Catholic School Region of Staten Island- St Rita School

“A Tradition of Excellence, A Future of Promise”

30 Wellbrook Avenue

Staten Island, New York 10314

Phone: 718-761-2504

Fax: 718-761-0014

September, 2017

Dear Families,

We are happy to welcome you to the 2017-2018 school year! We are looking forward to teaching your child in our Pre-K for All program. Pre-K is a big milestone in your child’s life and we are excited to travel this journey together. We are eager to create a productive partnership with you to ensure a successful school year. In our classroom, we believe that every child is unique and has the ability to learn. We promise to provide meaningful experiences and create a love for learning in your child.

Throughout the year, we will provide your child with many opportunities to grow as active, independent learners, engage themselves with hands on tasks, develop awareness of various concepts all while having fun! We believe that parents are our partners in education and a strong parent-teacher relationship is important for overall success.

Listed is some general information on classroom and school procedures:

1.  Supplies:

·  Student Supply List:

·  2- two pocket folders for correspondence to and from school and suggested homework activities (child’s choice)

·  1- notebooks for parent- teacher communication (preferably marble notebooks)

·  Smock or adult sized t-shirt to be used for painting

·  Change of clothes (include: shirt, pants, underwear, socks) in a CLEARLY LABELED Ziploc bag

·  Classroom Wish List:

If possible, please help make our wishes come true by donating any of these items to our class:

·  Hand sanitizer

·  Paper towel

·  Tissues

·  Baby wipes

·  Clorox/ cleaning wipes

***Please CLEARLY label ALL of your child’s belongings to ensure the safe return of any items and to avoid confusion with other students. Thank you!

2.  Daily Folder and Notebook:

·  Your child’s folder and notebook will be sent from home to school daily. The folder and notebook provide a means of communication between home and school. Please check for daily notices and return all correspondences in your child’s folder. Please feel free to communicate with me via your child’s communication notebook. Your child’s other folder will be used for suggested home-school activities.

3.  Monthly Suggested Activities:

·  Each month a calendar will be sent home with activities and themes planned for that month. Along with a calendar of the month, a newsletter, and suggested activities to strengthen your child’s writing skills, fine motor skills, math skills, etc. will also be sent home.

***As mentioned, the activities are suggested but completing the activities will help reinforce material learned in school as well as provide great family fun time!

4.  Snack/Lunch:

·  Your child will be provided with snack and lunch daily. Lunch is provided by the school’s lunch program (Four Seasons Catering.) A menu is available online at A snack will also be provided. If your child has any know allergies or aversions to food, please be sure to inform the nurse and myself.

5.  Rest Time:

·  Students are required to bring in a crib sized fitted sheet to be used during rest time. The fitted sheet will be used to cover the mat. Students are permitted to bring in a blanket to be used during rest time too. The sheet and blanket should be sent in a clearly labeled bag with your child’s name. Every Friday, the sheet and blanket will be sent home to be washed and returned to school again on Monday.

6.  Allergies:

·  Any known allergies should be reported to the nurse and myself. With that said to ensure the safety of all students, our classroom will be a “Nut Free Zone.”

7.  Birthdays:

·  Birthdays are welcome in our classroom. You may bring in a small treat to celebrate this momentous occasion, brownies, cookies or a choice of two munchkins is welcomed. Please inform me a few days prior to your child’s birthday.

***Parents may not bring in favors or “goodie” bags for students. Thank you for your cooperation.

***Please be conscious of our “Nut Free” policy too. Thank you!

8.  Bathroom:

·  Please be conscious of your child’s clothing as they will be independently using the restroom. Also, please review handwashing techniques with your child. For example, singing “Row, Row, Row, Your Boat” or “The ABC’s” while handwashing.

9.  Website:

·  For further information in regard to any school or class activities please visit .

Please feel free to contact me at with any questions, comments or concerns, I am here to help!

We are excited to begin this Pre-K journey with you and your child.


Ms. Rodriguez

Ms. Culotta