Cavanah, ENG 9 Inclement WeatherDAY10: Commonly Misspelled Words NAME: ______Pd:___

PART 1 - DIRECTIONS: Following is a list of the some of the most commonly misspelled words in the English language.

-FIRST, in the space beside/beloweach word, NEATLY PRINT IT CORRECTLY THREE TIMES.

-NEXT, take the PRACTICE TEST on the back, without looking at the correct spellings. Also, CHECK your answers.

(NOTE: You will be tested only on the correct spelling of the word. However, if you don’t know what the word is or means, you should use a dictionary and/or thesaurus to look up the pronunciation, definition and synonyms that mean the same.)

1) acceptable

2) accidentally

3) argument (Drop “e” from argue.)

4) backward (no “s” on the end)

5) believe (Remember, “i” before “e” – except after “c.”)

6) basically (Add “-al” before the “-ly.”)

7) calendar

8) category

9) definitely

10) existence

11) experience (Experience four “E’s.”)

12) February So cold it’s spelled with “br” – like shivering “brrrr” – and makes you want to “bru” (brew) hot tea.

13) forward (no “s” on the end)

14) humorous

15) independent

16) January (NOT an extra “r” like February)

17) judgment (Drop “e” from judge.)

18) license (one “c,” one “s”)

19) occasionally (Add “-al” before the “-ly.”)

20) pastime (Drop an “s” before joining “pass” and “time.”)

21) receive (Remember, “i” before “e” – except after “c”)

22) restaurant(“Urant” – i.e., you rant -- if you don’t like the food.)

23) separate(contains “a rat”)

24) toward (no “s” on the end)

25) weird (The word weirdreally is weird and breaks the rule of “‘i’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c.’”) continued…

Page 2 of 2 DAY 10 - Commonly Misspelled Words - Practice Quiz NAME: ______Pd: _____

PART 2 - DIRECTIONS: CIRCLE the correct spelling in each line.

1) exceptable, exceptible, acceptable, acceptible

2) accidently, accidentally, accidentaly, acidentally

3) argument, arguement, arguemant, argumant

4) backwards, back-wards, back-wards, backward

5) beleive, believe, beleave, balieve

6) basicly, basicaly, basically, basicalily

7) calander, calendar, calandar, calender

8) category, catagory, catigory, catogory

9) definately, definatly, definitely, definatally

10) existence, existance, existince, existants

11) experiance, expierance, experience, expierience

12) Febuary, Feburary, February, Februery

13) forward, forwards, fore-ward, foreward

14) humerous, humorous, humorus, humeruous

15) independant, independent, indapendant, endependant

16) Janurary, January, Janruary, Januaury

17) judgement, judgment, judgment, judgemant

18) license, lisense, lisence, licence

19) occasionally, occasionly, ocassionally, ocassionly

20) pasttime, passtime, pastime, pass-time

21) recieve, receive, racieve, raceive

22) restaurant, restuarant, restaraunt, resturant

23) seperate, separate, seprate, sepparate

24) toward, towards, tward, twards

25) wierd, weird, weard, werid

PART 3 – DIRECTIONS - Now, go back and check your answers. Do NOT erase your wrong answers, but

put an “X” over the misspelled words that you incorrectly circled AND also circle the correct one.