Service Providers/Local Champions:
Action Plan for Castle Donington Parish Plan
Castle Donington Parish Council CDPC
Castle Donington Volunteer BureauCDVB
LeicestershireCounty CouncilLCC
North West Leicestershire District CouncilNWLDC
Primary Care TrustPCT
Leicestershire ConstabularyLCon
Trader’s AssociationTA
Castle Donington Environmental Steering CommitteeCDESG
Parish Plan Steering CommitteePPSC
Local History SocietyLHS
Association of Airport Related Parish CouncilsAARPC
CastleDoningtonCommunity CollegeCDCC
Castle Donington SurgeryCDS
Local Education AuthorityLEA
Castle Donington Youth ForumCDYF
Youth Outreach ServiceYOS
Youth ServiceYS
Social CareSC
Environment AgencyEA
Action Plan for Castle Donington Parish Plan
In all actions the PPSC or CDYF will be the local champion, alongside other bodies where appropriate
Action Number / Action / Service Provider(s) / Local Champion / Priority / Target DateTraffic & Transport
TT2 / Explore how more parking can be provided to the centre of the village including temporary parking for events e.g. May Market & Wakes. / NWLDC / PPSC, CDPC / High / Completion of investigation
Summer 2008
Sport & Leisure
SL1 / Carry out a feasibility study to understand what other activities could be provided for Castle Donington utilising the existing (and new Spital development) facilities / NWLDC
CDPC / PPSC / High / Autumn 2008
North West Leicestershire District Council are willing to work alongside the Parish Council to look into provision of activities in the area, in particular, the Parish Council are willing to deliver more events at Spittal Park, NWLDC are keen to assist.
Contact: Goff Lewis, Cultural Service Manager, 01530 454601
SL2 / Carry out a feasibility study to provide Castle Donington with a Leisure Centre and/or an enclosed Swimming Pool. / NWLDC
LCC / PPSC / High / Autumn 2008
North West Leicestershire District Council have overseen a feasibility study that was conducted in September 1998, completed by L&R Consulting.Parish Council are seeking S106 contributions on housing developments in Castle Donington for a range of community leisure facilities. The District Council are currently acting in an advisory capacity and will become further involved once financial contributions have been secured.
Contact: Ian Nelson, Planning Policy and Sustainability Manager, 01530 454 677
Contact: John Richardson, Head of Leisure and Culture, 01530 454 832
H1 / Promote, improve, develop and exploit the Heritage and Conservation Areas of Castle Donington to increase awareness of their existence and attract more visitors to the village. / CDPC
NWLDC – Conservation Officer
LHS / High / December 2010
At present the North West Leicestershire District Council Conservation Officer works very closely with the Parish Council, and there are a number of local groups in the area that are involved in the development and improvement of the Castle Donington Conservation Area already. The Conservation Officer is happy to promote the towns heritage as much as possible, as are the NWLDC Leisure and Culture Team. The NWLDC are keen to work with the CastleDoningtonMuseum on this.
Contact: David Boyson, Conservation Officer, 01530 454685
Contact: Goff Lewis, Cultural Service Manager, 01530 454601
H2 / Establish a Heritage Trail. / CDPC
TA / High / December 2008
The North West Leicestershire District Council would support the development of a Heritage Trail as it will also improve the health and tourism of the people and area of Castle Donington.
Contact: Goff Lewis, Cultural Service Manager, 01530 454601
Contact: Sarah Ruane, Health Improvement Co-coordinator, 01530 454568
H3 / Investigate future funding available for village museums to help promote and advertise the museums, enable longer and more frequent opening times and to improve the general facilities and number of events held / CDPC
The Museums of CD / Medium / January 2009
The North West Leicestershire District Council will support the Castle Donington Museums as service providers.
Contact: Goff Lewis, Cultural Service Manager, 01530 454601
E3 / Set up the monitoring and reporting of air quality in village / NWLDC
AAPRC / High / December 2008
NWLDC has declared an Air Quality Area for Castle Donington in January2008 and an Action Plan is to be developed. With adequate funding from DEFRA the enhanced passive diffusion tube monitoring to real time Nox monitoring with access to internet viewing of data will be established.
Contact: Tony Cawthorne, Environment Team Leader, 01530 454 775
E4 / Further commercial / housing development should be strictly controlled and go hand in hand with improvements to infrastructure to accommodate future developments / CDPC
LCC / PPSC / Very High / On-going
In respect of the wish to have further commercial / housing development 'strictly controlled', there is a duty under the Planning Acts to determine planning applications in accordance with the development plan unless there are other issues which clearly outweigh this. Although certain developments will be unacceptable in terms of resulting in road safety problems, adverse effects on neighbours and unacceptable pressure on services etc, it would not be possible to determine planning applications on any kind of uniform basis in terms of them being resisted.
Each application has to be determined on its own individual merits taking into account all relevant planning matters. In terms of requiring certain developments to accommodate infrastructure improvements, this is already done through S106 agreements. For example when the highway authority consider a development can only go ahead with off site road improvements then it is perfectly normal practice for the developer to finance this before the development is brought into use. Another example is the provision of extra school places and the provision of open space and affordable housing on larger sites. However, these points are controlled under relevant development plan policies and the critical point is that there has to be a clear link between the specific extra pressure a given development will have on local services and the remedy needed to make this acceptable. Also, as one of the main national policies is to increase the supply of housing the term 'strictly controlled' is this context could be seen to go against the aims of this national policy.
