/ Shrewsbury School C.C.F.,
The Orderly Room,
The Schools, Kingsland,
Shrewsbury SY3 7AR.
Tel. 01743 280855
Fax. 01743 280856

From Major NP David

Contingent Commander

13th February 2012


Saturday 24th March to Thursday 29th March 2012

Dear parents,

As you hopefully know your son has opted to attend an adventure training camp in North Wales during the first week of this Easter holidays. I can confirm that he has been given a place on this and I am writing to give you brief details. Please let me know by (by email or phone message) if he is unable to attend. If you are reading this letter, he is on my list to go!

Dates and Timings of Easter Camp (depart from CCF Armoury)

Party Assembles Shrewsbury: Saturday 24th March at 1000hrs

Party Returns to Shrewsbury: Thursday 29th March at 1500hrs approx


The purpose of the camp is to introduce the boys to adventurous training activities in a controlled environment. It will be conducted under the auspices of the CCF although this will essentially be a non military (and non uniform) camp.

The camp is run and administered by staff from Shrewsbury School with the assistance of some external instructors. All instructors are fully qualified for the activities they will be running.

Planned activities include (a daily programme is attached)

  • Climbing and abseiling
  • Gorge walk
  • Mountain biking
  • 2 day hill walking expedition with overnight wild country camp
  • map reading practice
  • Karting activity
  • Gorge walking and high ropes confidence course
  • Initiative/team building tasks


The camp will be based at Talagerwyn, Nr Penmachno, Snowdonia. This is the school bunkhouse and climbing hut and is well fitted out for our purposes. Boys will sleep in bunkhouse style accommodation apart from the one night they will spend under canvas as part of the expedition.


Any postal contact with your son or staff on camp can be via the house caretaker as follows:

Shrewsbury School CCF Contingent


C/o Mrs Morris




LL25 0HT

Talagerwyn does not have a land line ‘phone therefore all contact is by mobile as follows:

For contact with the party contact Captain Jeremy Lucas on 07966 311 428 or Major Amanda Francis on 07768 278 357


We will be issuing some instructions to your son and the other boys attending, including a list of clothing required, though this should include nothing that your son does not already have at school. A copy of the list is attached. We hold a large amount of adventure training equipment here, eg: rucsacs and waterproofs, therefore there should be no need to purchase any one off items. Your son does have a pair of hybrid walking/army boots that will be quite suitable for the mountaineering phase. All other items such as tentage, safety gear, compasses and sleeping bags will be supplied by us.


This will be £120.00 which covers all food, transport and instructors costs. This is well below the true cost of the week however we obtain some subsidy via the military and our own CCF funds. The cost of the camp will be charged via your summer term school bill.

A small amount of cash would be useful for the camp itself, say £10 to £20.

I hope your son will return having had a worthwhile and adventurous experience.

Yours sincerely,

N P David

Enc. Daily Programme. Kit List.


Sat 24th March - Thurs 29th March 2012


l / Date Time / Activity Details / Staffing/Admin/Locs / Pupils
1. / Sat 24th March
Evening / Meet at CCF Armoury
Gorgewalk (Llanrwst)
Settle in. Briefings.
Mine Exploration (with TMC)
Group 1 / TMC. / 16
2. / Sun 25th
Evening / 2 x group of 8
climb/canoe – half day each
Mine Exploration (with TMC) group 2 / TMC / 16
3. / Mon 26th
Evening / Mountain bike (am and pm) – groups of 8 to swop with High Ropes
High Ropes Cse (pm)
1400hrs onwards)
Preparation for Two Day Expedition / TT Adventure (high ropes) – on A470 Llanwrst road.
Bike route finished 1300hrs approx at high ropes cafe. Latest arrival time 1345hrs
NPD and TMC / 16
Overnight wild camp / TMC plus NPD / 16
Evening: Final Supper/BBQ / TMC plus NPD / 16
6. / Thurs 29th / Clean up Tally
Karting (races of course) en route / Eta Shrewsbury 1500hrs / 16



General Points

(Note: Talargerwyn is in the Snowdonia National Park so you should bring no military uniform at all, the one exception to this is your hybrid CCF boots). Remember also that Snowdonia can be cold and dangerous at any time of year, Easter is no exception.

Any item marked with an asterix * can be loaned to you by the CCF.

Personal Clothing

  1. Boots (either your own walking boots or hybrid CCF boots. It is important that these are ‘walked in.’)
  2. Light trousers for walking in. Light cotton is best as they dry out. Do not wear denim
  3. Warm jerseys and/or fleece
  4. Tracksuit top and bottom x 2 (thermal leggings/top also useful)
  5. Swimming trunks
  6. Sufficient socks/underwear/T Shirts etc for the week
  7. A complete set of waterproof clothing (jacket and trousers) *
  8. good quality walking socks (2 prs)
  9. Woollen Hat* (not baseball hat)
  10. Gloves or mittens
  11. Trainers (for climbing)
  12. Gaiters *
  13. Sufficient casual clothes for evenings

Equipment and other belongings:

  • Washing/shaving kit
  • Towels and toiletries
  • Sleeping bag*
  • Water bottle
  • Roll mat*
  • Day sac or small ruc sac*
  • Large ruc sac (50 litres or more) *
  • Torch
  • A small quantity of cash (suggest £10-£20)

To be issued at Talargerwyn:

  • Tents
  • Fuel and matches
  • Rations, Cooking stoves and eating implements/kfs and mugs
  • Maps/map cases and compasses
  • Safety equipment, canoes, climbing gear, bikes etc.

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