Causes of and the Civil War Review:

Chancellorsville / Antietam / Vicksburg / Appomattox Courthouse
Supreme Commander of the Union army for last year of the war / William Tecumseh
Sherman / Who had more guns, bullets, factories, railroads, banks, men, money? / Who had the draft?
Lee’s Last attempt to go up into the North and win the war / Lee’s right arm / Habeas Corpus is / Why did Lincoln suspend Habeas Corpus?
President of the Union was / President of the Confederate States was / Unconditional Surrender was his nickname / Supreme General of the South
Characteristics of Bull Run / Where were Grant’s military successes located / What area of the war was the Mississippi river in / Ordered to march on a southern city and burn it
High point of the war for the South / Turning point of the war / Resources the North could rely on / Resources the south could rely on
North won because / South lost because / The purpose of the Blockade of Southern ports was / Emancipation Proclamation did what
Gettysburg address said what / Civil war began where / Civil war ended where / Why was Maryland important to the South and North
How were soldiers Identified in the Civil war / Bloodiest 12 hour day of the war / What is a substitute / What was Lincoln’s hidden purpose in freeing the slaves
Why did the South suffer from inflation / Pickett’s charge / Casualty / War goal of the Union at beginning of the war
War goal of the Union at end of the war / War goals of the South for the war / What is a defensive war? / Are we having fun yet?
Defensive war was fought by who / Offensive war was fought by who / Anaconda Plan / Civil war begins at
What events led to the Nullification crisis? / Why did the South hate tariffs? / Presidents who upheld the supreme power of the federal government / The 2nd inaugural address of Lincoln that shows he wanted the South to receive fair treatment after the war
Inflation in the South / Dred Scott supreme court case / Whom did the tariff of 1832 also called the tariff of abominations hurt? / Popular sovereignty
Treaty that ends the War with Mexico / Feb 1861 / William Lloyd Garrison / Missouri Compromise
Antebellum south / Why did we win the Mexican American war? / The Grimke sisters / Fugitive slave Law
Wilmot proviso / Nat Turner / What issue led to the Civil war in the era of manifest destiny, the early and mid 1800’s ? / John Brown
The rhyme you need to memorize is …..