4430 Alma Avenue, Castro Valley, CA 94546
(510) 886– 1000
Course: Medical Terminology Hybrid Course
Instructor: Brendalyn Val Bilotti
Dates: May 13th – July 30th , 2014
Days/Time Tuesday and Wednesday from 5:15 PM – 8:15 PM
Class Web Site:
Course Syllabus
Course Overview
This course will assist in the preparation for a professional or paraprofessional career in the medical field, including areas of clinical, administrative and office support. The lessons will encompass visual and practical applications for increased learning comprehension and competency needed to earn Certificate in Basic Medical Terminology.
Course Goal
The course will provide the foundational knowledge of the medical language necessary to begin a medical career in an office, hospital, or other medical setting.
Prerequisite Skills
Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
§ to divide medical terms into component parts.
§ analyze and spell medical terms using combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes.
§ define and pronounce all medical terms as given.
§ name, spell and pronounce each system of the body.
§ analyze the body systems and their major functions.
§ apply medical terms appropriately to the human body as a whole.
§ identify and define common suffixes and prefixes used in medical terms.
§ identify and define useful diagnostic and procedural suffixes.
§ analyze, spell and pronounce medical terms that contain diagnostic and procedural suffixes.
§ expand knowledge of abbreviations, acronyms, and symbols that are common in use.
§ Required Text: Medical Terminology: A Short Course, 6th edition. Chabner, Davi-Ellen ISBN 978-1-4377-3440-9.
ü You may purchase your text from which offers free shipping and a 25% educational discount.
§ Optional materials
ü White or colored note cards – to make flash cards
ü Colored pens or markers for making flash cards
ü Quick Study- BASIC MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY (which maybe purchased at bookstores and drug stores)
ü Medical Dictionary- used book stores.
Additional Student Resources, visit the Web @
§ offers a place for students to sign on and access practice quizzes and activities for each chapter, Web Links, textbook updates, English-Spanish Glossary, etc.
§ offers study quizzes, games and activities that correspond to the text.
§ Or simply type in medical terminology or medical dictionaries - which will provide you with many listings of resources for you to select from.
§ Additional resources are on the Medterm wikispace Wednesday Lab page.
Course Requirements
§ Attendance – Attendance is very important and mandatory in order for you to gain the knowledge needed to pass all competencies for Medical Terminology and obtain a certificate. Therefore, if you are absent for any reason the following will need to be done to ensure a successful completion of the course:
ü Leave a message with the CVAS office or class email address (above)
ü Log onto the class wikispaces for scheduled assignments for the week.
ü If you know in advance that you will be absent on a particular evening, please inform me prior to the missed time.
ü Please note: In order to obtain a “Perfect Attendance” printed on your “Competency Certificate in Basic Medical Terminology,” you will need to attend both Tuesday and Wednesday class days.
§ Active participation in:
o Classroom discussions and activities
§ Assessments and Assignments to be passed with a minimum score of 80%.
Method of Presentations
§ Lectures
§ Inquiry and Discussions
§ Audio-visual aids
§ Videos
Assignments - (approx. 30% of Total Possible Points)
§ Weekly reading and completion of the Chapter Terms and Exercises. Chapter exercises will be checked each week for completeness and accuracy. Important Note - order for you as a student to gain the necessary knowledge to pass all competencies, it will be required for you to complete all chapter work. If chapter work is not completed
§ Visit for weekly assignments that will include but not limited to:
Ø Weekly Critical Thinking Question/s: (also known as “Question of the Week”) will be given weekly requiring a brief written response.
Ø Chapter Exercises/Activities from the CD-ROM from your text Medical Terminology: A Short Course, 6th ed.
Ø Medical Case Scenarios: brief response to a specific medical office scenario
Ø You are responsible to comment on the discussion board at least once a week.
Ø Additional assignments may be given from the evolve.elsevier website.
Assessment will include: -
§ Verbal Assessment, i.e., oral pronunciation of terms correctly.
