This project will provide the interior and exterior electrical systems necessary for a fully functional Tactical Equipment Maintenance Facility (TEMF) and associated out (storage) buildings. Elements of the electrical systems will meet the requirements specified in the RFP package. All systems will be code compliant and constructed with products tested and listed for the application. Electrical systems proposed for the complex will be as described below.

Electrical Service

The primary service and pad mounted transformer will be provided by Sulphur Springs Valley Electric Cooperative (SSVEC). The contractor will provide the concrete pad and substructure. From the secondary of the pad mounted transformer, service entrance conductors will be provided through underground 4” PVC, conduit into the main electrical room. The pad mounted transformer will provide 480Y/277V power to an interior main 400 amp service entrance panel. The service entrance conductors will terminate on a service entrance main distribution panel board (MDP).

Power Distribution

The MDP will consist of a solidly grounded neutral 480Y/277V, three-phase, four wire panelboard with 100% rated solid state main circuit breaker with GFCI capability. The MDP will provide power through circuit breakers to large mechanical loads, 480Y/277V branch panelboards for lighting and small mechanical loads and 480-208Y/120V distribution transformers. 480-208Y/120V transformers will be dry type, energy efficient and serve secondary 208Y/120V distribution panels. These branch circuit panels will be evenly distributed throughout the facility as possible to limit voltage drop and allow for flexible, efficient power distribution to general receptacles, small mechanical loads and general equipment.

·  Space for a future 3-phase, 200A circuit breaker will be provided in the MDP. 20% spare capacity will be provided in the distribution system.

·  Branch circuit panelboards will be provided with 15% space for future circuit breakers and be balanced per-phase to within ±20% of the average load. Primary service conductors and interior distribution feeders will be sized for a maximum 2% voltage drop to meet code requirements and to limit system losses.

·  Branch circuit conductors will be copper, sized for a maximum 3% voltage drop and installed in a minimum ½” conduit. A separate neutral wire and green equipment grounding conductor will be provided for branch circuits.

·  The effect of nonlinear loads will be considered during design and equipment will be rated as necessary to accommodate these types of loads.

·  General receptacles will be 120V, 20A specification grade. Quantities and locations will comply with code and solicitation requirements. Receptacles will be provided for plug in GFGI office and utilization equipment and adjacent to each duplex voice/data and CATV outlet. Additional receptacles will be installed in break areas for GFGI equipment and in other areas as required in the solicitation to allow a flexible and operational facility.

·  In the training room receptacles will be installed for each student and instructor, in flush floor boxes and along walls as necessary. A ceiling receptacle will be installed for a GFGI projector.

·  GFCI receptacles will be provided for wet/damp locations as required by code and the solicitation.

·  Local disconnects will be installed near all motors and equipment.

·  Power connections and/or special power outlets will be provided for GFGI equipment listed in the solicitation including, but not limited to: one welding station, cranes, portable hydraulic lifts, three SATS containers, three ASL-MS containers, ComVan, steam cleaner, tire changer, cleaning unit, vending machines, refrigerator and microwave.

Lightning Protection, Grounding and Transient Voltage Surge Suppression (TVSS)

A complete U.L. Master Label lightning protection system will be provided conforming to NFPA 780. Grounding will be in accordance with Article 250 of the National Electric Code and UL 467. A complete interconnected counterpoise system will be provided around the building. This system will consist of a direct buried bare copper grounding loop and ¾” diameter 10’ long copper-clad steel ground rods. Major elements bonded to this system include lightning protection down conductors, service entrance grounding bus, communication grounding bus, building steel and primary metallic water service piping. Exterior underground connections to the counterpoise system will be made with exothermic welds. A green equipment grounding conductor will be provided with all branch circuits. Grounding straps and ground points will be provided in each vehicle repair area.

A UL 1449 listed and labeled TVSS device will be installed adjacent to the MDP to provide a path to ground for an electrical surge and to limit the magnitude of transient surges into the system. The TVSS device will be hard wired via a circuit breaker.

Interior Lighting

Luminaires will be provided for each interior area. The primary lamp sources will be energy efficient 4’ T8 or T5 fluorescent. Fluorescent lamps will have a color temperature of 4100K, a minimum CRI of 85 for linear lamps and 82 for compact lamps, and low mercury content. Fluorescent ballasts will be high frequency electronic, high power factor and THD less than 10%. Illumination levels will be calculated at 2.5’ AFF in primary areas and on floor level in support areas. The quantity of illumination in each area will be as required in the solicitation or where not specified as recommended by the IESNA Lighting Handbook. Occupancy sensors will be provided in all required areas to reduce energy use when unoccupied and to meet energy code requirements. Areas with architectural solar light tubes or skylights will be illuminated with a hybrid system of natural day lighting and electric lighting with daylight controls.

General lighting in areas with ceilings will be provided from 2’x4’ static troffers with acrylic lens. Offices and training rooms will be illuminated with parabolic lensed troffers to control glare on computer screens. Work bay areas will be provided with high bay fluorescent fixtures. Utility areas will be provided with industrial strip fixtures with integral reflector. General illumination and task lighting will be provided for the pit area, fixtures in this area will be appropriate for the classification of the space. Three and four-way switching will be provided for corridors and rooms with multiple entrances, all switches will be specification grade, heavy duty, hard use, 20 amps.

Emergency Egress lighting will be provided in areas required with general luminaires being connected to un-switched circuits for continuous operation. Emergency lighting will be provided with integral emergency battery ballasts in general area fluorescent light fixtures. Exit signs will be internally illuminated LED with integral battery backup with a flasher circuit connected to the fire alarm system. The location and quantity of exit signs and emergency luminaires will be as required by the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code. Egress lighting will be provided outside of egress doors to illuminate the discharge area.

Exterior Lighting

Site area lighting within the security fence for sidewalks, roadways, service yards, facility aprons, open storage areas and parking areas will be provided as required in the solicitation. A combination of building mounted and pole mounted luminaires will be used to meet illumination requirements. Design of the site lighting system will be provided as part of this contract using SSVEC standard fixtures and poles, installation of all pole mounted area lighting will be by SSVEC. Poles within vehicle areas will be located to minimize damage from vehicles. Illumination will be no less than 0.5fc maintained and 5fc maintained adjacent to the primary facility. Exterior building mounted lighting will be controlled by photocell and lighting contactors located in the main electrical room of the primary facility.

Security Systems

A conduit, wire and box infrastructure system will be installed to support GFGI security systems. Branch circuits for power, communications connections and raceways with signal wiring for each system will be provided as required.

Hardstand Vehicle Termination Points

Conduit for termination points will be installed in the vehicle hardstand to allow future termination of power, communications and grounding of the vehicles. For future fiber communications cable a PVC conduit with pull string will be provided to each termination point, routed from the TEMF main communications room. This conduit system will be sized to accommodate four strands of multimode fiber optic cable per termination point. A grounding point will be provided at each location to allow local grounding of the vehicles. For future power cabling, direct buried PVC conduits with pull string will be provided for each vehicle served from a termination point. The power conduits will route back to common dedicated locations for future transformers and switchgear to serve power to the vehicles.