Valdosta City Schools
Student Registration
For Office Use:
Grade/Teacher _____/______GTID#
Infinite Campus ID #assigned______
Student Name:______
Last Name First Name Middle Name (suffix: Jr., III)
Birthday:______Birth Place:______U. S. Citizen? Yes No
Month/Day/Year City State (Circle One)
Student Address:______
Street City State Zip
Student Email Address:______Not Applicable
Primary Contact Phone:______
(This number will be used for automated calls/messages)
County of Residence:______Birth Country:______
Start Date in US Schools:______Sex: M F Ethnicity(Complete Part A and B): Month/Day/Year
(Circle One) Part A: Is the student Hispanic/Latino? (choose only one)
_____ No, not Hispanic/Latino
_____ Yes, Hispanic/Latino (a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, South
or Central American, or other Spanish Culture or origin.)
Part B: What is the student’s race? (choose one or more)
_____ American Indian or Alaska Native
_____ Asian
_____ Black or African American
_____ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
_____ White
Student resides with: Both ParentsMotherFatherFoster ParentLegal Guardian
Last Name First Name Middle Name ( suffix: Jr., III)
Relationship to Child:______Cell Phone:______
Address:______Home Phone:______
(If different from Student Address)
Email Address:______
Employer:______Work Phone:______
Last Name First Name Middle Name ( suffix: Jr., III)
Relationship to Child:______Cell Phone:______
Address:______Home Phone:______
(If different from Student Address)
Email Address:______
Employer:______Work Phone:______
Parent/Guardian is Active Duty in US Armed Forces? Yes No
Parent/Guardian is employed on a military base? Yes No
VCS Registration 3-27-14 (OVER) Page 1 of 2
School Last Attended:______
Name of School
City State Phone Number
Has your child ever been enrolled in Valdosta City Schools: Yes No
If yes, list name of school:______
List Preschool/Pre-K your child attended:______
Has your child received any of the following special services in previous school or VCS? Check all that apply.
Special Education Speech Gifted ESOLMigrantSST/504Remedial
List any allergies or current medication:______
List other siblings attending VCS that reside with this student:______
Emergency Contacts:
Name & Relationship to Student Phone
Name & Relationship to Student Phone
How will your child get home? Bus Car Walk Day Care Van Other:______
Authorization to Enroll and Withdraw Your Student
For school purposes,______and/or ______
Parent/Guardian 1 Parent/Guardian 2
shall be designated as the enrolling parent(s)/guardian(s). I/We understand once an enrolling person(s) is designated, school officials are required by law to honor said designation until the same is changed by the undersigned in writing, or a Court Order is entered meeting the requirements of OCGA§20-2-780. Once an enrolling person(s) is designated, this designation is not affected by a change on the emergency contact card.
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Affidavit of Residence
I/We, ______certify, swear and/or affirm as follows that:
Parent/Guardian Signatures
- I am the parent/court appointed guardian of the child listed above.
- The child listed above resides with me full time at the address listed above.
- I understand that I must immediately notify Valdosta City Schools if I change residence or if the child listed above should change residence.
- The above information is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, correct, and complete.
- I understand that representatives of Valdosta City Schools may visit my home to verify residency, and I hereby voluntarily consent to such visits.
- Representatives of Valdosta City Schools may verify residency through property management, homeowners, landlords, and/or utilities, and I hereby voluntarily consent to such verification.
- I understand that a student enrolled in Valdosta City Schools under falsified information is illegally enrolled and will be immediately withdrawn from school.
- I understand that false swearing is in violation of the laws of the State of Georgia and is punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not less than one of more than five years, or both. OCGA§16-10-71.
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