Form DPS-A
Professional Development Unit Application
Course Title: __School Wide PDU: Effectively Implementing SLOs as a Collaborative Team
Dates: September - May ______
School/Department Name: ______
Framework Alignment and Expectations PDU Leader Name:______
X Positive Classroom Culture and Climate
Effective Classroom Management
X High-Impact Instructional Moves
Masterful Content Knowledge
X Essential Knowledge of Students & Use of Data
Effective Classroom Management
X Effective Collaboration & Engagement
X Thoughtful Reflection, Learning & Development
Masterful Teacher Leadership
Focus of Study and Rationale:
The SLO process involves setting ambitious, realistic and measurable year-long objectives describing what a student needs to know and be able to do at the end of a course or school year. The focus of the school wide PDU is the alignment of SLOs/SGOs, LEAP indicators with the School’s UIP over-arching professional development plan for data collection/analysis, implementing effective strategies, and planning next steps to improve instruction.
If we learn how to effectively implement ambitious well written, data measurable student learning objectives using multiple reliable data sources
then _we can provide instructional strategies that are embedded, differentiated, assessed, measured, progress monitored and based on concrete data to improve student learning
Course Objectives: Focus of Study and Rationale
1. Teachers will develop skills in designing and selecting high quality assessments and rubrics that provide effective baseline data, progress monitoring and measuring essential learning for their classroom students.
2. Teachers will learn how to implement Data inquiry cycles, establish three appropriate sources of baseline data and effectively build a body of evidence to monitor the progress for each student.
3. Teachers will align Common Core standards, Colorado Academic Standards and DPS ELGs with curriculum/daily lesson plans.
4. Teachers will utilize collected data to prioritize key SLOs, differentiate instructional strategies, explore collaborative support.
5. Teachers will identify critical skills and essential learning that students must attain.
Teachers will participate in this school-wide professional development plan during the school year.
There are no prerequisites for this PDU. Faculty at this school.
Course Description:
This course will provide a school –wide PDU focused on implementing ______(SUBJECT/CONTENTAREA) SLO at ______( school name). Teachers will learn how to effectively implement research based best practice teaching strategies ambitious, to support well written, data measurable student learning objectives using multiple reliable data sources.
Participant will develop skills in designing and selecting high-quality assessments and rubrics that provide effective baseline data, progress monitoring and measuring essential learning for their classroom students.
PDU participants will learn to implement data inquiry cycles, establish 3 appropriate sources of baseline date and effectively build a body of evidence to monitor student progress.
Also included will be:
1) learning how to align SLO s with CCSS, CAS, ELG
2) utilizing collected data to prioritize key SLOs,
3) identifying critical skills and essential learning that students must attain.
4) identifying and implementing differentiated instructional strategies ,
5) exploring options for collaborating with peers for support.
Course Content: Outline main topics of study session-by-session providing sufficient information to present a complete overview of course content (topics covered during meeting dates, participant expectations, etc.)
Summary of Meeting Dates and Activities to Complete for PDU Credit
Month / Date / Topic / Activity / Clock hours / Framework Indicator
Course Activities- describe kinds of activities provided that will enable participants to achieve objectives listed in Course Objectives above. List what assignments (i.e. reading, writing, attending, observing, implementing) participants will be expected to complete, as well as a demonstration of the application of the learning in the classroom or work setting.
Participation Requirements –
· Attend at least ___study groups.
· If a study group is missed, the participant will do the reading, write a reflection, shadow or confer with a teammate implementing the strategy and plan a lesson.
· If more than ____ study group is missed then there will be no PDU credit.
Study Component— what is the planned learning and how will you and your participants know they learned it? What methods of inquiry are being utilized (i.e. book study, District PD, learning labs, etc.)? Please explain the activities participants will take part in.
1. SLO Implementation PD will be provided on ______.
2. SLO Data Inquiry Cycle PD will be provided on ______.
3. Common Core Standards, Colorado Academic Standards and DPS ELGs PD will be provided on ______.
Sample of reflections from PD and assigned reading
Draft of SLO
Description and plan of action for 3-5 identified instructional practices to implement
Demonstration Component- How will participants document the application of their learning? How will participants document on-going student learning? How will participants show multiple techniques used to apply strategies (collaboration, teaching strategies, lesson plans, etc.)?
1. Administration and analysis of student assessments
2. Collaboration in data team sessions to monitor student progress and identify effective strategies
3. Develop and revise formative assessments and instructional plans
4. Classroom instruction and formative assessments
Artifacts- How will participant demonstrate the effects of new learning on student/teacher growth? Will there be data collection and analysis to provide next steps for learning and instruction?
· Body of Evidence
· Progress Monitoring Data Collection
· Student Work
· Lesson Plans
· Pre/Post Assessments
Reflection Component- Are there planned activities for participants to receive feedback and respond to the feedback? Are there planned activities for participants to discuss implications for practice? What are the next steps as a result of this study?
1. January PD Meeting –Update/Reflection on SLO Implementation/Progress Monitoring/Data Collection
2. May Final Group Meeting/Triad presentations-Peer Review Activity
Artifacts- How will learning be documented over time?
· Self-reflection power point
· Written SLOs
· Pre & Post Assessments used during PDU
· Progress Monitoring Assessments
Required texts, readings, and instructional resources – attach appropriate bibliography
1. Common Core Standards,
2. Colorado Academic Standards
Participant Evaluation-
· Each teacher will present their PDU work sample to a group of fellow PDU teachers using a protocol – (Case study presentation will include: student work samples, ongoing assessment data, personal reflection on learning, lesson plan samples, etc.)
· Each teacher will submit their PDU final work sample for peer review
Final Work Sample:
Participants will complete a preset power point as the final work sample.
The power point contains the following components that must be successfully completed in earning the SLO PDU
1. A set of questions stimulating reflective responses (formerly essay). The reflective questions provide opportunities for sharing the impact the SLOs had on their instructional strategies, student performance in relation to the SLO implementation, and reporting on the data collection analysis.
2. Three artifacts that were directly produced by the PDU, artifacts and examples of teaching strategies and/or lesson plans implemented, assessment results and student work that were directly related to the PDU. The purpose of the three artifacts is to provide teachers with the opportunity to reflect on the SLO process by accessing a variety of learning experiences as a result of this PDU and to synthesize these experiences, reflecting on how their learning has impacted instruction and student learning.
3. Completed peer evaluation forms
4. Exit Ticket.
Final Group Meeting Participant Criteria for Successfully Meeting Standard(s) -- A final group meeting will be scheduled by the PDU Leader. At this meeting the School-Wide SLO PDU participants will present and share their final work sample power point in a Triad formation ( See Protocol for Final Group).
Peer Evaluation—Peers in a triad formation participate either by presenting their final work sample or by assessing the presented final work sample guided by the rubric for Peer Evaluation. The Peer Evaluation form (located in the power point) is then completed and emailed to the presenter. Each member of the triad has 10 minutes to present their final work sample. Peer evaluation procedures will assign a pass/fail grade based on the PDU rubric.
Class Method—How the class will be taught:
Online__ Hybrid/Blended Learning______Independent Study__ Traditional Contact __
Class Location: Site
Street Address:
City, State, Zip
Grading: Pass/Fail Traditional