
WSU Department Name: Electronic Engineering Technology

WSU Course Number & Listing: EET 1110 BasicElectronics (2 credits)

High School: [High School Name]
WSU Concurrent Adjunct Instructor: [Name]

High School Course Name: [Concurrent High School Course]

[School Year]

Concurrent Adjunct Instructor’s Office Hours

[Concurrent Adjunct Instructor’s office hours]
Concurrent Adjunct Instructor’s phone and email

[Concurrent Adjunct Instructor’s phone and email]

Prerequisite High School Courses if any
Past Enrollment in Math 1010 or current enrollment in Math 1010

Required Text and Materials

CDTextandMaterials kit:

1. Summers andBearnson, (2007). FundamentalElectronics, OrchEd.

2. Circuit DesignTrainer: TheOrchEdMini LabI circuit designtrainer.

Note: CEET Students whopresently arerequiredto purchase and buildthe

OrchEdCircuit DesignPro Trainermay useitin placeofthe Mini LabI Trainer.)

Course Description

TheFundamental Electronics courseis anexciting andempowering hands- on, technical experience presentedina comprehensibleway supplemented by lab experiments andclassroomdemonstrations. TheCD textfor thecoursepresents powerful concepts andprinciples with anentry-level student in mind. A newtopic is coveredeachweekthatis reinforcedwith a requiredlab.

Topics coveredinthecourseincludebasic principles ofelectricity,voltage, current, resistance,conductivity, Ohm’s Law, Kirchoff’s Laws, component values, ACandDC current, and howto combinea variety ofcomponents toconstruct useful circuits.

Course Goals

Students will emergefromthe coursewith useful andpowerful tools thatprepare themforfutureelectronics courses or will givethemthebackgroundneeded for success inother relatedtechnical disciplines.


Eachweekstudents are requiredto read(audio narrationis available onCD) the assignedmodule andcompletehomework, (assignedApplicationExercises at the endofeachmodule), prior to lecture. Lecture willinclude examples,experiments, and demonstrations toemphasize theweekly module. Homework questions willbe answeredat thebeginning oflecture. A self-assessment quizis due beforethe start ofeachlecture. Homeworkwillbe collectedat thestart oflecture.

EET 1110 Schedule (Subject to Changeas Required)

Week / Date / Module / Topic / HW
1 / 1 / Basic Electricity / Module 1:5,6,7
2 / 2 / Electronic Assembly and
Testing / Module 1:1,3
3 / 3 / Simple Series Circuits / 2,7,8,14,15,18,20,22
4 / 4 / SimpleParallel Circuits / 1,3,7,8,9,11
5 / 5 / DCandACPower / 1,2,5,11
6 / 6 / DCVoltageSources / 2,4,6,12
7 / 7 / ACVoltageGeneration / 1,5,7
8 / 8 / Motors andElectro-Mechanical
Machines / 5,7,8
9 / 9 / Capacitors andCapacitive
Reactance / 4,6,7,8,11,14
10 / 10 / Inductors andInductive
Reactance / 6,7,8
11 / 11 / Semiconductor Device
Overview / 5,6,7,8,9
12 / 13 / Analog / 4,5,6,7,8
13 / 14 / Digital / 2a,2b,4a,4b,5a,8,11
14 / 14 / Digital


Attendanceisextremelyimportant.Ifyoumust missclass, pleasemake sure to inform meaheadoftimeso we can determineanalternative timefor thelab exercise andmake-upwork.


1. Homework

2. Weekly quizzes

3. Mid-term exam(Week7, Oct9th, duebackOct16th)

4. Final exam(Available onChiTester ThursDec5th– WedDec


You may selectthreeofthefourareas listedabove to complete70%ofyour grade. The remaining 30%isbased onthefollowing two areas:

5. Laboratory assignments 25%

6. Oral Presentation/Report 5%

Theoral presentationis atwo minutemaximum class presentationononeof the topics ofyour choice coveredthroughout thesemester.


Homeworkassignmentsaretaken fromthe ApplicationExercises ontheCD anddueoneweekafterassignedat the endofthe class period. Homework problemsmustbeon 8-1/2 x 11 graph paper or engineering paper. Turnin homeworkeachweekat thebeginning ofclass.

Quizzes andExams

Weekly quizzes will beavailable onWeberOnline (Canvas). The Midterm willbea take-homeexamduring theseventhweekofclasses andtheFinal willbeavailable on ChiTesterduring finalsweek.


Therewill bea labexperiment eachweekthatwill reinforce the topic coveredinlecture. Thematerials for thelabs areinthe coursematerials kit. Labinstructions willbeprovided prior to classeachweek. Completionofalllabexperiments is required.

You will beworking inteams oftwo or threeduring labsessions. Each

personis requiredto complete eachlabevery weekthatmust besignedoffby the instructororassignedteaching assistant.

Excusedabsences involving missedlaboratoryassignmentsmay bemadeup withinthatweekifI am notified inadvance. Late homeworkwillbeacceptedwith a25%penalty upto one weekonly. Latequizzes willnotbe re-opened.


A / 94 – 100 / A- / 90 -93
B+ / 86 -89 / B / 82 – 85 / B- / 78 – 81
C+ / 74 – 77 / C / 70 – 73 / C- / 66 – 69


1. Student reviews

2. CEET Department Chair andFaculty review

3. CEET AdvisoryCommitteereview

4. Individual student performanceandtest scores


Absolutelynocellphone callsor textingduringlectureor lab.

Ifyourequireaccommodations or services due to a disability, you must contact Services forStudents with Disabilities (SSD)inroom181 oftheStudent Service Centerat thebeginningofthesemester.

WSU Course Evaluation:
As a concurrent student, you are given the privilege of evaluating this course. This is an anonymous evaluation which allows you an opportunity to express your opinions of the course and the instructor.

WSU Student Code of Conduct:

Download the WSU Student Code of Conduct at: