Project Management Institute

Southern Ontario Chapter (PMI-SOC)

Request for Proposal

Association Management Services

Version: Final

ConfidentialPage 12014/07/30

Request for Proposal – Association Management Services



2.Background and Purpose of RFP

3.Requirements for Respondents

4.Proposal Timelines

5.Southern Ontario Chapter Contact Information

6.Scope ofWork......

Appendix A – Non-Disclosure & Confidentiality Agreement

Appendix B – Acknowledgement

Appendix C – Company Questionnaire

Appendix D – Requirement List and Proposal Template

Appendix E – Risk Assessment Template

Appendix F – Evaluation Criteria

Appendix G – Deliverable Examples

Appendix H – Glossary


All information included in this Request for Proposal (RFP) is confidential and only for the recipient knowledge. No information included in this document or in discussions connected to it may be disclosed to any other party. Please see Appendix A for Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement.

2.Background and Purpose of RFP

Project Management Institute (PMI) is one of the world's largest professional membership associations,with half a million members and credential holdersin more than 185 countries. It is a not-for-profit organization that advances the project management profession through globally recognized standards and certifications, collaborative communities, an extensive research program, and professional development opportunities.

The Southern Ontario Chapter (PMI-SOC) was established over 37 years ago with only 20 founding members. Through diligent management and key contributions from its volunteer membership base, it has grown to a 4,900 member non-profit organization making it the second largest PMI chapter in the world. Over half of PMI-SOC’s members are also certified Project Management Professionals. PMI-SOC supports Local Interest Groups (which are now set up as Branches) such as Information Technology, Healthcare, and Project Management Office and has established a York-Simcoe Branch in the Orillia/Barrie area and the Sault Ste Marie Branch. Nearby Chapters include Lakeshore (west of Toronto), Durham-Highlands, Canadian Technology Triangle (Kitchener-Waterloo), South-Western Ontario, Ottawa, Montreal and Buffalo.

PMI-SOC is run by unpaid volunteers and has an aggressive membership curriculum hosting a wide range of top-notch professional development services and events designed to support and retain current members/sponsors. PMI-SOC also manages a very active campaign to recruit new members and sponsors, with a focus on continued growth. Key to this strategy is a paid Association Management Services support team that provides critical operational, administration, and event management functions. This team is the face of PMI-SOC and is accountable to manage its day-to-day operations, interact directly with its members and sponsors and is supported by a knowledgeable, seamlessly integrated staff that embodies the PMI-SOC values and strategies.

PMI-SOC is currently reviewing the provision of the support services it receives from the current vendor to ensure ongoing value to its members. The intent of this RFP is to identify possible new vendors and evaluate their proposals for possible implementation. This RFP details the requirements for this support, for the Southern Ontario Chapter only (unless otherwise noted in the Scope section).

From the proposals received, each respondent will be evaluated on their ability to meet the requirements with a focus on value for cost plus risk of implementation.

3.Requirements for Respondents

  1. Complete each of the templates listed in Appendix A-F (Non Disclosure (A), Acknowledgement (B), Questionnaire (C), Requirement List and Response (D), Risk Assessment (E), and Evaluation Criteria (F)). The completed templates should form the detailed proposal to PMI-SOC, in response to this RFP.
  2. Provide a cost estimate in Microsoft Excel format, which corresponds to the fulfillment of the proposal, which includes (but is not limited to):
  3. Potential startup costs including transition costs. (Hardware, Software, Transition of any Telecommunications equipment, Transition of processes and training from existing supplier etc.). This should be broken out as a separate line item from the RFP requirements detailed in the Scope section and included in the cost estimate worksheet.
  4. Mandatory items should be estimated and shown separately from Optional items.
  5. Requirements that cannot be met should not be estimated and should be shown separately.
  6. Yearly Costs shown by year for 3 years. (January to December). Note that PMI-SOC will have an option to renew the contract for upto 1 year at the end of the 3 year term.
  7. Applicable Taxes (HST – 13%) and Inflation (1.5%) should be shown as separate line items on the total yearly cost. (Where applicable.)
  8. The estimate should be provided at a confidence level of +/- 10%.
  1. The completion of the Requirements List and Response template should clearly note any requirement that cannot be met. For any requirements that cannot be met, risks should be noted in the Risk Assessment template and/or a plan described as to how these items will be handled. The expectation is that a cost would not be assigned to any requirement that would not be fulfilled.
  1. The completion of the Risk Assessment template should include details on the Risk, Impact, Probability, Criticality and the suggested mitigation of the risk. The Risk Assessment should detail any assumptions on the delivery of the stated scope within the proposal.
  1. The proposal should also include any alternate methods to deliver the requested scope requirements. Alternate proposals should be estimated separately and should have a completed Risk Assessment template.
  1. PMI-SOC may require a presentation and interview with prospective respondents. As well, PMI-SOC will provide each respondent with an opportunity to ask questions. Questions and answers will be posted regularly throughout the proposal period for reference. PMI-SOC may also host a conference call to address any outstanding questions with all respondents if it is deemed required by PMI-SOC.
  1. Completed documents should be emailed as attachments to:
  • PMI-SOC: ()
  1. For the purpose of this RFP only, documents should be compatible with Office 2003. For documents that require signature (Non Disclosure Agreement and Acknowledgement), please scan and send as an attachment using PDF.

