Catholic High School Athletic Association (CHSAA) Girls 2017 Golf Rules and Regulations
1)Teams will consist of 5 starting players; however, other players may be substituted to replace injured or dropped team members. 1 additional playeris permitted to come and fill out the third foursome. If a coach knows that he/she is bringing less than 6 golfers, he/she should inform the opposing coach ahead of time so that he/she could bring extra golfers to fill out the foursomes. Golfers that do not have an opponent should play a practice round. Coaches are not permitted to play golf with the team during a match.(For courses that allow 4 foursomes a total of 8 players/team will play each match. The 5 starting players score will count for the standings.)
2)Each coach is required to email the league commissioner () a team roster of all their players one week prior to the date of the first scheduled match.
3)At the start of the season coaches will assign the starting order of their players in order of playing ability. The best players will be listed as #1 and #2 and they will play in the first foursome. The #3 and #4 girls will form the second foursome. The #5 and #6 girls will form the third foursome. Score cards will be reviewed to ensure integrity of the lineup.
4)Coaches may change their playing order based on playing ability through the second match. Coaches have a moral obligation to insert their best players in the proper playing positions at all times.
5)With the completion of the second match, each coach will be required to submit their tentative ranked starting lineup to the league commissioner. The tentative line up will be compared to the score cards. Once this lineup has been established, it will become the official lineup for the balance of the year.
6)Coaches will be allowed to make adjustments to the roster based on player improvement but a player may only move up or down one roster spot from the previous match that they competed in. These changes in official rosters should be communicated to the league commissioner as they are made.
7)If a starting player is unable to compete in a match the coach can assign a replacement to fill in. The replacement must be assigned to the fifth position with the balance of the team moving up in rank to fill in the roster.
8)Teams are expected to have 5 golfers present for each match at the scheduled start time of 3:30 p.m. However, if for any reason a team should be under the limit, the match will proceed as scheduled. If one or more golfers are absent, the number of girls absent will forfeit their match and the remaining players will move up in playing order. Matches forfeited will start with #5 and move up towards #1.
9)All league matches will be competed in a 5-player nine-hole, match play format with each individual match accounting for one team point.
10) All matches are to be played to completion. In the case of a tie at the end of the regulation 9 holes, the match will end in a tie with each team gaining ½ point. There will be no overtime or sudden death.
11) The team scoring the most points will win the match. If both teams have the same amount of points the match will be deemed a tie.
12) The winning team in each match will accrue two points in the season standings. A tie will gain one point for each team in the match.
13) Season standings will be determined by the total number of points gained during the season. Ties in the standings will be broken as follows:
- Head to head record
- Total individual matches won by the tied teams during their head to head matches.
- Total individual matches won by the tied teams during the entire season.
14) The top 4 teams in the standings will make the playoffs at the conclusion of the regular season (1 vs. 4 & 2 vs. 3 with winners advancing to the finals.) Semi final and final matches that end 2 ½-2 ½ (Total team tie) will be played by the players who tied. The players who tied will continue to play until a winner is deemed.
15) Only tworegistered coaches from each school are permitted on the course.
16) Spectators are not allowed to follow a match. This rule includes parents, relatives, friends, and boyfriends. After a warning, the penalty for spectators on the course is loss of hole for the team that is in violation of the rule.
17) While in active competition, no player may receive any advice from any other person other than their teammate playing in the same foursome. The coach on the course is only to assist in searching for player’s balls, help speed up play and explaining rules situations. Only players may call opponents for rules violations. Coaches may mediate rules situations, but may not directly intervene in a match by calling a rule or helping a player with strategy or playing instruction. Players are expected to know the rules of golf when they compete.
18) USGA rules (including equipment) will govern all play except for listed local rules: The stroke limit on each hole is double par plus one. Example: par 3…maximum strokes = 7, par 4…maximum strokes = 9, par 5… maximum strokes = 11.
19) Coaches are expected to instruct their players in the game of golf, including etiquette and the rules of golf as they appear in the U.S.G.A. rule book. This book will be the basis for settling all disputes. All coaches and players should carry this book during matches. Coaches are responsible for the proper behavior of their players and for maintaining amicable relations with opponents.
20) Each player must keep her own score and the score of her opponent. Girls should confirm each other’s scores following every second stroke.
21) The coach of the winning team shouldemail the results of the match (in roster order) to the (718-981-1234) the evening of the match. Coaches must enter the results of each match on the GCHSAA website( and submit theresult sheet to the league commissioner by email. If the score is not entered on the website and the score sheet is not received by Friday (the same week), the winning team will lose the match.In addition, in the “Event Write Up” section, the player’s name and 9-hole score needs to be entered. If the player did not finish 9 holes, please enter the player’s name, score, and the number of holes that she completed.
-If possible, all matches must be played as per the official schedule (course and date.)
Cold weather or light drizzle are not reasons for canceling a match. No mutual match switching by coaches is permitted without the commissioner’s approval.
-If the weather conditions are questionable (possible end to rain) matches should be cancelled at the course by the decision of both coaches.
-If the weather conditions indicate that a given day’s match cannot be played, the commissioner will cancel thematches. If the commissioner is unavailable it is the home team coach’s responsibility to determine if the match can be played.
-Rainouts are to be made up on the first available date.
-Coaches should communicate with each other prior to booking a rain out. The coaches should also report scheduled make ups to the league commissioner.
-Rainouts should be attempted to be played at the scheduled course. If this is not possible any available course may be utilized.
-Tri-matches will be utilized if needed to complete rainouts.
-Any match that is not completed due to rain or darkness must be started from the beginning.(all players must complete 5 holes for the match to be complete)
-Any postponed match not completed by the start of the playoffs will not count in the standings for either team.
23)The home team has the honor on the first tee.
24) If there is uncertainty over ball position, players are to confer with their opponents not their partners.
25) Players are prohibited from using cell phones during a match (except in an emergency to be cleared through a coach if possible.) The penalty for the first infraction is loss of the hole. A repeat violation will result in loss of the match. USGA approved range finders are permitted to be used on the course. Absolutely no cell phone apps and no “slope readers” will be permitted.
26) All starting players are required to submit seven scorecards with a 9 hole total score during the season in order to establish a stroke average. Players failing to establish this scoring average will not be eligible for the state championships.
27) Players must sign herown scorecard and her opponent’s scorecard at the conclusion of a match. Unsigned scorecards will not be accepted.Once scorecards are signed, no changes will be made to the scores.
28) If a rule needs to be clarified during match play, the player and her opponent should summon both team coaches to determine the ruling together.
29) Lift, clean, and place (within one club length no closer to the hole) will be in effect until the fairways are cut and defined. The boundary will be tree line to tree line. In the bunker, lift, rake, and place the ball. For the 2017 season, winter rules will be in effect for the first 5 matches. On Wednesday, April 26, 2017, Summer rules will take effect for the remainder of the season.
30) A ball may be lifted by the playeror her coach for the sole purpose of speeding up play.
Recommendations to increase the speed of play
Players are limited to 2 practice swings when addressing the ball. There will be 2 warnings by the players. After that, the player will lose a hole. Player should contact her coach who will then speak with the other coach. Players should be in position to play the next stroke when it is her turn.
To reduce time on the green, use continuous putting.
Lmg 3/19/17