2008 – GLCI Grazing Grants
Category 1 – Technical Assistance/Technical Service Provider
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is responsible for providing technical services and financial assistance to landowners and users of grazing lands. To ensure that high quality technical assistance is available to all producers, the Secretary of Agriculture has established a system for approving individuals and entities qualified to provide technical services to carry out programs under the Farm Bill. Local units of governments and organizations with memorandums of understanding with NRCS can be certified to provide such services through a national certification registry called TechReg ( NRCS certification guidelines for prescribed grazing planner, rather than TechReg, should be followed.
APPLICATION- Please type or print neatly- If typing, use Times New Roman as your font, size 12
- Add additional sheets as necessary
Section A. TITLE
Question 1: New Plans. . . How many new prescribed/managed grazing plans do you intend to complete during your project and (estimate) how many acres this will involve. / Plans: / Acres:Question 2: Updated Plans. . . How many updated prescribed/managed grazing plans do you intend to complete during your project and (estimate how many acres this will involve). / Plans: / Acres:
Section C. DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE Describe how you will find clients and your system of assistance. Tell us how many planning visits and follow-up visits you expect with each client.
How will your project help raise farmer and public awareness of natural resource stewardship issues?Please describe your background and/or agency history in providing technical assistance to grazing farmers. If no experience, describe how you will gain the techincal expertise needed for this project.
What other grazing resources, expertise, and educational programs are available in your area? How will you coordinate with these other entities to provide a broader array of services to your clientele?
Section D. TIMETABLE/WORKPLAN List chronologically (with approximate dates) the major steps/actions or activities that will happen during your project. Provide some description for each step/action or activity.
Section E. QUALIFICATIONS Provide the names and relevant experience for each technical service provider your project will utilize. Pay particular attention to section on relevant experience. In this section you should describe past history spent designing grazing systems and/or writing grazing plans. You must identify an individual for each position requested.
Provider 1 Name:TechReg Certified: YES NOIf no, this certification is required within 60 days of your project’s official acceptance.
Education and Training / Licenses and Accreditation:
Relevant Work Experience:
Request an example of a plan they’ve written? Attach a resume?
Provider 2 Name:
TechReg Certified: YES NOIf no, this certification is required within 30 days of your project’s official acceptance.
Education and Training / Licenses and Accreditation:
Relevant Work Experience:
Thank You!
Applications must be postmarked no later than February 13, 2008. Mail 10 copies, including the cover and budget pages, to Laura Paine, Division of Agricultural Development. DATCP, P.O. Box 8911, Madison WI, 53708-8911