4.Proposal Timelines

Activity / Completion Date
Issue RFP / July 30, 2014
Last date for receipt of respondent questions / August 8, 2014
Bidder’s conference call (Phone #: 416 645 1179; access code: 7602846) / August 14, 2014
RFP Closing Date (includes signed NDA and Acknowledgement) / August 25, 2014
RFP Presentations and Interviews / TBD – only respondents that qualify will be notified
Expected Vendor Selection / September 15, 2014
Vendor Contract Negotiations complete / October 10, 2014
Expected Vendor Start Date (Start of Transition Planning activities) / By October 17, 2014

5.Southern Ontario Chapter Contact Information


Contact names:

Primary Contact: Jesus Lagunas

Secondary Contact: Anthony Fajardo

To allow for centralization and clear communication, please do not contact any other members of PMI or PMI-SOC for information on this RFP.

6.Scope of Work

The following requirements listed comprise the scope of the body of work to be met for this proposal. Appendix D contains these requirements in template form to assist with the proposal.

Req # / Categories / Services / Frequency / Measurement
1.01 / Facilitate volunteers leadership meetings / Provide and book boardroom, conference room and/or conference call line / Expected 40 volunteer leaders meetings per year - most with under 15 people attending, 10-15 meetings up to 40 people attending / Facilities confirmed within 72 hours from request
Arrange catering for leadership meeting as required
1.02 / E-mail/Phones / Answer emails and phone during business hours (9-5) and track category of inquiries / Daily (Mon-Fri) / Volunteers - response within 1 business day
Members - response within 2 business days
Requests that cannot be resolved immediately will be forwarded to appropriate Board member to respond, and an acknowledgement will be sent to requestor within 1 business day
1.03 / Agenda & Minutes / Prepare Agenda and post minutes for Board Meeting, maintain action items log / Monthly / Agenda - posted 24 hours prior
Minutes - posted 72 hours post
1.04 / Travel booking / Book travel tickets and hotel rooms for Board members attending PMI events, such as Region 3 in May and Leadership Institute in October / ad-hoc / booking completed as per Board members request within 3 business days
1.05 / Support for the Board / Answer Board queries / Ad hoc / Respond to Board questions within 1 business day
1.06 / Strategic Planning Session Liaison / Coordinate Strategic planning session (book facilities and procure supplies per budget) / Annual / Annual - up to 2 days per year
1.07 / Nomination Committee Liaison / Act as Nomination Committee Liaison for the Board and Nomination Committee (communication, election process, balloting and votes counting, reporting etc.) / Annual / Ensure election process is setup and voting occurs.
1.08 / Awards Management (SOC) / Procure awards, door prizes and giveaways as per budget / Ad hoc / Policy/Process followed
1.09 / Awards Management(GOC) / Provide statistics and other information regarding Chapter activities as requested by the Past President that coordinates the awards submission / Annual - April / Completion of PMI submission form
1.10 / On-Boarding/Off Boarding / Provide New Board Members and Officers (VPs, Chairs) with email accounts (, building passes and access to Website as applicable / Annually - July
Remove access to websites, email accounts and the like. Building pass recovered
1.11 / Charter Renewal / Charter is to be renewed annually by the end of February. / Annually / Renewal submission is to be completed at least one month prior to submission deadline with sufficient time for the president to review.
1.12 / Shipping and receiving / Receive correspondence and parcels for SOC, send out occasional letters and parcels (e.g. awards not handed out in person) / ad-hoc / occasional parcels and letters
1.13 / Inventory management / Host and manage SOC equipment and materials inventory, lending it to volunteer leaders and recovering after use - approx. 20 equipment items (projectors, laptops, video-cameras etc.), approx.. 50 materials/collateral types at any point in time) / Ad-hoc / Quarterly inventory reconciliation
2.01 / Bookkeeping / Provide bookkeeping services to maintain the Chapter's books and provide accurate accounting for all revenues and expenses, including Reports and sub-ledger information for the committees, Branches and LIGs. / monthly
2.02 / Auditor liaison / Annual close up of the books leading to all material documents, receipts, reconciliations, plus a copy of the Simply Accounting books. Provide all to the Auditor under instruction by the VP Finance and facilitate answers to any Auditors questions. / Annually / Year-end is June 30. Books should be completely closed no later than 90-days and in the hands of the Auditor by October 1st to meet SLA requirements.
2.03 / Quarterly PMI payment reconciliation / Output from the monthly DEP will provide a detailed breakdown of the monthly payment. The three month's details will be reconciled to the payment provided by PMI GOC and the monthly accruals will be updated to reflect the actual funds received. / Quarterly / Accruals posted monthly, reconciliation completed quarterly and accruals adjusted.
