Casula Public School P&C Assciation

General Meeting

Tuesday 4th March 2014

ATTENDEES:Jacinta Tran (e), Emma Whitehead (e), Rebecca Whitehead , Veronica Konstadakopoulos (Melanie Page (n/a), Lee Bejan (e), Cheryl Whitehead (e), Christine Tasker , Christina Pentodzis
APOLOGIES:Shelley Schwartz (e)
OBSERVER: FarzanaInam
Meeting open 9:15am with a welcome and Acknowledgment of Country offered by President Melanie Page.
The February draft general meeting Minutes were tabled.
MOTION: That the Minutes of the February General meeting be adopted as tabled.
MOVER: Christina / SECONDER: Rebecca
The General Meeting was closed at 9.20am and the AGM opened
General meeting
AGM closed at 10.30am and the General Meeting resumed. The new President, Cheryl Whitehead, took the chair.
The Treasurer tabled reports and bank statements for February 2014
MOTION: That Casula Public School P&C Association adopts the Treasurer’s Reports as tabled.
MOVER: Christina/ SECONDER: Christine
Mel is to hand over all the paperwork that she has concerning the P&C to Cheryl in the April Meeting or earlier. Mel then left the meeting.
MOTION: Thatthe P&C is to buy a box of chocolates for Mrs Burke as a thank you for letting us store the uniform in her classroom. MOVER: Rebecca / SECONDER: Jacinta
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT: Christine tabled a written report to the members and provided an overview of the school activities to date and outlined the key programs that the school is seeking funding for.
* A discussion was held regarding the price of the library bags. Liverpool uniform and embroidery shop sells them for $12. It was agreed that P&C sells the library bag for $12 as well. Christine handed over the monies for the library bags that were sold. It totalled $210. It was agreed that the front office would continue to sell the library bags.
Meeting closed: New President Cheryl Whitehead closed the meeting at 11am. Next meeting will be held on 1 April 2014 at 9.15am.