Meyda Yegenoglu is professor of Cultural Studies and Sociology Institute at Bilgi University, Istanbul-Turkey. She has held visiting appointments at Columbia University, Oberlin College, Rutgers University, New York University, University of Vienna and Oxford University. She is the author of Colonial Fantasies; Towards a Feminist Reading of Orientalism (Cambridge University Press,1998). She has numerous essays published in various journals and edited volumes such as Feminist Postcolonial Theory; Postcolonialism, Feminism and Religious Discourse; Nineteenth Centruy Literature Criticism; Postmodern Culture; Race and Ethnic Relations; Culture and Religion; Inscriptions; Religion and Gender; Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory; State, Religion and Secularization; Feminism and Hospitality; Toplum ve Bilim; Defter; and Doğu-Batı. Her book on Islam, Migrancy and Hospitality in Europe has been published by Palgrave-Macmillan in 2012.
Section A: Personal Record……………………………………….4
Section B: Research and academic/professional standing………... 6
Section C: Teaching……………………………………………… 18
Section D: Academic Leadership and Management……………… 20
Title: Prof. Dr.
Mailing address:
Department of Sociology and Graduate Program in Cultural studies
E-2, 205, Santral İstanbul
Kazım Karabekir Cad. 34060, Istanbul-Turkey
Tel: 90-212-311-6508; Email:
1993 PhD in Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz, U.S.A.
1998 MA in Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz, U.S.A.
1985 MS in Sociology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
1981 BS in Sociology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
2011-Present Professor, Istanbul Bilgi University, Program in Cultural Studies and Institute of Social Sciences.
2005-2010 Professor, Department of Sociology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
1996-2005 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
1994-1996 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
1994 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
1994 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
1993 Lecturer, Women's Studies Program, Oberlin College, U.S. A.
1992 Instructor, Center for Cultural Studies and Oakes College Core Course, University of California, Santa Cruz, U. S. A.
1989& 1991 Sociology Board, University of California, Summer School, Santa Cruz, U. S. A.
2008-2009 Professor, Columbia University, Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, New York, NY, U.S.A.
2005 Professor at NOISE Summer School, Organized by Utrecht University Women’s Studies, Linkoping, Sweden (September).
2005 Senior Associate Member, Oxford University, U.K, (April-June).
2003 Associate Professor, Free University, Berlin, Germany (Spring).
2002 Associate Professor, Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Vienna, Austria, (Spring).
1999-2000 Associate Professor, Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies, New York University, U.S.A.
2008-2009 Fulbright Fellowship.
2003-2005 Outstanding Faculty, top 20% among the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Middle East Technical University.
1999 Outstanding Faculty, top 20% among the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Middle East Technical University.
1992-1993 American Association of University Women International Fellowship.
1989 Center for Cultural Studies, Graduate Student Researcher for the Postcolonial Representations Group, University of California, Santa Cruz, Fall.
1990-1991 Feminist Studies Organized Research Activity, Research Grant, University of California, Santa Cruz, Spring 1992, Winter 1991, Summer 1991, Summer 1990.
1988-1993 University of California, Santa Cruz, Non-resident PhD Fellowship
1987-1988 Fulbright Ph D Scholarship.
Contemporary Social and Cultural Theory, Cultural Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Feminist Theory, Middle East Woman, Globalization and Migrancy, Orientalism, Multiculturalism, Postnational Citizenship, Cosmopolitanism, Nationalism, Secularism and Religious Identity in Geo-Political Transformations, Politics and Sociology of Religion, Postcolonial and Transnational Feminism.
2012 Islam, Migrancy and Hospitality in Europe, Palgrave-Macmillan: New York.
1998 Colonial Fantasies: Towards a Feminist Reading of Orientalism, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press).
Turkish translation:
2003 Sömürgeci Fanteziler: Oryantalist Söylemde Kültürel ve Cinsel Fark (Metis Yayınları, İstanbul) (translation of Colonial Fantasies: Towards a Feminist Reading of Orientalism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
Reprinted Chapters from Colonial Fantasies
2008 ‘The Battle of the Veil: Woman Between Orientalism and Nationalism,’, in David Lodge with Nigel Wood: Modern Criticism and Theory: A Reader, 3rd Edition (Longman), pp. 706-228.
2003 ‘Veiled Fantasies: Cultural and Sexual Difference in the Discourse of Orientalism,’ in Reina Lewis and Sara Mills (eds.), Feminist Postcolonial Theory: A Reader, Edinburgh University Press, (reprint of chapter 2 from Colonial Fantasies: Towards a Feminist Reading of Orientalism), pp. 542-566.