2.04 / Accounts Payables Management / Purchase equipment and supplies as instructed by SOC authorized representatives from SOC account, process volunteer leaders' expenses for payment, provide records to bookkeeping / Quarterly / Payables posted monthly, reconciliation completed quarterly and accruals adjusted.
2.05 / Accounts Receivable Management / Payments for Invoices issued to be collected within 60-days of issuance (this may not be the date of service). / Monthly / Accounts Receivable aging is less than 60-days at all times.
Services for less than $250 should be paid for by credit card and Invoices provided for record purposes only. / Items outstanding 90 to 180 days are to be escalated to the Director sponsoring the activity being invoiced.
Outstanding payments over 180 days may be transferred to Bond Executives for resolution (deducted from the monthly fee)
2.06 / Insurance Payment / PMI GOC submits their invoice for Insurance premiums for payment by November / Annually / Payment on time
3.01 / Newsletter / Publisher/editor for SOC monthly e-newsletter: Publish via email link and posted on website for archive / Monthly: to be published on the 3rd week of the month / 10 monthly newsletter published on time
3.02 / Calendar of Event Management / Maintain calendar of events / Daily or weekly / Requests posted within 48 hours
3.03 / Website Maintenance / Webmaster for PMI-SOC
3.04 / Broken links / Ensure website has no broken links / Quarterly review (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct) / Results of quarterly review published
Ad hoc / Broken links fixed 48 hours after discovery
3.05 / Content Management / Ensure website content is fresh / Weekly / Stale dated content is removed 48 hours after an event.
3.06 / On-line collaboration / Set up on-line collaboration groups and maintain 1 administrator password (no maintenance required, only for continuity) / As required / On-line group set up within 72 hours from request
3.07 / Manage technical infrastructure for webinars / Manage technical infrastructure for 10-15 webinars (putting on the web, recording, archiving, speaker contract) / 10-15 per year
3.08 / E-mail Blasts / Issue email blasts to members and/or non-members / Weekly / Weekly
3.09 / Manage Distribution List / Manage distribution list for the chapter. Distribution list mean a single list of contact that can be tagged for one or more types of interests that the contact wants to receive information about during an email blast campaign of newsletter mail out. The contact must also be able to self-serve their participation in a distribution list. / Semi-
3.10 / Management of the contact list / Keeping track of the active vs. expired PMI and PMI-SOC member contacts and treat them separately for the purpose of mail campaigns / Quarterly
3.11 / Administrative support for volunteers / Provide administrative support to volunteers such as:
  1. Editors who will need to use the contact list for the purpose of email campaigns
  2. Volunteers who will use a content management tool such as Survey Monkey to create and distribute email and newsletter
/ As needed
3.12 / Printing Handouts / Print promotional materials (including upcoming events flyers) as required - based on prices set in special section below / Per PD schedule / Ensure at least a one-month supply at a minimum for all collateral
3.13 / Mentoring / Print training materials and certificates - based on prices set in special section below / Training – 3 times/year / Annual
Certificates – 9 times/year
3.14 / PMP, ACP etc / Printing binders and order books and materials to ensure adequate stock - based on prices set in special section below / estimated 10 training programs per year / Per PD Schedule
3.15 / Booth Management / Ensure SOC booth is set-up prior to events and dismantled after events / Target is 4 events per year
3.16 / Welcome Letter / Send out new member welcome letters - based on prices set in special section below / Monthly / Monthly
3.17 / Newsletter Listing / Recognize new members in newsletter / Monthly / (see newsletter SLA)
3.18 / Prospect Members / Send out emails to prospects from DEP (new PMI members in the SOC area who are not PMI-SOC members) / Monthly / Monthly
3.19 / Non-Renewals / Send out email reminders / Monthly / Monthly
3.20 / Renewals / Send out email reminders / Monthly / Overall measurement is to ensure that our retention rate is 75% as per the DEP and GOC reports.
3.21 / Annual Members Survey / Conduct annual members survey (post to website, compile results) along with Director of membership to update survey questions as necessary / Yearly (per business plan) / 1 per year sent out, consolidation and posting of the results to the board
3.22 / Performance Metrics / Capture and report monthly to the Board on: / Monthly / Report actual volumes per month.
oNumber of incoming calls - by categories
oNumber of incoming emails - by categories
oNumber of outgoing emails - by categories
oNumber of outgoing letters - by categories
oEvents attendance statistics (pre-registered, on-site registrations, no-shows and actual attendance - by categories)
