Castlebar Mini-Rugby Registration
Name: ______Date of Birth: ______
Address: ______
Home Telephone: ______
Name of School: ______
Contact 1 Contact 2
Name: ______Name: ______
Mobile No: ______Mobile No: ______
Email: ______Email: ______
(Note – Texts and Communication re:fixtures, etc. will be sent to Contact 1 mobile and providing email address will ensure you are added to Club Newsletter)
I hereby give my son/daughter permission to join & take part in activities of Castlebar RFC - Mini Rugby. The coaches, assistant coaches & general helpers of the club have permission to act in place of the parent. While the players are under their supervision I agree to fully exempt the coaches, assistant coaches & general helpers from any liability for accident &/or injury to my son/daughter while pursuing the activities of the club as a member of the club. In the event of an accident during training or play, I give consent that my son/daughter, in the first instance, may be attended to by his/her team Coach or assistants. In the event of an accident during training or play where medical care becomes necessary, I authorise the Coach in charge to sign on mybehalf any written forms of consent required, provided that the delay necessitated to obtain my signature might endanger my son's/daughter's health or safety.
Important - Please state anyMedical Conditions/Allergies that you feel we need to be made aware of ie : Asthma, previous fractures, ect
Parent/Guardian Name Signature
Castlebar RFC relies on volunteers to ensure that we can deliver a firstclass leading rugby structure in accordance with IRFU guidelines. In Pursuit of fairness and to enable the smooth running of CastlebarRugby Club it is essential that all parents participate. This will ensure a safer environment for your child. Therefore we require mandatory participation from parents; a Rota system is in operation.
It is necessary for Castlebar RFC to collect & record certain personal data relating to each member, including the player's name, address, telephone number & date of birth. The data about each member will be used for management & administration purposes only & shall be provided to the IRFU & other third parties to facilitate any services provided by the Club. Any party receiving the information shall not use it for commercial purposes or release it to any party without prior approval. The Club wishes to ensure that each of its members (for the purposes of applicable data protection legislation) explicitly & unambiguously consents to the processing of personal data by the Club in conjunction with its ordinary business. Additionally, Castlebar RFC reserves the right to publish match reports & rugby related images including photographs & film of each member on the Castlebar website, in club publications & in local or national print or electronic media. I consent to the use of the personal details as set out above for such purposes as the Club considersreasonable & appropriate.
Mini Rugby Fees 2016/2017 Season:
€80 Single Child Cash
€130 Two SiblingsCheque
€150 Family Membership(Payable to Castlebar RFC)
Both girls & boys are welcome in Castlebar RFC - Mini Rugby Program. Players must be born in 2009 to play & train with Castlebar RFC U8’s team. Use of Gum-shieldsis mandatory for all ages. All new members must supply a photocopy of their birth certificate. Please attach to this form. For Insurance purposes only registered players can participate in training sessions & matches.
Mini rugby age groups 2016/2017 Season
U8 U9 U10 U11 U12
Year of birth 20092008 2007 20062005
We have read & will abide by the attached code of conduct:
Player SignatureParent Signature
Please retain this page for the player and parent’s future reference.
Code for Players
- Play for enjoyment & become part of the rugby family.
- Respect the `Game of Rugby' & play within the Laws of the game.
- Accept the referees' decision & let your captain or coach ask any relevant questions.
- Play with control. Do not lose your temper.
- Always do your best & be committed to the game, your team & your club.
- Be a `good sport'. Applaud all good play whether by your team or the opposition.
- Respect your opponent.Treat all players as you would like to be treated. Do not `bully' or take advantage of any player.
- Rugby is a team sport & make sure you co-operate with your coach, team mates & members of your club.
- Remember that the goals of the game are to have fun, improve your skills & feel good.
- At the end of the match thank your opponents & the referee for the match.
- Always remember that you owe a duty of care to your opponents. Tackle hard but fairly, do not intend to hurt your opponent.
- Winning & losing is part of sport: Win with humility - lose with dignity.
- As part of the team it is important that you attend training regularly & listen to your coach & help the team.
- As a team sport it is important to understand that all members are important to the team.
- Remember you are representing Castlebar RFC, family & the Game of Rugby.
Code for Parents
- Remember, young people play rugby for their enjoyment, not only yours.
- Encourage your child always to play by the Laws of the Game.
- Teach young children that honest endeavor is as important as winning, so that the result of each game is accepted without disappointment.
- Help young people to work towards skill improvement & good sportsmanship
- Set a good example by applauding good play on both sides.
- Never ridicule, humiliate or shout at young players for making a mistake or losing a match.
- Do not place emphasis on winning at all costs.
- Do not force an unwilling child to participate in the playing of rugby. If a child is to play he/she will do so in good time through your encouragement.
- Support all efforts to remove verbal & physical abuse from rugby.
- As a spectator do not use profane language or harass referees, coaches or players.
- Do not publicly question referees' judgment & never their honesty.
- Recognize the value & importance of volunteer referees & coaches.
- Identify & acknowledge the good qualities of the Game of Rugby & uphold these values.
- Remember you & your child's contribution to the Game of Rugby is very important to Castlebar RFC & the IRFU & be proud of your contribution.
- Understand the value of team sport & its importance.