§ Weekly Written Assessments:
Ø Chapter Quizzes, Appendix Body System Quizzes – (approx. 45% of Total Possible Points)
Ø Midterm – (approx. 10% of Total Possible Points)
Ø Final Written Assessments - (approx. 15% of Total Possible Points)
should be passed with 80% or better in order to maintain an 80% competency needed to obtain a Certificate of Completion in Basic Medical Terminology.
Ø When given - online tests on
Note the following:
Ø In order to complete Medical Terminology and earn a Certificate of Completion in Medical Terminology your cumulative points for the course will need to be 80% of total possible points awarded for the course.
Ø There are no makeups on written assessments.
Ø A 50% deduction will be given for late assignments.
Ø All Certificates of Completion in Medical Terminology will list competencies, percentage and letter grade earned for the class. In addition, if you attend all scheduled Tues. and Wed. scheduled class days you also eligible to earn a Perfect Attendance - which will also be stated on your certificate.
General Classroom Rules
o Please arrive to class on time. Class begins promptly at 5:15 PM. On Wed., you will have a 10 min. advising session with me and the time for this session with be based on a first come-first serve bases, starting at 5:50 PM.
o It is your responsibility to sign-in and out each class session for both lecture and lab. Failure to do so may result in be marked absent, resulting in your inability to obtain “Perfect Attendance” on your Medical Terminology Competency Certificate.
o On Tues., there will be a 10 min break around 7:30 PM., but if you need to stand up, stretch or use the facilities before that, feel free to do so.
o There is no eating or drinking of any beverages (with the exception of water) in the classroom.
o It is required that all students respect their fellow classmates in all areas.
o Please communicate to me ASAP, any issues or problems which are making you uncomfortable, or that may be hindering your performance and learning in this class.
Castro Valley Adult Career EducationMedical Terminology Hybrid
Course Schedule May 13 – July 30, 2014
Instructor: Brendalyn Val Bilotti
(510) 886-1000 (message only)
Week / Tuesday -Lecture / Wednesday- Lab / Assignments/Due dates
5/13/14 / · Med. Term. Orientation and Introductions
· Lecture Ch. 1 – Basic Work Structure p. 1-46 / o Wikispace activity o Weekly Visit
o Surprise Activity
o Weekly Journal / ü Complete all assigned pages
ü Study for Quiz on Ch.1 pg. 1-46
ü Send me your email address
5/20/14 / · Quick Review Ch.1
· Lecture Appendix 1– Skin & Sense Organs p. 274-281
· Lecture Ch.2 – Organization of the Body p. 49-70
· Lecture Ch.2 – Organization of the Body p. 72-82 / o Quiz Ch.1 pages 1-46
o Weekly Visit
o Surprise Activity
o Weekly Journal / ü Complete all assigned pages
ü Study for Quiz on Ch. 2 pg. 49-70, 72-82 and App. Pages 274-281
ü Don’t forget NO Class next week!