oWebsite stats - use of Google analytics reports along with any highlights and trends
Event Management (estimate70 events per year - some are multi-session)
4.01 / Coordinate MC / Coordinate with MC for monthly SOC events. Prepare MC script. / Per Event / MC and back-up in place 5 days before event
MC script ready - 24 hours before event
4.02 / Facility Negations & Setup / Book facilities, food, audio-video as required for SOC events (chapter + branches) / estimate70 events per year (some are multi-session)
4.03 / Sponsor Coordination / Coordinate with event sponsors (booth, materials etc) / Ad hoc / If no sponsor for an event, actively engage for a sponsor
4.04 / Speaker Coordination / Speaker agreement, bio, website posting, copy and paste info from SharePoint-based Speaker Database onto SOC website / Per PD schedule / Booked - 3 months prior to the event
4.05 / PDU Letters & Receipts / Register events with PMI for PDU codes / Per PD schedule / Receipts ready for the event
Perform on-site registration and provide payment and PDU receipt for on-site registrations.
4.06 / Registration / Staff min one Chapter office person for each 60 people pre-registered, Provide Technology Portfolio with electronic Attendee Lists for PDU submission / Per PD schedule / Min 1 Chapter Office person at the event
Leverage volunteers for overflow
4.07 / Survey on-line / On-line survey of the event sent to attendees / Following the event / Sent to attendees 24 hours after the event - met
4.08 / Calendar / Maintain a yearly calendar for all events and communications / Monthly / Calendar is kept up to date with changes throughout the year
4.09 / Organize Annual Recognition / Under guidance of the Director, Volunteers, coordinate Annual Recognition event (book venue, send invitations and process registrations, procure awards and door prizes, print diplomas etc.) / Annual / Invites to attendees sent at least 4 weeks in advance
Thank you emails sent within 1 week of the event
Budget maintained
4.1 / Coordinate Volunteer Orientation Sessions / Under guidance of the Director, Volunteers, coordinate logistics for Volunteer Orientation Session (book venue, send invitations and process registrations, print materials etc.) / 2 per year
4.11 / New Member Orientation Session Invite / Coordinate New Member Orientation session (registration and facilities) / 4 per year per Business Plan / 4 per year
4.12 / Event PDU uploads / Upload using PMI process PDU's for all members who pre-registered at each event. / 60 events per year / PDU's uploaded within 1 week of event.
Sponsorship (in cash and in kind)
5.01 / Planning / Agree with SOC representative on sponsorship levels and benefits package for each level / Annual / Before end of April for upcoming fiscal year
5.02 / Sales / Solicit and sign-up Sponsors (existing and new) / Measured for the fiscal year, with commission boost after reaching net value levels (sponsorship value - SOC expenses to fulfil sponsor's requests) / propose commission structure based on net value levels
5.03 / Follow up / Ensure SOC delivers the sponsor benefits (logo, signage at events, booth etc)
5.04 / Net Value Reconciliation / Together with Bookkeeping track sponsorship income (cash and in-kind) and expenses related to deliver sponsor benefits / monthly / quarterly reconciliation
Conference Management (2 conferences per year)
6.01 / Planning / Agree with SOC representative on dates, theme, location and format / biannual / at least 6 months before planned date
6.02 / Manage event organization / Book facilities, speakers, sponsors, A/V, solicit SOC for volunteers as needed / Annual / Before end of April for upcoming fiscal year
6.03 / Registration / Register participants - fees for early bird / regular, as well as students / SOC Members / PMI members / non-PMI members / biannual
6.04 / SOC contribution / SOC will provide rights to use SOC brand, distribute promotional material to members as permitted by law, provide volunteers to assist the event organization as required
6.05 / Financial responsibility / All income to be received by supplier, all expenses to be paid by supplier from own account / Before end of April for upcoming fiscal year
6.06 / Revenue Sharing / Based on net profit / Propose revenue sharing structure based on net profit levels
Supporting Services
7.01 / Facilities Rental / Provide prices for the following type of facilities - if not available indicate "external booking": / as needed / facilities available with 2 weeks notice - no more than 20% conflict (unavailable facilities at requested date)
o regular boardroom ~15 people
o large boardroom ~40 people
o public meeting room ~150 people
o conference facilities (main room ~300 people, 3-4 breakouts ~100 people each)
7.02 / Printing / Provide prices for the following type of printing - if not available indicate "external service": / Printing done within 1 week for less than 50 copies, within 2 week for over 50 copies
o regular paper - B&W - less than 50 copies
o regular paper - B&W - over 50 copies
o regular paper - color - less than 50 copies
o regular paper - color - over 50 copies
o brochure (glossy stock) - color - less than 50 copies
o brochure (glossy stock) - color - over 50 copies

Version: Final