your local networking partner in engineering
Phone: (061) 233264 Postal Address: P O Box 1996, Windhoek Fax: (061) 400821
Physical Address: c/o Nelson Mandela + Hugo Hahn Str. Klein Windhoek, Unit 1, Urban Dynamics Complex
April 2016 – Mar 2017 Application Form - Page 1
A P P L I C A T I O N F O R M (for all categories)
1. Applicant:
Surname: / Title: (eg. Prof, Dr, Mr)First names: / Date of Birth:
2. Qualifications: (Only engineering qualifications)
Educational Institution / Qualification / AttendanceFrom to / Date of final
3. Additional Personal Details:
Nationality: / Identity No: / Or Passport No. and Country:Home Address and Tel. No:
Telephone (home)
Cell Phone:
E-mail: / Postal Address: / PHOTOGRAPH
Passport type
Current Employer’s name:
Employer address:
Telephone (work)
4. Registration Fee: Application Form - Page 2
Banking Details of the ECN: Engineering Council of Namibia, Standard Bank of Namibia,
Branch Code: 082372, Acc No. 041481410, Swift Code SBNMNANX
5. Application details:
CATEGORY OF REGISTRATION (Please tick in appropriate block)
Professional Engineer / Incorporated Engineer / Engineering TechnicianEngineer-in-Training / Incorporated Engineer-in-Training / Engineering Technician-in-Training
6. Current registration with the ECN and/or registration with other Councils
Institution / Category / Number7. Referees:
· Applications for registration as “in training” do not need Referee Reports.
· At least two Referees are required and they must be registered with the Engineering Council of Namibia. If more than two Referees will be used, insert more columns in the table below to make provision for their details. If Referees are not registered with the ECN, please write a letter of explanation. Consideration would be given to Referees registered with other Councils. Applications without Referee Reports may not be considered.
Name, Address and Registration Number of Referee / Name, Address and Registration Number of RefereeApplication Form - Page 3
8. Code of Professional Conduct (Applicable to everyone who applies for registration)
A professional engineer or an engineer in training, an incorporated engineer or an incorporated engineer in training and an engineering technician or engineering technician in training shall, in practising his profession, comply with the following code of conduct.
· He shall have due regard to public safety and interests.
· He shall discharge his duties to his employer or client in an efficient and competent manner with complete fidelity and honesty.
· He shall disclose to his employer or client, in writing, any substantial interest he may have in any company, firm or person carrying on any contracting or consulting work or manufacturing business which is or may be related to the work for which he is employed, as well as particulars of any royalty, gratuity, commission or other financial benefit accruing to him from any article or process used in or for the purpose of the work in respect of which he is employed.
· He shall order his conduct so as to uphold the dignity, standing and reputation of the profession.
· He shall not undertake engineering work of a nature that his education, training and experience have not rendered him competent to perform.
· He shall certify to his employer or client, in writing, that he is competent to undertake and perform the particular engineering work for which he is to be employed or commissioned.
I have read the above and undertake to comply with any provision of the Code of Conduct.
9. Declaration: TO BE FILLED IN BY A COMMISSIONER OF OATHS, e.g. the Police
I, ______(full names)Hereby apply for registration and undertake to abide by all the provisions of the Engineering Profession Act, 1986 (Act No. 18 of 1986) and the Rules and Regulations promulgated thereunder. I solemnly declare that, to the best of my knowledge, all the information contained herein is true.
Signature: ______
SWORN TO / AFFIRMED before me at ______
On this the ______day of ______(month & year).
JUSTICE OF PEACE: ……………………………………………..……………..
Information Sheet
The Engineering Council of Namibia is the professional body who is responsible for the engineering profession in Namibia. Therefore professional status is subject to registration.
Registration is a two part process:
(1) Assessment of Qualification only - Registration in training
(2) Assessment of Qualification PLUS Experiential Training - Registration in Full
The Engineering Council of Namibia conducts its own assessment of engineering qualifications and engineering experience for purposes of registration as determined in the Engineering Profession Act (Act 18 of 1986).
