DRAFT Minutes of the Pitton & Farley Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 9th December 2014at 7.30pm in Pitton Village Hall
Cllr Tony Ashworth
Cllr Rod Coppock
Cllr Nigel Lilley
Cllr Geoff Lowndes
Cllr Steve Williams
In attendance: Catherine Purves, Clerk
Also present: Wilts Councillor Chris Devine and one member of the public
Public questions
The following issues were raised:
- The lack of a salt bin in the Beeches Close area of Pitton
- The bad potholes along the Pitton/Winterslow Road, particularly between Bentleigh Farm and the Smokery.
- The overgrown/overhanging bushes along Black lane in Pitton.
- The number of cars now parked along White Hill
Apologies were received from Cllrs Jamie Latham, Stuart Mariner and Chris Hewitt, due to being indisposed, and Cllr Mrs Tracy Froud, due to a previous engagement.
Resolved: to accept, and the reasons given.
111.14 Election of Chairman for the meeting
Resolved: to elect Cllr Geoff Lowndes as chairman for the meeting, in the absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman.
112.14 Minutes
To approve as a correct record the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on 11th November 2014
Resolved: to approve and sign the minutes as a correct record, without amendment.
113.14 Declarations of Interest
a. To receive any Declarations of Interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 in respect of councillors, and in accordance with the Local Government act 1972 in respect of officers.
None declaredResolved: to note
b. To consider any Dispensation Requests received by the Parish Clerk and not previously considered.
None ReceivedResolved: to note
114.14 To consider any urgent matters raised in the public session, and any other urgent matters or items of information from councillors.
- Salt bins – there are two methods of providing additional bins. One is for Wiltshire Council to provide, but the proposed site must conform to Wilts Council’s strict criteria. Application is made via the area Board, and the bin remains the responsibility of Wiltshire Council. Alternatively, the Parish Council can provide bins, and remains responsible for maintenance and filling.
The Clerk was asked to research the cost of a bin, and the grit to fill it. Action: The Clerk
- Potholes – Wilts Councillor Devine will pursue the matter of the Pitton/Winterslow potholes, and other carriageway matters with Highways.
- Overhanging bushes – the Clerk was asked to write to the property owner, respectfully requesting that the hedges be cut back. Action: the Clerk
- Cars parked on White Hill–councillors noted that it was quite lawful for cars to park on the road, and nothing could be done unless they were causing an obstruction. However, councillors also noted that in a village with no pavements, pedestrians were put at risk by having to walk in the centre of the road.
115.14 To receive reports from:-
a. The Wiltshire Council representative for Winterslow, Cllr. Chris Devine
- Broadband – nothing further to report at present, although he noted that the BT Openreach vans were to be seen in the parish.
- Planning - Please let him know in good time about any planning applications the Parish Council might wish to be determined by the Planning Committee.
- Potholes – he will take up the matter of the quantity of, and lack of repair of them with Highways
- Area Board – Tom Bray has now left as the Community area manager, having transferred to the Salisbury Board, and he has been replaced by Karen Linaker. Tony Nye has resigned as the Youth Activity Co-ordinator, and his replacement Emma Drage is already in post.
- Flooding in Farley – he is looking into this.
b. The Council's representative on the Pitton Village Hall Management Committee – the next Management Trustees Committee meeting will take place on Monday 15th December
c. The Council’s representative on the Farley Village Hall ManagementCommittee – nothing to report.
d. Parish Website representative – nothing to report.
e. Chairman’s report – nothing to report
f. Parish Clerk’s report–nothing to report
g. The Council’s representative to the Southern Wiltshire Area Board- the most recent Area Board meeting took place on Thursday 4th November at Whiteparish. Those present welcomed the new community Youth Co-Ordinator, Emma Drage, and listened to partner organisation updates, presentations on the Swindon & Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership, the Salisbury Business Improvement District and The Enterprise Network, which supports small businesses and start-ups in south Wiltshire. Decisions were also made on applications for Area Board funding, and on funding for the Community Area Transport group schemes. The next meeting will take place on Thursday 29th January 2015 at 7.00pm in Morgans Vale Village Hall.
Resolved: to note these reports
116.14 Flooding
The siphon has been cleaned, and Wilts Council has also been requested to clean out the pipes under the drives in Townsend and the culvert under the road. It seems that Wilts Council can’t locate a padlock for the siphon grille, so the Parish Council will buy one with four keys, one each to be held by Wiltshire Council, the Flood Warden, the Clerk and the village shop. It was noted that the next Flood Ops meeting to be held at 10.00am on Wednesday 17th December at Warminster Civic Centre (not Wilton), when it is hoped that further positive news about the proposed scheme will be available.
