Questions over Article:
Catherine of Siena’s Teaching on Self-Knowledge
YOUR NAME: ______
- Self-Knowledge according to Catherine actually involves the knowledge of two persons. Who are they?
- What is the “intellect” for Catherine?
- What is the “will” for Catherine?
- Catherine believed that self-knowledge is actually ______in itself!
- What was the phrase at the basis of Augustine’s spirituality?
- According to Augustine, what is the antidote to the wrong kind of love?
- What inscription was placed upon the shrine of Delphi by the ancient Greeks?
- Catherin’s understanding of herself and God grew throughout her lifetime. However, in her early years of solitude this teaching was given to her how?
- God told her, “I AM HE WHO IS and you are…”
- What was the name God gave Himself to Moses?
- God tells Catherine that He is the Creator and everything shares in his ______- especially us!
- Catherine says, “IF I should claim to be anything of myself, I should be…”
- Later in life God tells Catherine that self-knowledge is not enough. She needs a second and deeper dimension of knowledge. What is that?
- Catherine said that self-knowledge is compared to a well. Explain.
- Catherine said that self-knowledge is compared to a cell in a cell. Explain.
- Catherine explains that we are in God just as the fish is…(finish the quote.)
- Why is it necessary to keep both kinds of knowledge together?
- Catherine’s most mature image of self-knowledge is that of the peaceful sea. Explain this analogy.
- Where did Catherine first see the sea?
- #1. When we gaze into this peaceful sea, we first see that we are ______.
- #2. We also realize that because we are created in God’s image and likeness and theus reflect his ______and ______.
- She also uses the image of a gentle mirror of God. Explain.
- #3. As we gaze into the sea (or the well) we moved to love what?
- What does the water symbolize?
- If we love the water, we gradually become ______to it.
- If we live in self-knowledge, continued humble prayer our souls become ______with God.
- As the soul progresses towards union with God, it realizes another truth. What is that?
- #4. What does the “smudge on the face” symbolize?
- If we see our defection, what do we wish to have done with it?
- Sin prevents the fulfillment of ______.
- Sin is literally “______” and to love it is to be transformed into “______.”
- Catherine always looks THROUGH sin to find out what?
- What is holy hatred?
- How can we avoid despair as we witness our own spiritual poverty?
- God shares his being and his ______with us!
- Does the exercise of self-knowledge end at a certain time in our lives? Explain.
- Self-knowledge is a “holy abyss” because God is ______.
- What does Catherine mean by the “interior cell?”