2002 ‘Sartorial Fabric-ations: Enlightenment and Western Feminism,’ in Kwok, Pui-lan and Donaldson E. Laura (eds.), Postcolonialism, Feminism and Religious Discourse, (New York and London: Routledge), pp: 82-99 (reprint of chapter 4 from Colonial Fantasies: Towards a Feminist Reading from Orientalism), pp. 82-99.
2001 ‘Veiled Fantasies: Cultural and Sexual Difference in the Discourse of Orientalism,’ in Nineteenth Century Literature Criticism, Vol. 96, Juliet Byington (ed.), (Detroit, Michigan: The Gale Group) pp: 242-259 (reprint from Colonial Fantasies: Towards a Feminist Reading of Orientalism), 242-259.
2014 ‘Sovereignty Renounced: Autoimmunizing and Democratizing Europe’ Philosophy and Social Criticism, 40 (4-5), pp. 459-468.
2013 ‘Smells Like Gezi Spirit: Democratic Sensibilities and Carnivalesque Politics in Turkey, Radical Philosophy, 182, November-December, pp. 2-4.
2013 ‘İslamcı Siyasetin Dünü Bugünü Yarını,’ Dipnot, No. 11-12, pp. 1-15.
2007 ‘Sacralization of Secularism in Turkey,’ Radical Philosophy, No. 145 (September/October), pp. 2-5.
2006 ‘Inscribing the Other Body,’ Kvinder, Køn & Forskning (Women, Gender and Research), Vol. 15, No. 4, pp.
2006 ‘The Return of the Religious: Revisiting Europe and Its Others,’ Culture and Religion Vol. 7, No. 3, (November), pp. 245-261.
2006 ‘Inhabiting Other Spaces: Tourists and Migrants in the Postcolonial World,’ in Matthew Gumpert (ed.) ‘Culture and the Arts’ Lecture Series: Selected Talks: 2003-2005, (Istanbul, Kadir Has University Press), pp. 117-124.
2005 ‘Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism in a Globalized World,’ Ethnic and Racial Studies, Vol. 28, No. 1, January, pp. 103-131.
2005 ‘Avrupa Kimliğinin İdeolojik Arkaplanı’ Doğu Batı Dergisi, No. 31, Şubat-Nisan (The Ideological Background of European Identity), pp. 89-106.
2003 ‘Liberal Multiculturalism and the Ethics of Hospitality in the Age of Globalization,’ Postmodern Culture, Vol. 13, No. 2, April.
2003 ‘Öteki Mekanda Olmak: Post-Kolonyal Dünyada Göçmenlik ve Turizm,’ Kültür ve İletişim (Culture and Communication), Vol. 6, No. 2. (Inhabiting Other Spaces: Migrancy and Tourism in the Postcolonial World), pp. 53-72.
2002 ‘Küreselleşen Dünyada Çokkültürcülük ve Konukseverlik,’ Toplum ve Bilim, No. 92, Bahar 2002 (Multiculturalism and Hospitality in a Globalizaed World), pp. 120-137.
2001 ‘Mapping the Present: Interview with Gayatri Spivak,’ New Formations, No. 45, (December), pp: 9-23 (co-authored with Mahmut Mutman), pp. 9-23.
2001 ‘Küreselleşme ile Postkolonyallik Arasında,’ DOMUS M, No. 9, Şubat-Mart 2001.(Between Globalization and Postcoloniality’, DOMUS M , No. 9 February-March, pp. 2-5.
2001 ‘Orient: Site of Sexuality, Dream and Fantasy,’ The Perfumed Garden: An Indeterminable Oscillation Between Orient & Occident, Publication of the Turkish Pavillion, 49th Venice Biennale, pp. 3-4.
1997 ‘Emperyal Özne ve Feminist Söylem,’ Toplum ve Bilim, No 75, Kış. (‘Imperial Subject and Feminist Discourse’, Science and Society, No 75, pp. 7-33.
1997 Winter)‘Orlan: Gövdenin Dili,’ Toplum ve Bilim, No. 75, Kış (‘Orlan. The Language of the Body’, Science and Society, No. 75, Winter), pp. 190-195.
1996 ‘Cultural Studies in the United States and Multiculturalism,’ Journal of American Studies of Turkey, No3, Spring, pp. 13-21.
1995 ‘Sömürge Sonrası Dünyada Göçmen Kimliği,’ Mürekkep, Kış--Bahar (‘Migrant Identity in the Post-Colonial World,’ Mürekkep, Winter-Spring.), pp. 78-82.
1995 ‘Taboo, Art and Sexual Difference: The Image of the 'Monstrous Feminine' in Science Fiction Films,’ Art and Taboos: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium, Jale Erzen (ed.), Ankara, May, pp. 33-46
1995 ‘Tabu, Sanat ve Cinsel Farklılıklar: Bilim-Kurgu Filmlerinde 'Canavar Dişi' İmgesi,’ içinde Sanat ve Tabular: 2 Uluslarası Sempozyum Bildirileri, Jale Erzen (ed), Ankara, 4-6 Mayıs (‘Taboo, Art and Sexual Difference: The Representation of the 'Monstrous Feminine' in Science Fiction Films’, in Art and Taboo: Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium, Jale Erzen (ed.), May, pp. 33-46.
1995 ‘Oryantalizm ve Milliyetçi Söylem Arasında Kadın ve Peçe Savaşı,’ Toplum ve Bilim, No 66, Bahar (‘Woman Between Orientalism and Nationalist Discourse: The Battle of the Veil, Science and Society, No. 66, Spring), pp. 168-193.
1993 ‘Lifting the Veil: The Discourse of Modernism in Western Feminist Representations of Muslim Woman,’ Turkish Studies Association Bulletin, Vol. 17, No.1, April, pp. 152-157.
1993 ‘Milliyetçiliğin Sorunsalı: Üçüncü Dünyada İdeoloji ve Çelişki,’ Toplum ve Bilim, No 62, Güz-Yaz (The Problematic of Nationalism: Ideology and Ambivalence in the Third World’, Science and Society, No 62, Spring-Summer), pp. 184-190.
1992 ‘Supplementing the Orientalist Lack: European Ladies in the Harem,’ Inscriptions, No.6, 1992 (an earlier print of chapter 3 of Colonial Fantasies: Towards a Feminist reading of Orientalism), pp. 45-81.
Forthcoming (2014) ‘Discourse of Terror, Sovereignty and Domestic Violence’, in Violence in a Far Country: Women Scholars of Colour Theorize Terror (ed. Sherene Razack). Universiyt of Toronto Press.
2012 ‘Cosmopolitanism and Migrants’ in Gerard Delanty (ed.) Handbook of Cosmopolitan Studies, Routledge: New York and London, pp. 414-424.
2012 “Staging Secularism and Fantasies of Islamic Identity in Turkey,” in Jack Barbalet, Adam Possamai, and Bryan Turner (eds.) Religion and the State: A Comparative Sociology, Anthem Press: London and New York, 225-244.
2011 ‘Rights and Hospitality,’ in Gerard Delanty and Stephen Turner (eds.) Handbook of Contemporary Social and Political Theory, Routledge: New York and London, pp. 450-459.
2010 ‘Inhabiting Other Spaces: Imperial Tourists and Abject Strangers in a Globalized World,’ Proceedings of International Conference on Strangeness and Familiarity, Global Unity and Diversity inhuman Rights and Democracy, ed. Hans Harbers, FORUM, Institute for Multicultural Affairs, Faculty of Philosophy: Gronngen University, pp. 172-185.
2010 ‘Hospitality and European Muslims,” in Maurice Haminton (ed.) Feminism and Hospitality: Gender in the Host/Guest Relationship, Lexington Books:Lanham, Maryland, pp. 163-186.
2005 ‘From Guest-Worker to Hybrid Immigrant: Changing Themes of German-Turkish Literature,’ in Daniella Merolla and Sandra Ponzanesi (eds.), Migrant Cartographies: Cultural Travellers and New Literatures, Lexington Books: Lanham, Maryland, pp. 137-150.
1998 ‘Çokkültürlülük Disiplinlerarasılık mıdır?,’ Sosyal Bilimleri Yeniden Düşünnmek: Yeni Bir Kavrayışa Doğru, der. Toplum ve Bilim ve Defter Dergileri Ortak Çalışma Grubu, Metis Yayınları, İstanbul (‘Does Multiculturalism Mean Interdisciplinarity?,’ in Rethinking Social Sciences: Towards a New Conception, Toplum ve Bilim and Defter Study Group (ed.) Metis: Istanbul, pp. 287-298.
1996 ‘Giriş: Dünya Nasıl ‘Dünya’ Oldu?,’ (Fuat Keyman ve Mahmut Mutman ile birlikte) içinde Oryantalizm, Hegemonya ve Kültürel Fark, Fuat Keyman, Mahmut Mutman ve Meyda Yeğenoğlu (der), (İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları). (‘Introduction: How Has the ‘World’ Been Worlded?,’ in Orientalism, Hegemony and Cultural Difference, Fuat Keyman, Mahmut Mutman and Meyda Yeğenoğlu (ed.), İletişim: Istanbul, pp7-24.
1996 ‘Peçeli Fantaziler: Oryantalist Söylemde Kültürel ve Cinsel Fark,’ içinde Oryantalizm, Hegemonya ve Kültürel Fark, Fuat Keyman, Mahmut Mutman ve Meyda Yeğenoğlu (der), (İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları) ‘Veiled Fantasies: Cultural and Sexual Difference in the Discourse of Orientalism,’ in Orientalism, Hegemony and Cultural Difference, Fuat Keyman, Mahmut Mutman and Meyda Yeğenoğlu (ed.), İletişim: Istanbul, pp. 107-160.
1996 Oryantalizm, Hegemonya ve Kültürel Fark(with Fuat Keyman and Mahmut Mutman İstanbul, İletişim Yayınları) (Orientalism, Hegemony and Cultural Difference, (co-edited with Fuat Keyman and Mahmut Mutman, İletişim: Istanbul).
1997 Feminist Kuram: Bilgi ve Iktidar, Toplum ve Bilim özel sayısı, No.75, Kış (Special issue on Feminist Theory: Knowledge and Power, Toplum ve Bilim, No 75, Winter).
1992 Orientalism and Cultural Difference, Inscriptions, No 6, (co-edited with Mahmut Mutman), Journal published by the Center for Cultural Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz.
2014 “Islam is Haunting Europe”, Paper presented at University of Kent, Postcolonial Seminar, UK, December 5.
2013 “Islam is Haunting Europe”, Paper presented at Goldsmiths College, Postcolonial Seminar Series, London, March 15.
2013 “Islam in Europe: Hospitality, Migrancy and Sovereignty, Paper Presented at University of Exeter, Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies Seminar, UK, March 13, UK
2012 “Colonial Spectrality, European Sovereignty and Hospitality”, Paper presented at the symposium Oecumene: Citizenship After Orientalism, London, UK, November.
2012 ‘Discourse of Terror, Sovereignty and Domestic Violence’, Paper presented at Violence in a Far Country: Women Scholars of Colour Theorize Terror, Workshop Organized by OISE, University Of Toronto, Canada, May.
2010 ‘Secularism, Islam and Migrancy in Europe’ Lecture delivered at Roskilde University, CKMM and ISG Research Group Politics, Culture and Global Change, Roskilde, Denmark, March.
2009 ‘Feminist Perspectives on Neo-Orientalism’, Paper presented for the Inauguration of the Frankfurt Research Center for Postcolonial Studies, Frankfurt, Germany, November.
2009 ‘Sacralized Secularism and Hostile Hospitality in Europe,’ Columbia University, Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, New York, U.S.A, March.
2009 ‘Contradictions of Secularism in Europe: Civil Society,’ Publicness and the Headscarf Dispute,’ London School of Economics, United Kingdom, February.
2009 ‘Europe’s Impossible Relation with Islam,’ George Mason University, Department of Cultural Studies, Washington D.C, U.S.A, February.
2008 ‘Migrants, Headscarf and Islam in Europe,’ Dartmouth College, Women and Gender Studies Program, New Hampshire, U.S.A October.
2008 ‘Islam in the New European Imaginary and the Discourse of Cultural Difference,’ Lecture presented at the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London, London, United Kingdom, February.
2008 ‘Islam in Europe,’ Lecture presented at the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society, Columbia University, New York, U.S.A, February.
2008 ‘Veiled Threats: Religion, Visibility and the Limits of Liberal Tolerance,’ Lecture presented at The Gaze and The Veil: Surveillance and the Legacies of Orientalism conference at Dartmouth College, Hanover, U.S.A, February.
2008 ‘Veiled Threats and Islam in Europe,’ Lecture presented at the LSE Forum on Religion Seminar Series, The London School of Economics and Political Science, London, United Kingdom, February.
2008 Spaces of Migrancy and Tourism,’ Lecture presented at the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff School of Management, Cardiff, United Kingdom, February.