Catholic Parish of Alfreton and Clay Cross

(Charity No. 234064)

Christ the King Presbytery, 104 Nottingham Road, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 7GL

Church Email : -Parish Website - (

Tel: 01773- 833174

Parish Priest Rev.Father James Earley.

Deacon Michael Browne - 01773 605186

Sr. Margaret- Education, Liturgy & Parish 01773 833168. CHRIST THE KINGSCHOOL 01773 832919.

Masses at ALFRETON -Masses at Alfreton - Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - 11th -12th November 2017 - Psalter Week 4

Sat 11th Nov - 12.30 pm - Baptism - Today we welcome into Hanna Czmiel into God's Family in this Parish. Congratulations to all the family.

Sat 11th Nov - 6.30pm - Donald Hough R.I.P

Sun 12th Nov - 10.30am - Ann Garrity R.I.P

Tue 14th Nov - 9.30am - November Dead List

Wed 15th Nov - 9.30am - St. Albert the Great - November Dead

Thur16th Nov - 9.25am - Morning Prayers

Thur16th Nov- 9.30am - St. Margaret of Scotland - Rita Babe R.I.P

Thur16th Nov - 10 -12noon -Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Fri 17th Nov - 9.30am -St Hugh of Lincoln - November Dead List

CLAY CROSS - Mass Intentions

Sun 12th Nov - 9.00am - David Wragg R.I.P

Mon 13th Nov - 10.00am - Parishioners Intentions.

Tues14th Nov - 7.00pm - Novena & Rosary

Thur16thNov - 7.00pm -8.00pm - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament for peace in our World.Holy Hour - please come for a short time if possible.

Alfreton - Thirty-ThirdSunday in Ordinary Time - 18th -19th November 2017 - Psalter Week 1

Sat 18th Nov - 6.30pm - Doyan & Mavis Moloney R.I.P

Sun 19th Nov - 10.30am -Ludwik Kasprzak

Sun 19th Nov - 12.30pm - Baptism - Today we welcome into Tymoteusz Piotr Zalewski into God's Family in this Parish.

CLAY CROSS - Mass Intentions

Sun19thNov - 9.00am - Parishioners Intentions

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Alfreton -Confessions at 6pm Saturday & after the 10.30am Mass

Clay Cross - Sunday before 9am Mass.

This Week

Monday – Sun - 3pm - 4pm St. Clare's Convent Portiuncula. Silent Eucharistic hour every day.

Monday - RCIA group meet in the Liturgy Room 7.30pm

Thursday 1.30 - 3.30 . The craft group in the meeting room at Clay Cross.

Monthly Groups

Healing Prayer Group meets at St. Clare's Convent, Clay Cross on 2nd Thursday of every month at 7.30pm.

Indian Mass at Clay Crosswill be on the Fourth Sunday.

Sincere Sympathies - David Wragg R.I.P.

The Parish wish to extend sincere sympathies to Eileen Wragg on the Death of her Son David on the 4th November he was 49 years old. The funeral Mass will be held at St. Patrick & St Bridget's, Clay Cross on Monday 27th November at 10.00am. May he rest in peace.

Sincere Sympathies - Sarah McIntosh R.I.P.

The Parish wish to extend sincere sympathies and prayers to the family and friends of Sarah McIntosh who died on the 1st November.Funeral is to be held at St. Philip Neri, Mansfield.

Baptisms - If you have booked a Baptism for your child and have not yet been able to attend the Baptism course. Would you please arrange an appointment with Fr. James to go through the readings and service.

Mass at the Cathedral for All Eucharistic Ministers 18th Nov 11.30

Bishop Patrick is celebrating a Mass for all the Eucharistic Ministersin the Diocese. The Mass will take place at the Cathedral in Nottingham on Saturday 18th November at 11:30. We hope to have a coach to take us all there. Please let Deacon Mike or Francis O'Brien know if you will be going.

World Gifts - Christmas 2017 Catalogue

Please pick up your world gifts catalogue from the back of Church, with new gifts and something for every budget, World gifts are a great way to transform lives and spread hope and share the joy of Christmas.

Dance in Christ the King Church Hall - Friday 24th November - Doors and Bar open 7.30pm, live entertainment provided by Nicky James. This is a benefit dance for Fr. Jim O'Hanlon who retired from our parish recently. Tickets £8.00 available from Pat Fleming 07456 417807.

A Day of Discernment

Thinking that you might be called to the Priesthood?

Join us at The Old Friary, Gordon Road, Nottingham, NG3 2LG on Saturday 25thNovember from 10 am – 3pm.A day of recollection and discernment for anyone 16+ who may be thinking of sharing God’s love and care through the ministry of a priest. Beginning with Parish Mass at 10am, we will use the opportunity together to look at how God is calling us and what it means to be a priest. Lunch will be provided, and the day will end with quiet reflection and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament.Everyone welcome! Please let Fr Paul or Fr Jonathan know if you are able to join us.Telephone 01159501064 or .

Advent Retreat Day for Women – Meeting God on the Way - Calling all women! Will you be in need of some prayerful rest leading up to Christmas? If so, why not join the Advent Retreat for Women on Saturday 2ndDecember 10 am – 4 pm at The Presentation Convent, Chesterfield Road, Matlock DE4 3FT. Bring a packed lunch. To book in email:

November Lottery Winners - Congratulations to November Winners who were M Lane, Mrs S Smith, Mrs M Kerry, Mr J D Cummins and Mrs B Deane.

Sick Housebound -Pray brothers and sisters for: - Pat Conway, Harold & Betty Ribey, Kate Philips, Marie Dowdall, Mary Woods, Val Sludds, Sean McGing, Michael Donaghy, Lillian Breeze. Please remember all in our Parish who need our Prayers.

Church Cleaning - November 2017

Alfreton - Christine Walker & Heather Ratcliffe

Clay Cross - Paul & Pru Williams

Next Weeks Readers at Alfreton & Clay Cross

Saturday 6.30pm - Paul & Maureen Fuller

Sunday 9.00am -Francis Cassidy & Senia Bosko

Sunday10.30am -Jim Johnson & Sister Margaret

Total Collections for Week Ending 5th November 2017

Envelopes £347.50

Loose Plate £311.80

Standing Orders £78.00

Total £659.30

Thank you for your generosity