Resolved: to buy a padlock, and to note the latest information regarding this issue.Action: the Clerk
117.14 Wiltshire Council’s current Car Parking consultation
Cllr Coppock advised those present of his attendance at the Wiltshire Council workshop. A lot of background research and analysis had been done by the Wiltshire Council officers about the current situation, but seemed to suggest very little other than the reduction in the parking charges by a few pence. Park & Ride was mentioned, and the need to extend the opening times of the sites .The possibility of a monorail linking the Wilton, Petersfinger and London Road sites was also mentioned. Those present felt it was difficult for the Parish Council as an organisation to form a view, but individuals were urged to respond to the consultation.Resolved: to note
118.14 Planning
a. To consider a response to planning applications received:
i.14/10322/FUL – loft conversion, extension and alterations at Jasmine, The Green, Pitton
Following representations made by residents in The Green, councillors took the opportunity to reconsider the parish Councils response. Noting that the concerns raised were not material consideration, those present decided not to change the Parish Council’s response
Resolved:no objection.
ii.. 14/11115/FUL – proposed single storey side extension at Huntsmead, The Street, Farley
Resolved: to support
iii.. 14/11279/TCA - fell 1 x cherry tree at Hennings, High Street Pitton
Resolved: to support
iv. 14/11281/TCA – to reduce 3 birch trees by 30%, reduce 1 x laurel tree by 30% at 10 Davids Garden, Pitton
Resolved: to support
v. 14/11282/TCA – fell 3 x conifers, 1 x willow, 1 x Portuguese laurel. Reduce 1 x maple by 30% at Willow Cottage, Townsend, Pitton
Resolved: to support
b. To note planning decisions made by Wiltshire Council since the last meeting:
i. 14/05571/FUL – demolition of dairy farm building & rebuilding of former cowshed to form new 2 bed dwelling. Erect 1 x new 3 bed dwelling with integral garage, plus Change of Land Use from agricultural to residential, and alterations to existing road access at Dairy Farm Yard, Parsonage Farm, Church Road, Farley
Approved: 20th November 2014.
c. To note that Wiltshire Council’s Core Strategy document will be adopted by FullCouncil In January 2015, having been passed by the Public Inspector.
d. To receive a verbal update from Cllr Lilley regarding recent updates in planning matters.
Cllr Lilley advised that a recent ministerial statement on small housing developments of upto 10 houses will not be required to make a CIL/s106/R2 contribution. Parish Councils will lose this important source of extra funding.
Resolved: to note these reports
119.14 Finance.
a. To confirm and authorise a schedule of accounts in the sum of £220.66.
Resolved: to authorize for payment, plus an additional cheque in respect of the Parish Council’s share of the Clerk’s membership of the SLCC in the sum of £37.47
b. To note the 2014/2015 Budget Monitoring form – Resolved: to note
c. To consider quotations for the public noticeboards and map lecterns – Resolved: to defer this item to the next meeting, so that those councillors not present would have the opportunity to consider the matter as well.
120.14 Highway/Parish Steward/Footpath matters – see enclosed
a. To consider the inconsiderate parking issue along the High Street, Pitton– councillors were aware of the issue, which had resulted in the verges being destroyed, resulting in the drainage ditches being blocked.
Resolved: that the Parish Council should keep a watching brief on the matter, in the expectation that the property owner will fulfill his riparian responsibilities and arrange for the verges to be reinstated.
b. Update on Area Board issues:
3057 – Silted ditches along Winterslow Road – Nothing further to report, other than letter have been sent to the adjacent landowners to request that they clear the ditches.
3363 – Signage at Glebe Close, Pitton – as this is part of a council housing estate, the Housing manager has been asked to look into the matter.
3429 – Culvert required at Church Road Farley – ditches have been dug, and work is also to be carried out along Ben Lane.
3541 – No through road sign for Farley Farm road junction – CATG agreed £100.00 expensditure for the provision of the sign at the recent Area Board meeting.
3587 – Replacement of missing road name sign Black Lane Pitton – being manufactured, and will be installed as soon as it’s received by Highways.
c. Footpath maintenance issues – the RoW officer has been pressed to provide a specification for the work.
Resolved: to note these reports
121.14 To review and note other ongoing matters
a. Installation of parish map – see item 119.14 c above
b. Broadband provision in the parish – notices updating residents have been displayed on the website on the Parish Council noticeboards.
c. Purchase of parish council noticeboard – see item 119.14c above.
d. Purchase of new swing for The Close play area – councillors thought that the new swing could be sited within the fenced play area in The Close. This matter can now be progressed. Cllr Williams offered to remove and dispose of the broken bench and swing. Action: the Clerk & Cllr Williams
e. Development of an Emergency Incident/Snow Plan – nothing further to report
122.14 Date of next meetings.
Wednesday 21st January 2015 at 7.30pm in Farley Village Hall
Wednesday 4th March 2015 at 7.30pm in Pitton Village Hall
Resolved: to note
123.14 To close the meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.00pm.