Awards & Scholarships Committee
1/14/10 Meeting Minutes
- Welcome & Introductions - Attendees: Ted Malone, Tracy Reisinger, Nick Boschert, Breena Conlin, Frank Green, Catherine King-Todd
Catherine expressed her appreciation to everyone for agreeing to participate on the committee.
- Purpose of Committee & today’s objectives – Catherine reviewed the purpose of this committee is to solicit nominations for awards, make recommendations to the Executive Council for potential award recipients, encourage individuals and members to apply for scholarships and award scholarships based on funds available and criteria. Today’s objectives are to review the awards and answer any questions of committee members, discuss publicity of the awards in respective states of committee membership, review the timeline for awards and conclude with a summary of the conference call with next steps. It is permissible for committee members to make nominations.
- Review Awards (follows agenda) – Committee reviewed awards and had brief discussion of latest award – Outstanding New Volunteer. Committee agreed that this was a good one for WASFAA to include.
- Publicity – Each member is responsible for publicizing the WASFAA awards in their respective states. If there are other avenues members think of to publicize, have at it. Catherine willsend fall newsletter article to committee members for their use. The article may be amended by members as they see fit. The list of awards and their description along with the nominating form is not yet on website due to technical issues.
- Encouraging nominations – Catherine’s hope is that we receive so many nominations that we will have a difficult time making our recommendations to the Executive Council.
- Timeline– The committee will meet later in February following the February 15 award nomination deadline to determine our recommendations to Executive Council. We will probably meet 2/18 or 2/19 to give us time should we need to build our list of recommendations. The EC is meeting 2/25 & 2/26 to decide on awards.
- Next steps
- Get ATAC issue resolved (Renee Davis is working with ATAC now 1/13/10)
- Send article to committee (1/20/10)
- Let committee know when nominations available and able to send announcement to their state
Added here as not part of article
Outstanding New Volunteer Award: This award, approved by the Executive Council in November 2009, is to recognize a new volunteer to WASFAA activities for the accomplishments and contributions to the association in the year s/he first volunteer. The award is approved and granted by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Council.