4 January 2011
CEESP 2010 Financial Report
Attached is a revised CEESP financial summary as of 30 November 2010, based on the most recent data I have recently received from the IUCN regional accounting office (ORO) in Fiji.
The numbers should be read in connection with the following comments, starting with comments on the current budget and expense report, on items shaded in gray, working down the columns:
1. 2010 Proposed Budget changes:
A. Net Income (USD): changed to $169,000 (rounded) to reflect actual net amount $168,995 received for the year.
B. Assumed no Base Budget costs for a Steering Committee meeting, since the advance travel charges for the 2011 meeting will be covered by the 2009 surplus.
C. The accounting for the income and expenses for the 2009 surplus is now done separately, as requested by IUCN HQ.
2. 2010 Actual Expenditures to 30 November 2010.
A. General comment: I do not guarantee the specific expenses are all allocated to the correct item. The explanation notes in the detailed report I get from ORO are generally useful but not always specific enough. At the end of the year, I may have to consult with Elizabeth on the proper allocation of travel expenses particularly.
B. Aroha's chair expenses total close to the budget, but the allocation is different. Some Council related expenses include travel to additional meetings on the same trip as travel to the Council meeting and are difficult to factor out. Frankly, I think for overall accounting purpose, trying to keep them separated is probably not needed. Also, we also have no control over the allocated costs charged by HQ for her attendance at Council.
C. Elizabeth's travel costs exceed budget, because of her needed participation in the proposal review meeting in San Francisco, the Executive Committee and Proposal Review meeting in Gland in June, and the meeting in London for planning the Sharing Power Conference.
D. Executive Committee expenses are considerably over the budget amounts. The budgeted numbers were based on the actual 2009 expenses of $4,749.45 (travel & pd), $629.05 (Meeting exp), and $3,348.87 (Other, which is travel to conferences by ExCom members; although, these might better have been allocated to "Grants"). In particular, the HQ charge of $3,200 seems excessive. Some of the excess could be due to the fact that the ExCom meeting was held at the time of the new building inauguration. The item for the "Other" was my participation in the February grant allocation workshop in San Francisco.
E. The shaded cells at the bottom of the "Details" column show the 2010 Allocation, not including the 2009 surplus—which does not show in ORO's accounting—, and the total 2010 Expenses through 11/30/10, including those to be allocated to the surplus—which do show in ORO's accounting. If this is confusing, it is only because this how it appears that HQ wants the accounting done. It is satisfying that those numbers are in agreement with the latest report I have from ORO.
Richard Cellarius, CEESP Financial Officer