QA Report 05-11-2015
QA Report 05-11-2015
Requirements Signoff – STATUS: 4 requirements still need signoff for go-live
Tester Progress – STATUS: (27) more conditions to be assigned and passed
Issues – Status: (16) more SQRs to be resolved before go-live
Unassigned and Not Passed Conditions:
Requirements Signoff – STATUS: 4 requirements still need signoff for go-live
5/4/2015 (28) Requirements still needing signoff
5/11/2015 (5) Requirements still needing signoff
Status / CountNo Scenarios Needed / 1
Scenarios Exist / 4
Signed Off / 444
Req # / Title / Assigned BA / Status
285 / Financials – Fees and Taxes #285 / sahebs / Scenarios Exist
309 / Financials – Fees and Taxes #309 / sahebs / Scenarios Exist
377 / Financials – Refunds #377 / sahebs / Scenarios Exist
92 / Driver - General #92 / shishirs / Scenarios Exist
593 / General System Features #593 / venkatad / No Scenarios Needed
Tester Progress – STATUS: (27) more conditions to be assigned and passed
Tester / Passed / Failed / Re-Test / Not Tested / TeamUnassigned / 0 / 0 / 0 / 14 / Tech - AdamD
Melissa Ponce / 195 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM1
Venkata Dodda / 37 / 0 / 0 / 1 / Tech
Raul Alvarez / 37 / 0 / 0 / 0 / Tech
Shishir Shrestha / 132 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM1
Melissa Ponce / 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM1
Elsie Cordova / 320 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM1
James Lopez / 554 / 0 / 3 / 0 / TEAM1
April Bercier / 260 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM1
Vanessa Griego / 673 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM1
Carol Ramirez / 1,301 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM1
Kristina Romero / 159 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM1
Sally Sanchez / 272 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM1
David Chavez / 915 / 0 / 0 / 2 / TEAM1
Theresa Garcia / 393 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM1
Celeste Bitsilly / 365 / 0 / 2 / 0 / TEAM1
Cameron O'Rear / 19 / 1 / 0 / 0 / TEAM2
Debbie Lucero-Garcia / 378 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM2
Karen Ortiz / 150 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM2
Connie Torres / 14 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM2
Evelyn Facteau / 74 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM2
Darren Gomez / 475 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM2
Denise Estes / 74 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM2
Laurie Rael / 139 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM2
Jonathan Roybal / 175 / 0 / 4 / 0 / TEAM2
Kenric Hindi / 93 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM2
Saheb Saini / 50 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM3
Lilian Ukadike / 205 / 0 / 0 / 1 / TEAM3
Zarina Martinez / 45 / 0 / 0 / 0 / TEAM3
Albert Martinez / 362 / 0 / 0 / 6 / TEAM3
Carla Manzanares / 39 / 0 / 1 / 3 / TEAM3
7,906 / 1 / 10 / 27
There are really only 14 conditions still unassigned.
(13) remain to be tested.
Issues – Status: (16) more SQRs to be resolved before go-live
(2) are still assigned
SQR / Assigned / BA / Title / Type / Priority / Status / Raised By4,323 / alexg / sahebs / Unknown Payments from Conversion / Testing - End To End / High / Assigned / andrewh
4,417 / jonathanr / sahebs / Accept a payment for a citation through eServices and verrify post. Enter a payment through PACMAN for the same citation. The payment through eServices posts first. / Testing - System / High / Testing / denisee
4,117 / connieto / sahebs / Payment-didnotmary / Testing - System / High / Testing / connieto
3,513 / carlam / sahebs / Process 10 unidentified driver transactions or more for different days within one month period. For each transaction, track separately total fees, change the processing date to plus 61 days, then run the closing and distribution process / Testing - System / High / Testing / zarinam
3,273 / carlam / sahebs / Process transactions on a minimum of three (3) individual customer accounts and overpay those accounts and advance the system to +365 days. / Testing - System / High / Testing / zarinam
4,194 / johnta / shishirs / AAMVA Image Exchange Fixes / Testing - System / High / Assigned To Fast / johnta
4,544 / celesteb / shishirs / CDL renewal with N,T endorsment / Testing - End To End / High / Testing / celesteb
4,543 / darreng / shishirs / hazmat / Testing - End To End / High / Testing / jameslo
