CDD Budget Committee Meeting—Minutes

March 20, 2012 -- 10:30 a.m., Activity Center


Budget Committee

Anderson, Rita (chair) / y / Martinson, Dave / y
Walker, Bob (vice chair) / n / Meyer, Ted / y
Campbell, Doug / y / Schultz, Ken / Y
Hays, John / n / Spier, Hal / y
Ludewig, Debbie / y / Teague, Cal (mgr) / y

Others: Walt Powers, Rod Slocum, Bob Marshall

A.  Approval of Minutes. It was moved by Dave and seconded by Hall to approve the minutes of the February 21, 2012 meeting. MOTION PASSED.

B.  Welcome to New Committee Member. Ken Schultz was welcomed.

C.  RCA Finance Committee Report. In Bob’s absence Rita reported that the RCA Finance Committee had discussed the need to repave the Parking Lot of the Activity Center.

D.  Review Financial Statements and Invoices.

The golf cart should be reclassified to Special Projects.

The guard house gate motor replacements should be reflected as an expense on the Recreational Facilities Reserves summary on pg. 144.

Pg. 50 & 51. Comment as to the fact that it seemed unusual that both water meters at the same property needed replacing within a month of each other. Walt will look into this.

Pg. 52. Where was the backflow preventer located?

Pg. 88 & 94. Is the markup correct for the items on these pages?

Pg. 99. Are the items on this invoice for backflow preventer repairs?

E.  Update on Reclamite. Doug reported that he visited Heritage Palms to view the micro surfacing product applied to the roads in this community. He learned that it is applied in 3/8 inch liquid which dries quickly and covers and protects the asphalt for 7 to 8 years. One negative for the product was that it can only be used on good roads. Also, the application can be hard to control which can cause it to be uneven in some areas of the road. Doug was told that the community was 80% satisfied with the application. Doug felt that Riverwood would have less than 80% satisfaction as the roads did not look good (not smooth) in many areas.

F.  Timeline. A Cal reviewed the RCDD Budget Schedule for 2012-2013. It was decided by the committee that April 17 meeting would be continued to April 30 at 9:00 am if needed.

G.  2013 Budget. The first draft of the 2013 RCDD Budget was passed out. The committee was asked to review this document and let Cal and Rita know if they have suggestions for changes or additions.

H.  Other- Special Project Request for a Bar Code Scan Entry System. The Special Projects Committee reported that they would not recommend funding the bar code system as a means to improve security at this time. After discussion the budget committee agreed that it would be better to have a comprehensive study of multiple security improvements completed and presented before any one specific measure is recommended for funding as a Special Project.

I.  Next Meeting Date. The next meeting will be on April 17, 2012.

J.  Adjournment. A motion to adjourn was made by Ted and seconded by Debbie. MOTION PASSED. The meeting was adjourned at 12:12 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Rita Anderson