Nick Previte

Explicit Music

Thesis: A policy should be created to prevent children and teens from listening to explicit music

  1. Introduction
  2. Attention Getter: Your child is being exposed to vulgar lyrical content and you have no idea
  3. Bond: How many you by a show of hands grew up listening to explicit music?
  4. Credentials: I was one of those kids who grew up listening to explicit rap. My parents were strict about it, so I downloaded clean versions of songs or didn’t play explicit ones in front of them
  5. Destination: Today I stand in front of you to tell you explicit music is infecting the minds of young teens
  6. Preview:
  7. Introduce organizations or companies that are working to prevent and warn people of profanity
  8. What artists are using these programs or who aren’t?
  9. Are there any laws considered being passed for explicit music?
  10. Transition: Let’s start by talking about the PAL program label
  11. Body
  12. The PAL Label
  13. Created by the RIAA to warn people of explicit content on an album
  14. Artists can choose whether to have a PAL stamp on their album cover
  15. Album must qualify as being “vulgar” to have a stamp
  16. Qualifications include references of:
  17. Violence
  18. Sex
  19. Drugs/ Alcohol
  20. Swear words
  21. Give parents some incite for what they child is listening too
  22. Transition: What is the government doing about this?
  23. Explicit music marketed to children
  24. Federal Trade Commission has reached out to record companies and has told them to stop targeting younger crowds
  25. Capitol Hill believes Federal Government should step in to create a law that prevents minors from viewing explicit content
  26. The issue is there really being no way to enforce a law
  27. Transition: Let’s see who’s making the Federal Governments job easier
  28. Companies doing their part
  29. iTunes/ Apple Music offers clean downloads
  30. K-Mart and Wal-Mart won’t sell explicit CD’s to minors under 18
  31. Transition: Lets summarize what we just covered
  32. Conclusion
  33. Thesis restated: There needs to be a policy or law put in place to prevent young adolescence from listening to vulgar music
  34. Restates main points:
  35. The RIAA is working vigorously to make their PAL program more prominent
  36. The federal government is considering a law
  37. Companies are working to get explicit music off the shelves
  38. Call to action: I encourage you to think twice before playing explicit music around kids