Marlborough and District NCT

Nearly New Sale

Registered Charity no: 801395

Seller Registration Form

Saturday 6th October 2012, St John’s School, Marlborough, 11.15am – 1pm

1. Please use the seller registration form to apply for your seller pack(s), for both electronic and postal packs. One pack = 40 items of clothing (max) and 70 toys or equipment (max). One pack costs £4.50, regardless of type. If you’d like to sell more, just order more packs on this form.

2.Registration closes on 28th September 2012 (postal packs), 3rd October 2012 (electronic packs) or once 120 seller places have been filled if that occurs first.

3. What do I do now?

To claim your sellers’ place for this sale, all you need to do is return the form and your registration fee (non-refundable). You can do this in two ways.

By post - Complete details below and send page 2 onlywith your registration fee (cheque made payable to Marlborough & District NCT) to:

Marlborough & District NCT Nearly New Sale

c/o Robert Lockie

1 Tregoze Way

The Prinnels


Wiltshire, SN5 6NW

On-line – Step 1 - complete details below and send page 2 via email to

Step 2 - please visit (click following link)NCT Marlborough Just Givingto pay us directly online.

(or type or copy the following address into your browser


Please do not choose the Gift Aid option when making your payment. Gift Aid can only be claimed on voluntary donations made by UK taxpayers, not in exchange for goods and services.

Please ensure that you enter your name on the form so that we can match the payment with you


We are always trying to improve the processes involved in the running of our biggest branch fundraiser. At the last sale we were a “victim of our own success”. Due to the large seller numbers and the enormous amount of items that we sold, payments on the day were delayed. We don’t like making you wait, so we hope to save you and us time at this Sale. We are not going to ask sellers to send us stamped addressed envelopes, instead the cost of this will be covered in your registration fee and they will be provided by us.

5.What happens next?

Your personal seller pack(s) with UNIQUE SELLER NUMBER(S) will be emailed (or posted) to you within 10 days. Your application will not be processed without the registration fee.

Seller Registration Form

Saturday 6th October 2012, St John’s School, Marlborough, 11.15am – 1pm

Please provide complete details, so that we can contact you if we have a query. We will not use your telephonenumber or email for any other purpose or pass it on to any third party.

If you have any questions or queries please contact Robert on

Full name:
No. of electronic packs required:
No. of postal packs required:
Phone no: / Mobile no:
Postal address:
NCT member?: / Yes / No
Have you sold at Marlborough sale before? / Yes / No
Registration fee enclosed: / £4.50 per pack Yes  Total cheque amount:
Registration fee paid viaNCT MARLBOROUGHJustGiving page / £4.50 per pack Yes  Total amount: