CCHS Tiger Pride Band Booster – Meeting Minutes for June 1, 2017

  1. Called to Orderat 6:34 pm
/ 6:34 pm
  1. Introductions (name, student(s), & grade)

  1. Approval of agenda & meeting minutes from May/Consent Agenda- Approved

  1. Reports
  2. Treasurer Report- Balance $36,814.49 (Scholarship/Trip acct. = $29,979- leaving balance of $6835.49) Check for $2500.00 to Loveland H.S. for cloud props is included in balance
  3. Payment(s)- Marching music arrangement
Motion made to approve $1800 for music arrangement, approved. Drum major camp was cancelled, no payment needed. Will need to reimburse for purchases for upcoming freshman band camp
  1. Committee Reports
  2. Meeting with Mr. Summers 6/2- Brian will discuss with Principal sponsorship program ideas with businesses. There needs to be a coordinated effort with all high school sponsors/advertisers so as not to overlap and duplicate asking in the community. Ideas discussed about having sponsors invited to community event after practice-a-thon to hear band perform program as thank you and to get more continued involvement. Budget for Marching band alone is $16 K, so, discussion on if practice-a-thon $$ raised should go toward the band instead of students trip. Other ideas about fundraiser breakfast at Chili’s or community concert before regional’s with a lunch to raise support $$ for the band.
  3. Fundraising/Sponsorship- Kyle Horne voted in as new committee chair. Discussion on date for upcoming meeting with those interested in serving on committee. Kyle requested those interested to stay after meeting in order to confirm and set time/day to meet. Duck Derby tickets being sold at White Water Fest on 6/24, between 4-8:00 pm- band profits $2 each ticket sold- 16 students signed up to walk around and sell. If helping where CCHS band shirt
  4. Marching Band (Deanna & Heather)- Deanna training Heather
  5. Need equipment transportation- Berry Transportation has helped the band for past 20 yrs, and can no longer continue. There is a budget for transport of equipment, but need to look into how to transport- any ideas are welcome
  6. Parent involvement necessary for checking out uniforms, prop help, etc. Plug in your name on Google doc when it is sent out close to event time.
  7. Props update- Brian and Josh spoke to detail of how to get the cloud props from Loveland H.S. A 26 ft trailer is needed to transport, and someone has volunteered. Motion was made to approve $130.00 or reimburse them lunch/gas cost for going up to get the props. Possible gas card/ gift certificate for food and at least offer to them, even if they do not accept.
  8. Jazz & Dinner- Stephanie gave synopsis of Dinner/Jazz event. Community helps with baskets for silent auction begins in January. 50 auction items gathered last year with profit of $6700 for event. Date has been reserved already (3/9/18 @ Harrison)
  9. Trip- Payment schedule needed to travel company. Mr. Race has the schedule and will email what payment is due now- need to solidify “who” is actually going for sure by October. Travel arrangements will not be made until January 2018

  1. Old Business
  2. CIO – Steph Lopez- her role is to communicate w/parents via Mr. Race. has been set up for this purpose. Any “teacher” questions need to go direct to Mr. Race
  3. Dance rather than pool party- 7/29/17- more communication to come- Student reps mentioned last year there was not a good turn out to the dance- need to communicate as a social instead. Maybe the freshman were not connected to social media last year to know, but everything is posted via
  4. Volunteer Recruitment- previously discussed
  5. By-law review and update- more review time needed, may try to do via email. Previous by-law document attempted to convert via Adobe Pro in order to update- still working on the technical difficulties.

  1. New Business
  2. Student Reps- students voice at the meeting– not in by- laws to approve, no need. No attendance requirements
  3. Homecoming - pep band reunion- Past CCHS band members attend. Brought up that if want to have parent buy in and help, maybe have any past high school band member participate to help build parent involvement. Information is usually posted on facebook to get the word out about the pep band reunion
  4. Other New Business
  5. CONFIRM…Next Meeting: July 6th 6:30PM at CCHS- Confirmed

  1. Open Discussion/For the Good of the Cause

  1. Adjourn
/ 7:51 pm