441 N. Lee Street
Alexandria, VA 22314
Winter Board Meeting
February 21 – 22, 2014
Alexandria, VA
1st Vice Commander’s Report
Most Reverend Bishop Higgins, Reverend Father, Commander, Fellow Officers, Veterans and Guests,
It has been a long and hard winter for so many of us. We have seen robins here in the Ohio area so spring cannot be too far away!!
Many thanks to the various posts and departments who submitted their reports in a timely manner. There are so many activities going on within the posts and departments. Our veterans and their families are enjoying the many benefits that we as Catholic War Veterans are providing. If you did not submit a report for the first reporting period, I strongly encourage you to do so for the second period which is the first part of this year. Submit your activities and pictures to headquarters so that they can be published in our magazine. Your particular activities may encourage other posts and/or departments to do likewise.
1st Vice reports were submitted from the Department of New Hampshire and Texas. Posts and departments submitting their reports were Nevada Post 1947, Il Post 1933, Ohio Posts 306, 1954 and 1959; Department of Texas and New Hampshire.
Spiritual bouquets for Pope Francis were submitted from IL Post 1933 and 370; PA Post 1446; NV Post 1947, and the Department of New Hampshire.
Here are some of the activities that were done by either posts and/or departments:
- Flag etiquette fliers presented to Youth Patriots Camp and various school groups
- Color Guard/Honor Guard for various Veteran’s Day programs and football games
- Charitable donations at Thanksgiving and Christmas
- Assistance to Fisher House, State of Ohio CWV Gift Bag Campaign for the Troops, USO, Honor Flights
- Collection and repair of broken rosaries for redistribution to various groups and to our troops overseas
- Posts’ quarterly donations to Archdiocese for Military Services & Sister BJ’s Pantry, providing food and clothing for homeless veterans
- Classroom presentations
- Participation in various CWV 3rd vice programs
- Parades, decorating of cemeteries
- Providing support for widow and their families
- Food banks
- Supporting diocesan seminarians
- Deceased members Masses
- Pearl Harbor Ceremonies
- Warriors Weekend in Texas recognizing our wounded warriors
- Scholarship programs for our young people
- Working at the polls
As you can see, the list is endless. Thank you all for everything you are doing for our veterans and their families. Job well done…keep up the good work for God, Country and Home!
Respectfully submitted,
Arminda C. Crawford
1st Vice Commander
Congressionally Chartered August 17, 1984