Cardno Emerging Markets USA, Ltd.

CDC’s Public-Private Partnerships in PEPFAR Countries Project

Quarterly Report Template

Reporting Organization:
Partnership / Alliance:
Subcontract Number:
Reporting Period: / (Quarter, Dates)


This quarterly report has seven sections:

I: Narrative

II: Contributions

III: Partner Contribution Summary (attached as a separate Excel spreadsheet).

IV: Annual Results Summary

V: Financial Progress Report

VI: Travel Summary

VII: Progress towards indicators.

Please complete all sections no later than the 15th day after the end of the quarter.

Quarterly Report Template Page i



1. Key Activities for this Period 1

2. Results 1

3. Partner Coordination 1

4. Key Takeaways/Lessons Learned for This Quarter 1

5. Similar Partnerships 2

6. Unanticipated Factors to Note 2

7. Management Issues Occurring During This Period 2

8. Program Outcomes/Changes as a Result of Program Activities 2

9. Success Stories/News Updates 3

10. Milestones to be Achieved During the Next Period 3

Section II: Contributions 4

1. Partner Contributions 4

2. Potential partners in discussion 5

3. Other Partnership Efforts 5

Section III: Partner Contribution Tracking Tool 6

Section IV: Annual Results Summary 7

Section V: Financial Progress Summary 8

Section VI: Short Term Technical Assistance and External Travel Summary 9

Section VII: Progress in attaining performance measures/indicators 10

Appendix 1: Partnership In-Kind Contributions Tracker 15

Quarterly Report Template Page i


1. Key Activities for this Period

(Please indicate each activity using lettering bullets (a…b…c..), as these will be referenced in Section 7’s performance indicators):
a.  This should include technical and managerial activities that occurred, or were completed, during the reporting period, including key deliverables.
b.  This could also include updates on ongoing activities that continued during the reporting period.

2. Results

Results should be specific to each PPP, based on measurable objectives and criteria for success (as agreed with U.S. Government in-country teams-CDC, USAID, PEPFAR Implementing Partners):
a.  Please quantify, where possible, the programmatic results and achievements of the PPP, highlighting those results that could only have been achieved as a result of the PPP. Describe any lessons learned. Successes in achieving targets should also be addressed here as they will be referenced in Section 7’s performance indicators.
b.  Describe any major challenges encountered during the quarter and steps taken to resolve them. Challenges in meeting targets should also be addressed here, as they will be referenced in Section 7’s performance indicators.
c.  Please highlight any unanticipated positive or negative results from the activities of the PPP and how the partners have addressed the negative effects or incorporated the positive effects into their approaches.
d.  Describe any notable spillover effects of the program into your community or other programs (factors experienced by other community members/organizations not directly involved with the partnership, but as a result of the partnership).
e.  If capacity building activities have occurred during this period, please describe the nature of the capacity building and how (if applicable) it contributes to the development of sustainability.

3. Partner Coordination

List each partner’s role and significant contribution(s) to the accomplishment of this quarter’s milestones.

4. Key Takeaways/Lessons Learned for This Quarter

What are your lessons learned for this quarter? Your response may be internal to your organization or project (what is working well or how best to address an issue) or external (new ideas, methodologies, working with partners, etc.).

5. Similar Partnerships

Do you know of any similar partnerships to CDC P4 in country (e.g. a partnership with the same structure or similar structure that includes a government body, secretariat body and implementing partners)?
If so, has the partnership replicated the CDC P4 model or replicated aspects of the model? Are there any aspects of this partnership that make it successful or should be replicated by CDC P4?
Please describe the nature of the partnership, who is involved, and what aspects have been replicated from CDC P4 or could be replicated by CDC P4.
Note: There may not be new information on this every quarter – please complete when possible, otherwise indicate “N/A”.

6. Unanticipated Factors to Note

Were there any unanticipated factors that have affected the ability of the project to progress positively or negatively? To what extent have those factors helped or hindered the program? How have they been addressed?

7. Management Issues Occurring During This Period

·  This should include any issues of note (either positive or negative) that impacted your work or the achievement of program objectives during the period. It could include any material issues pertaining to staffing, scheduling, stakeholders, the scope of work, or perceived risks.
·  What measures did the partners take to address the challenges and catch up on implementation as planned?
·  What changes, if any, did you make to your program in this quarter? What prompted you to make changes? How do you anticipate this change will be beneficial?

