Announcements for April 2018

  1. You are very welcome as you come to worship today. If you are a visitor we are delighted to have you with us and hope that you will be blessed as we worship God together.
  1. Church Services:

30th March 8pm - Good Friday

(Rev George Moore)

1stApril11am Rev George Moore 6.30pm Hope Café - Cancelled

Easter Day – Praise led by the Choir

(Tea & coffee available from 10.30am)

8th April11am Rev Mervyn Burnside 6.30pm Hope Café – Hannah Knox

(The Romanian Trip with Habitat for Humanity in July)

15th April 11am Rev Mervyn Burnside 6.30pm Hope Café – Nic Shaw

22ndApril11amPW Annual Service6.30pm Hope Café – Rev Mervyn Burnside

(Speaker Mrs Michelle Purdy, Deaconess)

(Tea & Coffee from 10.30am)

29th April11am Rev Mervyn Burnside 6.30pm Hope Café – Rev Meryn Burnside

6th May11am Rev Mervyn Burnside


We are grateful for the gift of flowers for the Church each Sunday.

  1. There will be noPlayroomon 4th April but we will resume the following week on 11th April. We continue to have approx. 47 children each week. Extra volunteers would be much appreciated. If you could help in any way, please speak to one of the team. Thank you.
  1. The 6.30 Club will off Friday, 6th April for the Easter break.
  1. Manna for Men will meet on Saturday, 7th April. We will be leaving the Church Hall at 9.15am and heading to Whitehead. Following breakfast there will be a tour of the Railway Preservation Society, Whitehead. Contact Robert – 077085383345 or Billy – 07747111806 for further details.
  1. The PW Groupis holding a ‘Spring Afternoon Tea’ in the Minor Hall on Tuesday, 10th April from 2-4.30pm. The cost will be £5 payable at the door. There are gift vouchers available priced £5 if anyone wishes to treat a friend. Please contact Liz for details.
  • The next meeting for PW will be held on Monday, 16th April at 7.30pm. The evening will begin with a short AGM. This will be followed by our Speaker, Francis Gibson. Francis theme will be ‘Faith, Flowers and Francis’. After supper there will be the annual sale. Please bring along items for sale. The proceeds go to the work of Castlereagh PW.
  • The PW Annual service will be held on Sunday, 22nd April at 11am. The speaker will be Michelle Purdy, Deaconess, and Ballyclare. The praise will be led by the Church Choir. There will also be songs from William and Mandy Campbell.
  1. The Hilltop Groupwill have NO meeting on Tuesday, 10th April as it is hoped we can support the PW at the ‘Afternoon Tea’. The Hilltopplan to meet on Tuesday, 24th April at 1pm in the Church Hall for fish and chips.
  1. Pearl wanted to say thanks to all who gave their unneeded glasses to the collection for World Vision – so far we have received 35 pairs and hope for others before the cut off time at the end of the month. Postage stamps are also greatly accepted.
  1. The Church is holding a ‘Quiz Night’ for the different organisations (GB, BB and 6.30 Club) on Friday, 13th April at 7-9.30pm in the Church Hall. This event is for both parents and young people.
  1. The 6.30 Club will be off on Friday, 6th April for the Easter break.
  1. Dates for Prayer meetings as announced in Church.
  1. The 333rd Co Girls’ Brigade will hold their Annual Display, for their parents and friends, on Saturday 21st April at 6pm. A special invitation goes to all members of our Congregation, who continue to support the leaders and girls in their encouragement and prayers. Please ‘save the date’ and plan to be there

Note for your Diary:

  • The PW Group outing is on Saturday, 12th May. Some seats are still available, please speak to Emily or Liz.
  • The Events Working Group hopes to hold a ‘Christian Aid Big Breakfast’during May.Dates and times will be announced. More details next month.

Items for the May Announcement Sheet should be sent to the Convenor of the Administration and Communications Working Group, Mrs Liz McCullough, by Monday, 16th April at the latest. You can ‘e’ mail your entry to

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