TeHandout number 5
1. To gather per assessment data
- 8 square or 4 square
- VIQ or VIP
- Stand up or sit down
- Find someone who
2.To access prior knowledge
- Three column charts
- K W L H
- Knew? New?
- Fast Write
- Fast Draw
- Predict-sketch
- Imagery
- Word walls
- Who Am I? or What am I? (number or science facts)
- Use literature (ex= Quick as a Cricket for similes or Fred Gwynne books for homonyms)
3. To Increase interaction
- Share around the clock/seasons
- Inside/outside circle
- Numbered heads
- Think-pair-share
- TAIM Tell all in a minute
- Learning teammates
- Cued retell
- Line-ups
- Rally robin
- ABC carousel
- 1 to 10
- Poetry in a pocket
- Readers theatre
- Jig saw reading/ math
- Marginal notes
- List-group-label
- Jumpstart
- Skeleton outline
- Author/expert chair
- 2 word pyramid (4-6-8)
- Tea party or buzz group
- Timed pair share
- 4 S brainstorming (Sultan of silly, speed captain, sergeant support, synergy guru)
- Pair share/ group share
- Similarity groups or Opposite groups
- Clock or season buddies
- Musical raps, jazz chants, songs
- Gossip hunts
- Interest hunts
- What’s my answer? What’s my question?
- We are the world- what do we have in common?
- Picture files and realia
- Pantomime a tale
- Good news/bad news
- Literature circles
- Grab bag
4.To check for understanding
- Paraphrase passport
- Chunk and chew
- Sketch to stretch
- Signal cards
- Matrix
- Stick names
- 4 Quads
- Question spinners
- Find my rule
- Telephone
- Teach text backwards
- THIEVES (title, headings, intro, every 1st, visuals/vocabulary, end, summary)
- ABC summary
- Web of understanding (yarn)
- Information gap
- Fry graph for estimating readability (also Gunner or Powers/Sumner/Kearl formula)
- Guiding questions (agree/disagree)
- Decision time (never happen, could happen, certain to happen)
- Questioning the author/teacher/presenter
5.Using graphic organizers
Branching, mind maps, structured overviews, network tree
Venn diagrams, overlapping circles, spider map, clustering, compare/contrast matrix, problem/solution outline, targeting,
Web of understanding
Series of events chains. Chaining, continuum scale, fishbone, flip books, pop up books, cause and effect, plot diagram, herringbone
Cycle, round the space, star, thesaurus-at-a-glance,
6.To increase thinking skills
- Bloom’s taxonomies
- Rethinking thinking: Kagan
- Explicit questioning
- Wait time
- Unpack your thinking
- Putting the house in order
- Shoes
- Fact/opinion
- Relevant/irrelevant
- Reliable/Unreliable
- Zoology
- W spinners (would, will, where, when, who, which)
7.To summarize learning or closure activities
- Clink/clunk
- Rotating review or round robin
- Hot potato
- 3-2-1
- Concise language (2-4-6-8)
- Spinner
- Role play
- Peer coaching
- Cued retell
- Thumbs up/down
- Response boards
- Journals or learning logs
- Foldables
- Experience charts
- Graphic organizers
- PowerPoint’s
- Video clips
- Slide shows
- Save the last word for me
- Story boards
- Draw what you saw (in your mind)
- Strategy list think
8.Repetitive review
- Whirlwind theory
- Poems on hangers/pockets (also math/science facts)
- Patterned partner
- Echoes
- Popcorn repeating
- Mumble read
- Think-alouds
- 4 corners
- Folded value lines
- Concentration games
- Build a sentence word list
- Skim/scan/summary
- Shooting Hoops
9. To help comprehension or comprehensible input
- Read/cover/remember/retell
- Tarzan/Jane talk
- Fraction wheel or word wheel or fact wheel
- ABC summary
- Concept or schema maps
- SQP2RS (survey, question, predict, read, repeat, respond, summary)
- PENS (Preview, explore, notes, see if correct)
- GIST (skim and get the main idea)
- TPRT- total physical response
- Brain dance
- Thematic units/lessons
- Scaffolding (support, adapt, provide, withdraw)
- Reflective journal
- T chart
- Paper plate fish/ skeleton
- Convince me
10.Alternatives to Round Robin reading
- Echoic reading
- Choral reading
- Impress reading
- Paired reading
- Readers’ theatre
- Inquiry reading
- Break in reading
- It’s all how you phase it
- Divided story reading
- Group reading
- Perfect reading days
- Dialogue reading
- Four corner reading
- CTA (connect context-text-application)
- BDA (before, during, after reading)
11.Assessment methods
SAT ACT, UPPAS, UBSCT, DWA Writing, CRT (reading, lang arts. math and science), Iowa Basic, and NWEA. UAA (lang arts/math), NAEP reading (writing, reading, math, science), NRT (lang arts, math, science, social studies), SOLOM (student oral language observation matrix), IPT (idea proficiency test, UAPLA (Utah academic language proficiency assessment), LAS (Language assessment scale)
- Traditional options- formal
- Multiple choice
- True/false
- Matching
- Short answers
- Essay questions
- Reports
- Special projects
- Fill in the blank
- Cloze
- Traditional options- informal
- Interviews
- Observations
- Running records
- Presentations
- Journals
- Learning logs
- Questioning
- Anecdotal records
- Creative options- authentic assessment
- Cooperative projects
- Interactive journals
- Portfolios
- Open ended questions/activities (ex =create a creature)
- Debates
- Performance based tasks (music, oral, theatre (skits, plays, and readers’ theatre), and demonstrations. Science fair projects)
- Use of visuals (art, bulletin boards, PowerPoint’s, library research, technology uses)
- Non verbal communication options
- Graphic organizers