4,536 / theresag / shishirs / Proofs Broken for Under 18 / Testing - System / High / Testing / theresag
4,534 / celesteb / shishirs / Knowledge exam error with X endorsement / Testing - End To End / High / Testing / celesteb
4,527 / theresag / shishirs / 90 day temp broken / Testing - System / High / Testing / theresag
4,510 / shishirs / shishirs / TSA expiration and DOB expiration and 90 days extension. / Testing - System / High / Testing / shishirs
4,495 / shishirs / shishirs / Create several OOS customers who have less than a year left on TSA approval. Customer comes for the license. DOB Can be anywhere depending upon how you like to create. And depending upon when the TSA approval. System should not allow the Hazmat endorseme / Testing - System / High / Testing / celesteb
4,472 / shishirs / shishirs / CDL exams after revocation / Testing - End To End / High / Testing / celesteb
4,447 / shishirs / shishirs / 90 day hazmat extension / Testing - System / High / Testing / celesteb
2,600 / shishirs / shishirs / A customer who has been issued two 90-day extensions is applying for another 90-day extension<br / Testing - System / High / Testing / jameslo
Unassigned and Not Passed Conditions:
Req # / Scenario # / Scenario Owner / Scenario Title / Condition # / Condition Title / Tester / Condition Status121 / 1,289 / adamd / 1433 - Parental Responsibility-Failure to Pay / 4,207 / Driver receives HSD suspension for failing to meet parental responsibility. / Un-Assigned
121 / 1,290 / adamd / 1434 - Failure to Comply / 4,208 / Driver fails to comply with OOS action. / Un-Assigned
121 / 1,291 / adamd / 1435 - Failure to Appear in Court / 4,209 / Add a D45-Driver fails to appear in court / Un-Assigned
121 / 1,292 / adamd / 1442 - CDL / 4,210 / CDL-Electronic data will be received via web service or batch from a court-most likely Metro / Un-Assigned
121 / 1,293 / adamd / 1443 - DWI / 4,211 / Electronic data will be received via web service or batch from a court-most likely Metro / Un-Assigned
121 / 1,294 / adamd / 1444 - NRVC / 4,212 / Electronic data received through NRVC including failure to appear, failure to pay, and failure to comply / Un-Assigned
121 / 1,295 / adamd / 1445 - CDLIS / 4,213 / Electronic data received through CDLIS involving failure to appear, failure to pay, and failure to comply / Un-Assigned
42 / 1,691 / adamd / 3042 - The Offeror must provide in its proposal a thorough explanation of how the Offeror and its proposed motor vehicle system solution are best suited to help the Agency realize its future vision, as described in Section I.D. on pages 8-11 of this RFP / 5,965 / Demos must be conducted to show online portal transactions and use of technology leveraged within a field office environment / Un-Assigned
562 / 1,760 / venkatad / 2911 - The business rules engine should allow the sequence of screen presentation to be changed without requiring a change in the code. / 6,225 / Need a see a Demo to change sequence of child docs within a document using config table change(without changing the code) / Un-Assigned
563 / 1,761 / venkatad / 2912 - The business rules engine should allow the field content of a screen to be changed without requiring a change in the code. / 6,226 / Change, reverse several (5) content on different screens based on a business policy and business operation need;Keep track of combinations. / Un-Assigned
616 / 1,799 / venkatad / 2932 - Security administrators must have the ability to suspend and subsequently resume User IDs. / 6,345 / Search for a user and click on "Edit" button. Update the end date to suspend the user. / Un-Assigned
616 / 1,799 / venkatad / 2932 - Security administrators must have the ability to suspend and subsequently resume User IDs. / 6,346 / Search for a user and click on "Edit" button. Update the end date to blank to resume user access to the system. / Un-Assigned
617 / 1,801 / venkatad / 2936 - For internal TRD users, all accesses must be from authorized workstations that can be properly identified by IP address. Not Valid Tapestry User / 6,349 / try to login from a computer that is not listed under IPLIST under Security ---> Tracking / Un-Assigned
617 / 1,801 / venkatad / 2936 - For internal TRD users, all accesses must be from authorized workstations that can be properly identified by IP address. Not Valid Tapestry User / 6,350 / try to login from a computer that is listed under IPLIST under Security ---> Tracking / Un-Assigned