research and prepare an oral presentation on one of the topics listed below. The task focuses on comparing cell types and details of cell structure for each type (exploring unity & diversity).
Plant cell- The inside story
Animal cell- the inside story
Mold/Yeast- the inside story
Bacteria- Inside story
Amoeba- Inside Story
Questions that will be addressed in this task:
Am I prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Why am I one or the other?
How big or small am I? Compare me to something visible.
What are my different parts/ structures?
Am I a specialized cell? What are my functions?
Give other examples of specialized cells in my kingdom.
In what ways am I similar to other cells of my kingdom/group?
(i.e plant/animal/bacteria)
Give a few examples of organisms that have me in them.
In what ways am I different to cells of organisms from other kingdoms/groups?
Am I a single celled organism? Do I cause any diseases?
Give examples of my cell type
Do my function/s get affected by disease?
Some websites that you may find useful are listed below. You may use other websites, texts or any other resources if needed. All resources need to be referenced in the task.
Suggested websites for research
Student text or any other biology texts from library
Coburg Senior High School
Subject: BiologyTeacher:
Cell- The Inside Story (exploring Unity & Diversity in Structure & Function)
Student name:
Task Submitted on Time: YES NO
This Assessment Task will be marked according to the criteria below. This is an indication of level of achievement of your group as well as you as an individual.
Criteria / Level of AchievementUNSAT / PASS / CRED / DIST / HD
Quality of Presentation / Appropriate use of images; creativity/originality of presentation product.
10 marks
Communication of knowledge & understanding to the intended audience (Quality of presentation to rest of the class (explanation, eye contact, handling questions)
20 marks
Collaborative nature of group work (individual contribution of each member as well as ability to work with other student/s)
20 marks
Quality of Content / Demonstrates knowledge of structure & function of cell type studied.
Understands concept of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic.
25 marks
Displays Understanding of & Evaluates similarities & differences between cells (unity & diversity amongst organisms).
25 marks
General Comments / Indicative Grade/Mark (Total out of 100)
VCE Biology : Oral Presentation – Cell- Inside Story
Descriptors for Typical performance in each range
MARK RANGE / DESCRIPTOR: typical performance in each rangeHD
(high distinction)
80-100 marks / Comprehensive knowledge of the structure and function of the cell type chosen for the task. Critical evaluation of the similarities and differences of this and other cell types. Comprehensive understanding of the concept of unity & diversity amongst organisms. Highly effective communication of knowledge and understanding to the intended audience. A high quality presentation with excellent images & creativity with accuracy of information.
70-79 marks / Detailed knowledge of the structure and function of the cell type chosen for the task. Thorough evaluation of the similarities and differences of this and other cell types. Detailed understanding of the concept of unity & diversity amongst organisms. Effective communication of knowledge and understanding to the intended audience. A good quality presentation with creative use of images along with accuracy of information.
60-69 marks / Mostly accurate knowledge of the structure and function of the chosen cell type. Some evaluation of the similarities and differences between this and other cell types. General understanding of the concept of unity & diversity amongst organisms. Mostly effective communication of knowledge and understanding to the intended audience. A reasonable quality presentation with mostly accurate information.
50-59 marks / Some knowledge of the structure and function of the cell type chosen. Some evaluation of the similarities and differences between this and other cell types Some understanding of the concept of unity & diversity amongst organisms. Some communication of knowledge and understanding to the intended audience. A presentation with some accurate information that could be improved vastly.
Less than 49 marks / Some reference to the structure and function of the cell type chosen. Some description but limited evaluation of the similarities and differences between this and other cell types. Understanding of the concept of unity & diversity amongst organisms. Communication of knowledge or understanding to the intended audience lacks coherence or depth. A poor quality presentation with little accurate information.