8. Program Outcomes/Changes as a Result of Program Activities

a.  In one or two sentences, summarize an observable change in the behavior, relationships, activities or actions of the beneficiaries/target population that are influenced by the activities and outputs of your PPP-funded work over the past quarter (who changed what, when and where?). Please indicate if the change was anticipated or unanticipated.
b.  What was your organization’s role in influencing the outcome? Specify the organization’s activities, processes, products and services that you consider influenced each outcome.
–  Who: Be as specific as possible about the individual, group, community, organization, etc. that changed
–  What: State concretely what changes were noted in behavior, relationships, activities, policies or practices
–  When: Be as specific as possible about the date when the change took place
–  Where: Include the political or geographic locale with the name of the community, village, town, city where the actor operates – locally, nationally, regionally or globally

9. Success Stories/News Updates

Picture or video clip included? (Circle one) Yes No

·  Please include any success stories or news updates which Cardno could feature on its website or communications materials.
·  If any pictures are available, please include these as a separate attachment when sending the quarterly report.

10. Milestones to be Achieved During the Next Period

This should include anticipated results against the workplan during the next reporting period.

Section II: Contributions

1. Partner Contributions

Please indicate the total value, in USD of contributions (monetary and in kind) in each of the following categories;

a. Local Private Sector Contributions

What is the total value, in USD, of local private sector contributions (monetary and in-kind) to the partnership during the current reporting period?

b. International Private Sector Contributions

What is the total value, in USD, of international private sector contributions (monetary and in-kind) to the partnership during the current reporting period?

c. Local Public Sector Contributions

What is the total value, in USD, of local public sector contributions (monetary and in-kind) to the partnership during the current reporting period?

d. International Public Sector Contributions

What is the total value, in USD, of international public sector contributions (monetary and in- kind) to the partnership during the current reporting period?

e. Multilateral Institutions

What is the total value, in USD, of contributions (monetary and in-kind) to the partnership from multilateral institutions (e.g., World Bank, UN, etc.)?

f. Total of All Partner Contributions

What is the total value, in USD, of contributions (monetary and in–kind) to the partnership from all partners during the current reporting period? (Add lines a –e)

2. Potential partners in discussion

Please list all of the companies, foundations, and other entities with which your organization is having discussions about potential alliances to support the partnership, as well as the nature of the alliance.

3. Other Partnership Efforts

If your organization has the mandate to increase the number of resource-contributing partners to enhance leveraging of resources, please describe relevant tactics you are using to achieve this goal. For instance, such tactics could include strategic convening, workshops, and government/implementer capacity building activities.

Section III: Partner Contribution Tracking Tool

Fill out Appendix 1: Partner Contributions Tracker.
Also, See attached excel sheet, and refer to the CDC P4 Guidance Note on Contributions for instructions on how to value cash and in-kind contributions.

Section IV: Annual Results Summary

(Note: only report on this section annually, in Q4)

1. Results

Results should be specific to each PPP, based on measurable objectives and criteria for success (as agreed with U.S. Government in-country teams-CDC, USAID, PEPFAR Implementing Partners):
a)  Please quantify, where possible, the programmatic results and achievements of the PPP, highlighting those results that could only have been achieved as a result of the PPP. Describe any lessons learned.
b)  Describe any major challenges encountered during the year and steps taken to resolve them. Please highlight any unanticipated positive or negative results from the activities of the PPP and how the partners have addressed the negative effects) or incorporated the positive effect into their approaches.
c)  Please indicate whether or not the external annual audit report has been submitted. If yes, indicate the date of submission.