Assessment of foreign engineering qualifications for purposes of registration with the ECN and the Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA)
Difference in assessments of qualifications by the Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA) and the Engineering Council of Namibia (ECN).
Although it is not a requirement of the ECN that applicants must have their qualifications assessed by the NQA, it is important to understand that THERE IS A DIFFERENCE between assessment of engineering qualifications conducted by the ECN and the NQA. The assessment of engineering qualifications done by the NQA and the ECN are statutorily two different asssessments. The NQA makes an assessment of a qualification for the rating of a level and not for the engineering content. This is the task of the Engineering Council of Namibia, who has the necessary engineering expertise to do so. Therefore the NQA Assessment Certificate has a disclaimer on the reverse side of their assessment certificates stating that the evaluation outcome by the NQA is not binding on any institution or registration body.
Registration Fees - April 2016 – March 2017
When applying for Professional Engineer / N$ 1150-00When already registered as in training and applying for full registration / N$ 760-00
When applying for Engineer-in-Training / N$ 390-00
When applying for Incorporated Engineer / N$ 1040-00
When already registered as in training and applying for full registration / N$ 670-00
When applying for Incorporated Engineer-in-Training / N$ 370-00
When applying for Engineering Technician / N$ 830-00
When already registered as in training and applying for full registration / N$ 480-00
When applying for Engineering Technician-in-Training / N$ 350-00
Information Sheet - Page 2
THIS APPLICATION FORM IS USED FOR REGISTRATION IN ALL THE CATEGORIES. ONLY HARD COPIES OF APPLICATIONS ARE ACCEPTED. THIS APPLICATION SHOULD BE ACCOMPANIED BY A REGISTRATION FEE. Please note that no invoice will be issued as it is a statutory requirement that your application must be accompanied by a Registration Fee. Without it your application would not be considered.
Application for registration IN TRAINING.
This category of registration only takes your academic qualification in consideration
Please submit ONLY copy of the application which should include the following:
Completed Application Form
Paragraph 9 of Application form must be certified by a Commissioner of Oaths, i.e. Police
Sign the Code of Conduct
Registration Fee (Fees are listed in table below)
Qualification Documents. (Diploma or Degree certificate as well as Official Transcript of Records )
Identification documents
Application for FULL registration
This category of registration takes your academic qualification as well as your experiential training in consideration
Please submit ONE ORIGINAL and TWO COPIES of the WHOLE application. In total you will submit three sets of the whole application – i.e one set for each of the three evaluators who will assess your application.
The following documentation must be submitted:
Completed Application Form
Paragraph 9 of Application form (Declaration) must be certified by a Commissioner of Oaths, i.e.
Police, Attorney, Bank Manager
Code of Conduct must be signed
Registration Fee (Registration fees are listed on page 4 of the Application Form)
Qualification Documents. (Diploma or Degree certificate as well as Official Transcript of Records )
Completed Application Form ( Certified by a Commissioner of Oaths – See Par 9 )
Diploma or Degree Certificate ( Certified by a Commissioner of Oaths)
Official Transcript of Records ( Certified by a Commissioner of Oaths)
Summarised Experience Report ( Signed by Supervisors)
Complete Experience Report ( Use own format)
Registration Fee
Identification Documents
2 Referees’ Reports
Information Sheet - Page 3
Application for registration by a holder of a foreign and unknown qualification
Not all engineering qualifications are known to the ECN. The Registrar will advise you if your qualification is unknown. Should this be the case, an in-depth assessment will be conducted by the ECN to determine whether your qualification meets one the three (3) ECN Standards, i.e :
1. Standards for Professional Bachelor Degrees in Engineering (Professional Engineer category)
2. Standards for Bachelor of Technology Degrees in Engineering (Incorporated Engineer category)
3. Standards for Diplomas in Engineering (Engineering Technician category)
The above standards can be viewed on the ECN website under the heading Standards.
For registration purposes please follow the above instructions for registration as “in training” or as “in full”.
H O W E V E R, additional documentation (see list below) will have to be submitted to the ECN if you have an engineering qualification which is not known to the ECN. This will enable the ECN to conduct the in-depth assessment as explained above. Please note that an in depth assessment of a qualification is a time consuming and costly process and takes much longer than those applications of holders of qualifications that are known to the ECN.
