PCCW TeleservicesLaptop Application Form

To : Teleservices ServiceDesk

Fax No. : (+852) 2176 0782 Date : _____ / _____ / ______

Tel No. : (+852) 2888 1177 /(+86) 400 888 3888 (DD) (MM) (YYYY)

Email :

Part A : Requester Information
Staff No. / Full Name / Location / Team / Serving Program(Production Team only) / Contact No. / Responsible Owner
(Contact numbers) / Request
New Request
Replace with model :
New Request
Replace with model :
New Request
Replace with model :
New Request
Replace with model :
New Request
Replace with model :
Part B:Justification
Applicant must fill in necessary information properly (see Instructions on next page), and obtain the approval signature from Team Manager or above in Part C then fax/email to Teleservices ServiceDesk for processing.
User is not allowed to reassign the laptop to others when the original user is resigned or transferred. It must be returned to local site support or Administrative Officer (AO) and fill in the Application form when the replacement staff report duty.
For laptop replacement, user must return the retired laptop to local site support or AO within one (1) month once new laptop is released. All data of the returned laptop will be erased permanently.
The laptop assigned may be a brand new or refurbished laptop, subjected to resource availability and Management discretion.
When the existing refurbished workable laptop is not available, acquiring brand new laptop may take time for budget arrangement and delivery.
In principle, user should be assigned either 1 laptop or 1 desktop computer only, unless with approved business justification.
Part C : Approval by Team Manager or above
Staff No. / Name / Title / Date of signature / Signature
Part D : Approval byHead Of Technical Services
Staff No. / Name / Title / Date of signature / Signature
00722900 / Lam, Ivan WK / VP

PCCW TeleservicesLaptop Application Form


Example of Part A

Part A : Requester Information
Staff No. / Full Name / Location / Team / Serving Program / Contact No. / Responsible Owner / Request
00123456 / Chan Peter TM / HK-WTT18 / PS / Disney / 2881 2345 / Tse, Candy SP
(2883 4567) / New Request
Replace with model : Dell D630

“Staff No.” - must be filled.

“Full Name”–Full name of applicant that used in email account display.


Location / Site Description
HK-BNK / Ngau Tau Kok Exchange Building
HK-TWP / Tsuen Wan Chinachem Plaza
HK-WTT / Sheung Wan West Exchange Tower
GZ-BIT / Guangzhou Bank International Tower
SH-SJQ / Shanghai Jin Qiao Call Centre
BJ-BJS / Beijing SilverTech
YC-BYO / Chongqing Yong Chuan Business Outsourcing Call Centre
Others / Please provide working address

“Team”–PS (Production South), PN (Production North), BD (Business Development), BP (Business Planning), OP (Operations Planning), TS (Technical Services), FM (Facilities Management), HR (Human Resources).

“Serving Program”(Only for Production Team)-eg. Disney, Philips, McD, Nokia, Amway…etc

“Responsible Owner” - AO or immediate supervisor who responsible forcollecting the returned laptopwithin 1 month when user resigned or transferred.

“Request”–New Request or replacement. For replacement, applicant has to provide the current model of laptop or desktop.

Laptop Application Form_20131111.doc Form Download :