6/3/14 / · Quick Review Appendix 1 & Ch. 2
· Lecture Appendix 1(A)- Skeletal System 250-256
· Lecture Appendix 1- Muscular System pg. 251,252,253, 254,255
· / o Quiz on Appendix 1- Skin & Sense Organs and Chapter 2 pg. 49-70, 72-82
o Weekly Visit
o Surprise Activity
o Weekly Journal / ü Complete all assigned pages
ü Study for Quiz on Appendix 1(A)- Skeletal System 250-256 & Appendix 1- Muscular System pg. 251,252,253, 254,255
6/10/14 / · Quick Review Appendix 1(A) – Skeletal System and Appendix 1-Muscular System 251,252,253, 254, 255
· Lecture Ch. 3- Suffixes pg. 83-126 / o Quiz on Appendix 1(A)- Skeletal System 250-256 & Appendix 1- Muscular System pg. 251,252,253, 254,255
o Weekly Visit
o Surprise Activity
o Weekly Journal / ü Complete all assigned pages
ü Study for Quiz on Ch.3 pgs. 83-126
6/17/14 / · Quick Review Ch.3 pgs. 83-126
· Lecture Ch.4-Prefixes pg. 127-147
· Lecture Appendix 1-Nervous System pg. 260-265 / o Quiz on Ch.3 pgs. 83-126
o Weekly Visit
o Surprise Activity
o Weekly Journal / ü Complete all assigned pages
ü Study for Quiz on Ch. 4 pg. 127-147 and App. 1 260-265
6/24/14 / · Quick Review Ch. 4- Prefixes pg.127-147 and Appendix 1- Nervous System pg. 260-265
· Lecture Ch. 4- Prefixes pg. 147-168
· Review for MIDTERM / o Quiz Ch. 4 pg. 127-147 and App. 1 260-265
o Weekly Visit
o Surprise Activity
o Weekly Journal / ü Complete all assigned pages
ü Study for MIDTERM
7/1/14 / · Quick Review Ch.4- Prefixes pg. 127-147
· Lecture Appendix 1- Cardiovascular pg.212-219 / MIDTERM
o Weekly Visit
o Surprise Activity
o Weekly Journal / ü Complete all assigned pages
ü Study for Quiz on Cardiovascular pg.212-219
7/8/14 / · Quick Review Cardiovascular pg. 212-219
· Lecture Ch. 5- Med. Specialist pg. 171-200
· Lecture Ch.5 - Med. Specialist pg. 201-209 / o Quiz Cardiovascular System
o Weekly Visit
o Surprise Activity
o Weekly Journal / ü Complete all assigned pages
ü Study for Quiz on Ch. 5 pg. 171-209
7/15/14 / · Quick review Ch. 5- Med. Specialist
· Lecture Appendix 1- Respiratory pg. 266-273
· Lecture Appendix – Lymphatic pg. 240-243
· Lecture Appendix 2 – Dx Test pg. 291-309 / o Quiz Ch. 5 Med. Specialist 171-209
o Weekly Visit
o Surprise Activity
o Weekly Journal / ü Complete all assigned pages
ü Study for Quiz on Appendix 1- Respiratory pg. 266-273, Appendix – Lymphatic pg. 240-243, Appendix 2 – Dx Test pg. 291-309
7/22/14 / · Quick Review Respiratory and Lymphatic and Dx Test
· Lecture Appendix 1- Digestive System pg. 220-227
· Lecture Appendix 1- Urinary System pg. 282-287
· Lecture Eponyms pg. 326-329 / o Quiz Ch. 5- Respiratory pages 266-273/ Lymphatic pages 240-243/ Dx Test –gs. 291-309
o Weekly Visit
o Surprise Activity
o Weekly Journal
*****GREAT TIME STUDY WITH YOUR FELLOW CLASSMATES FOR THE FINAL***** / ü Complete all assigned pages
7/29/14 / · Quick Review- App. 2 Dx Test , App. 1 – Digestive System, App.1 – Urinary System &
Eponyms pg. 326-329
· Lecture Endocrine pg. 228-239
· Lecture Reproductive System pg. 244-249 / FINAL EXAM! / Congratulations to all of you for taking an opportunity to learn – as Education is Power!
Please note the following:
1. Tuesday night will always encompass a lecture, and classroom activities.. Wednesday night is lab night where you will explore, practice, and discover the language of medicine. You will need to sign in to your 10 minute advising session at the beginning of class and be prepared to submit completed assignments. All assessments, quizzes, weekly journals and exams will be administered on Wednesdays. When you arrive sign in for attendance and then sign in to a specific time slot for your advising session that will occur between 5:50pm-8pm. Lab is a time to complete lab assignments study for quizzes/tests, use the computer to log into class wikispaces, or get additional instructional assistance needed. All assignments assigned in class on Wednesday are due at the end of class.
2. All students are responsible for logging into class weekly for critical thinking question of the week, additional required assignments, and any pertinent weekly feedback from me as well as weekly activity on the discussion board.
3. All work assigned on Tuesday evening will be due the 2nd Wednesday following each class.
*refers to the items found on