CCESL Civic Leader Application

CCESL Civic Leader Application

CCESL Civic leaders work in the Center for Community Engagement and Service Learning and in the Geneva Community through direct and indirect service. Through indirect service, Civic Leaders promote service initiatives on campus and in the community as well as encourage volunteer recruitment. Civic Leaders may also be paired with a community partner or be involved in a variety direct service projects on campus or in the community. As a Civic Leader you will be expected to attend a variety of civic engagement training events as well as maintain open communication with the CCESL staff, peer Civic Leaders and community partners.

I. Name: ______Class Year______Box Number: ______

Email Address: ______Cell #______

Have you or are you currently working in the CCESL office? YES NO

Circle the Civic Leader position for which you are applying for (see back for descriptions):

Civic Leader for Literacy Civic Leader for Alternative Spring Break Senior Civic Leader

Civic Leader for Outreach Civic Leader to the Boys and Girls Club

Civic Leader for Community Based Learning Civic Leader to Geneva Community Center

Civic Leader for Political Activism Civic Leader for Big Brother Big Sister

II. Please list the information for two references that we can contact:

Name: ______Phone Number: ______

E-mail Address: ______Relationship: ______

Name: ______Phone Number: ______

E-mail Address: ______Relationship: ______

III. Please submit a copy of a current resume.

IV. Please answer the following questions:

1.  Why are you interested in the CCESL Civic Leader position and what do you feel you could bring to the job?

2.  What service and/or leadership activities have you been involved with on campus and in the community?

3.  What is one strength and one weakness that would affect you in your position as a Civic Leader.

4.  Have you had any experience working with any community partners in Geneva, if so, which partner and what did the collaboration look like?


CCESL Civic Leader Job Descriptions

Civic Leader for Big Brothers Big Sisters- Recruit “Bigs” (HWS students) from campus to be trained and matched with “Littles” in the community. Additionally, “Bigs” will need to be supported with regular meetings and organized events for them to attend with their “Littles.”

Civic Leader to the Boys and Girls Club- Sustain a program that recruits volunteers for consistent volunteerism and volunteers for special events. Assist Boys and Girls Club staff with assessing what their volunteer and program needs are.

Civic Leader for Community Based Learning- Assist in placing students at different community partners throughout Geneva, who are enrolled in service-learning classes. Conduct site visits throughout the semester to support the students at the site placements.

Civic Leader to Geneva Community Center- This is a two pronged job, in which the Civic Leaders work in collaboration in recruitment, special events, and volunteer management. They will run their own programs at the Boys and Girls Club Teen Center, located at the Geneva Community Center. Previous programs include: Junior Achievement and Youth for Unity.

Civic Leader for HWS Responds- Assist is efforts across campus in connection with disaster relief efforts: speakers, fundraisers, awareness, etc. Work on planning, organizing, and executing alternative spring break trips for HWS students.

Civic Leader for Literacy- Assist in the facilitation and training of the America Reads program through: recruitment, supporting America Reads coordinators and tutors, and maintaining the “Book Nook.” Collaborate with the Geneva Reads initiative to keep all community bookshelves stocked with age appropriate books.

Civic Leader for Outreach- Oversee CCESL sponsored events throughout the year including: blood drives, days of service, holiday gift project, community barn sale, community lunch program, September 11th remembrance day, and holiday bell ringing for the Salvation Army. In addition they will serve as the general contact for questions from students about getting involved on campus.

Civic Leader for Political Activism- hold a variety of events on campus to help raise political awareness. Organize a policy panel on international events and a political movie series. Organize and support HWS Votes. Publish and distribute 2-3 issues of “potty politics” throughout the semester.

Senior Civic Leader- Encourage and support peer Civic Leaders in their programs and initiatives. Hold a monthly meeting with Civic Leaders to provide updates, have discussions, promote events etc. Meet regularly with CCESL staff to develop goals and service opportunities.