The additional documentation will include the following:
1. Certified Copy of Original Qualification (in language of origin).
2. Certified Copy of Qualification in English
3. Certified Copy of Full Official Academic Record thereof into English)
4. Curriculum (if not in English, a sworn translation thereof into English)
5. Final Year Project (if not in English, a sworn translation thereof into English)
6. Detailed Syllabus (if not in English, a sworn translation thereof into English).
A curriculum shows:
the entry requirements to the qualification
the length of the study period to obtain the qualification
the list of subjects of the qualification
the number of credits per subject
the total number of credits for the qualification
how the credits are calculated
the level (academic complexity) of each subject
Detailed Syllabus
A detailed syllabus might be requested at a later stage during the registration process and will list
the topics covered in each subject ,the pre-requisites for the subject, the number of credits for the subject, the number of contact hours per subject, the calculation criteria for the final mark, the pass rate for the subject.
Information Sheet - Page 4
B. The Application Form:
1. Application
Complete Application Form (one original plus two copies of the whole application ) and ensure that all personal details are correct. Only hard copies may be submitted.
2. Qualifications (only in engineering)
· Ensure that Qualification documents are certified.
· Include an Official Academic Record (Transcript of Records).
· Translations of foreign qualification documents are required if the originals are not in English.
· Submit additional documentation if you have an unknown qualification.
· Only submit engineering qualifications and not other non related qualifications.
3. Additional Personal Details
Ensure that personal details are correct. A passport type photograph of applicant is required.
4. Registration Fee - See Table on Page 4
5. Application details - Tick the category of registration in the appropriate block
Registration “in training”
After you have graduated and started to work in the engineering profession in the discipline you have been educated in, you become eligible for registration as “In training”.
Registration in full
After obtaining your academic qualification as well as the relevant experiential training within the minimum time period as stated below you become eligible for registration in full. (See next page).
Qualification must meet the ECN Standards for Professional Bachelor Degrees in Engineering
Engineer-in-Training Professional Engineer (Full registration)
Professional Bachelor degree in Engineering
(B.Sc/B Eng degree or equivalent qualification) + minimum 3 years appropriate experience
Qualification must meet the ECN Standards for Professional Bachelor Degrees in Engineering
Incorporated Engineer-in-Training Incorporated Engineer (Full registration)
Bachelor Degree in Engineering
B Tech degree + minimum 3 years appropriate experience
(3 years theory + 1 year practical)
T5 (Master’s Diploma in Technology) + minimum 3 years appropriate experience
(3 years theory + 2 years practical)
Information Sheet - Page 5
Qualification must meet the ECN Standards for Diplomas in Engineering
Engineering Technician-in-Training Engineering Technician (Full registration)
National Diploma in Engineering
T3 (National Diploma in Engineering) + minimum 3 years appropriate experience
(2 years theory + 2 years practical)
S4 (National Diploma in Engineering) + minimum 3 years appropriate experience
(2 years theory + 1 year practical)
T4 (National Higher Diploma) + minimum 2 years appropriate experience
(2 years theory + 2 years practical)
8. Current Registration
If you are registered with the Engineering Council of Namibia as a trainee or in another category, please provide the category and registration number in the relevant block.
7. Referees (Referee Reports)
Each applicant must have at least two Referees. They must be registered with the Engineering Council of Namibia. Please fill in the names, address and registration number of the Referee in the blocks provided for in the Application form. Referees should be at least in the same category as the applicant. Request each referee to complete a Referee's Report on the prescribed form ( the form forms part of the Information Sheet - forward it to your referees). The Referee should submit the completed Referee Reports directly to the Council. Please note that the contents of a Referee Report is confidential. If your referees are not registered with the ECN, they should be engineers/technicians registered with any other engineering council. A letter of explanation, however, must be submitted to the ECN explaining the reason for not being able to use ECN registered Referees. This letter of explanation would be considered by the ECN. It is important to check with the Registrar whether your Referee Reports have been received.