Section V: Financial Progress Summary

Categories / a. Total Budget / b. Total Expenditure / c. Total Variance (a - b)
Salaries & Wages
Fringe Benefits
Contractual Costs
d. Total Obligation
e. Total Expenditure
f. Balance (d-e)
Item / Data Elements / Line Instructions for Summary of Financial Progress
a. / Total Budget / Enter cumulative budget to date
b. / Total Expenditure / Enter cumulative expenditure to date
c. / Total Variance / Enter the difference between total budget and total expenditure (a-b)
d. / Total Obligation / Of the total budget, the amount committed by Cardno to date
e. / Total Expenditure / Same as total from b.
f. / Balance (d-e) / Difference between total obligation and total expenditure (d-e)

Quarterly Report Template Page i

Section VI: Short Term Technical Assistance and External Travel Summary

Traveler’s Name, Title & Organization / Date of Travel / Destination / Purpose
(To which workplan objective
does this trip contribute?) / Source of Funding for the trip
e.g. project budget, Secretariat, stakeholder – no cost to partnership but a contribution, etc. / Outcome of the TA (successfully completed, follow-on TA planned, etc.) /

Section VII: Progress in attaining performance measures/indicators

This is the template for collection of performance monitoring plan (PMP) data. Partners are encouraged to report, on a quarterly basis, on their progress towards the achievement of targets for activities and for the standard indicators listed, per the reporting periods indicated in the tables below. Please add lines to the tables as needed for additional indicators.
·  Please utilize the first table to add project-specific indicators.
·  The second table contains CDC P4 standard indicators
·  The third shows PEPFAR standard indicators.

Instructions for Completing Tables in Quarterly Report, Section VII

Item / Data Elements / Line Instructions for Progress in attaining performance measures/indicators /
a. / Indicator / Enter the description or phrase describing the actual performance measure against which project progress and award activities are measured (if developing additional indicators from the PPP Y5 workplan).
b. / Target as set in COP or PPP Y5 Workplan / Enter the expected amount to be achieved as specified in the Country Operating Plan (COP) or, if applicable, the PPP Y5 workplan.
b. / Type I / Any target set to account for contributions made by USG supported interventions/activities, including supply of commodities, at the point of service delivery. It involves one’s ability to verify the stated target at unique service delivery site(s) whose beneficiaries can be uniquely identified.
b. / Type II / Any target set to account for contributions to system strengthening/capacity building. Systems strengthening includes support to national, regional or local activities such as policy development; institutional capacity building; logistics; protocol or guidelines development; advocacy; training; national management information systems, etc.”
c. / Numerical Achievement / State the numerical value of the actual achievement as of the end of the reporting period FOR THAT QUARTER.
c. / Type I / Any achievement reached through contributions made by USG supported interventions/activities, including supply of commodities, at the point of service delivery. It involves one’s ability to verify the stated achievement at unique service delivery site(s) whose beneficiaries can be uniquely identified.
c. / Type II / Any achievement reached as a result of contributions to system strengthening/capacity building. Systems strengthening includes support to national, regional or local activities such as policy development; institutional capacity building; logistics; protocol or guidelines development; advocacy; training; national management information systems, etc.”
d. / Activity. Reference associated activity number in Section 1. / For each type of target/achievement, reference the activity letter(s) that is associated with that type from the narrative in Section 1, Question 1.
d. / Type I / Reference activity letter(s) from the narrative in Section 1, Question 1 to demonstrate the types of activities that a grantee is carrying out at the point of service delivery.
d. / Type II / Reference activity letter(s) from the narrative in Section 1, Question 1 to demonstrate the types of activities that a grantee is carrying out for systems strengthening/capacity building.
d. / Explanation / Provide an explanation in narrative format describing reasons for being on target, under target or above target. Please consider submitting as an attachment in word format.
e. / Challenges & success story / Describe challenges experienced in achieving the targets and/or a success story. Challenges and successes referenced in the narrative in Section 1, Question 2a & 2b can be referenced here.

Table 1: Performance Progress Report for Period Date – Date — PPP-Specific Indicators

For the rows below, please indicate PPP specific outcomes and associated indicators. / b. Target
(as set in PPP Y5 workplan) / c. Quarter X Numerical Achievement / d. Activity
Reference associated activity letter(s) from Section 1, Q.1 / e. Explanation for under or over-achievement in meeting targets (Narrative). Please consider attaching as a word document. / f. Challenges
& Success Story
(Please reference narrative from Section 1, Question 2a & 2b) /
Type I / Type II / Type I / Type II / Type I / Type II /
1a. Outcome #1
1. Indicator #1
2. Indicator #2
2a. Outcome #2
1.  Indicator #1
2.  Indicator #2

Table 2: Performance Progress Report for Period Date – Date — CDC P4 Standard Indicators