An alternative way of saving a similar thing might be to encourage new development which is in accordance with relevant planning policies and makes adequate provision for additional infrastructure when and where required. This would then make allowance for the fact that each application needs to be considered in light of the issues specific to each individual case and does not imply that proposals would be strongly resisted before they've been fully considered.
Contact: Steffan Saunders, Planning Policy, 01530 454767
E5 / Create a formal policy for clarifying existing powers relating to unauthorised encampments / LCC
CDPC / High / December 2008
The district and county council have a formal policy for dealing with a wide range of gypsy and traveler issues, including those relating to powers for removal of illegal encampments. The district's Traveler Management Plan contains this policy and a copy can be provided if necessary. The Plan is implemented through regular meetings of the district's Corporate Traveler Mgt Group.
Contact: Neil Shaw, Neighbourhoods and Communities, 01530 454 545
E6 / Investigate impact of noise pollution on village, particularly between hours of 11.00pm – 6.00am / NWLDC, EMA, LCon / PPSC, CDPC / High / Autumn 2008
Contact: Environmental Health,
E7 / Carry out a feasibility study into the provisions of a household waste facility within Castle Donington / NWLDC / PPSC, CDPC / Medium / December 2008
E8 / As per action C1- Organise a litter pick around the parks/play areas to kick start getting the place cleaned up. / CDPC
NWLDC – Street Mgmt Officer / PPSC
Local Primary Schools / High / Summer 2008
The Street Manager is willing to organize litter picks, however, it is felt that it may be more useful to litter pick the streets as the Castle Donington Parish Council have a grounds man that regularly cleans the play areas. Working with the Parish Council, the SEM will look at the areas that need picking. The Street Manager has organised a community litter pick for Wednesday 28th may at 7pm cadet HQ Castle Donington, the cadets will take part and all the community are invited. There has been widespread promotion.
Contact: Ruth Sherwin, Street Environment Manager, 01530 454 545
Crime and Community Service
CC3 / Work with Antisocial Behaviour Co-ordinator to investigate initiatives in the reduction of antisocial behaviour / NWLDC
CDPC / High / Autumn 2009
The Antisocial Behaviour Officer has the ability to refer cases/complaints of anti social behaviour to both the Joint Action Group and the Safer Estates Group at North West Leicestershire District Council. There is currently a new structure being considered to incorporate the NeighbourhoodAction Team's into the thematic groups already established. It is intended that the new structure will ensure that the NAT's have direct access to the groups already in existence and that they are aware of any actions plans already in place to tackle local concerns. This process should also enable the NAT's to refer any new complaints or concerns to either the JAG or the Safer Estates.
Contact: Anne-Marie Brannigan, Anti-Social Behaviour Co-ordinator, 01530 454 545
Local Business and Employment
B1 / Create a business directory / TA
NWLDC / PPSC / Medium / December 2008
The Economic Development Officer can advise on creation of a Business Directoryand can advise on ensuring that all local businesses are listed in the 2008 NWL Business Directory which is to be produced later this year. The Economic Development Officercan also to speak to contacts such as Richard Bladon (LetsGOLocal) which are website based Business Directories.
Contact: Heather Bell, Economic Development Officer
The Cultural Services Manager is keen to promote the tourism sector, in particular development of quality, inspected accommodation. It may also be beneficial to involve the NWL Tourism Promotions.
Contact: Goff Lewis, Cultural Service Manager, 01530 454 601
C1 / As per action E8 - Organise a litter pick around the parks/play areas to kick start getting the place cleaned up. / CDPC
NWLDC – Street Mgmt Officer / PPSC
Local Primary Schools / High / Summer 2008
As per Action E8.
Y1 / Carry out a feasibility study to provide Castle Donington with a Leisure Centre and/or an enclosed Swimming Pool, or to increase the range of activities on offer from current facilities / CDCC
NWLDC / CDYF / High / April 2009
As per Action SL2
Y2 / Investigate a feasibility study to provide Castle Donington young people with a safe place to meet, including researching possible facilities and funding / CDCC
NWLDC / CDYF / High / From April 2008 - Ongoing
Children's Services Co-ordinator role can support community groups in looking for and accessing fund to support youth provision locally. This can include improving the perceptions of safety within current play, sport and recreational space suitable for children and young people.
Contact: Amy Brooke, Children’s Services Co-ordinator, 01530 454 642
Y3 / Work with partners to explore the possibility of opening an Youth Information Shop and Internet Café / CDPC
PCT / CDYF / Medium / Ongoing
Children's Services Co-ordinator role can support the development of this project with the Parish Council and the involvement of local children and young people to support the process in partnership with Leicestershire County Council Youth Service.
Contact: Amy Brooke, Children’s Services Co-ordinator, 01530 454 642
Y7 / Set-up a smoking cessation project & improve awareness of smoking related issues / PCT, CDS, CDCC, YS, NWLDC / CDYF / Medium / March 2009 – Ongoing
Ro Riley, a youth worker, already trained in the area will be providing smoking cessation as part of herwork. There has also been another youth worker who will be attending the next advisor training who will also provide smoking as part of her remit in Castle Donington.
NWLDC will also continue in it's district wide campaign to promote smoking cessation through the 'Smoke Free Homes' project and support the NHS Resolution Stop Smoking Service. Action Planning will be taking place to clarify the health priorities for NWL to move the health agenda forward and will include discussions on a North West Leicestershire Smoking Cessation subgroup.
Contact: Ro Riley, Youth Development Worker
Y8 / Reduce use of alcohol and illegal substances amongst young people through increasing awareness of related issues and provide confidential advice / PCT, CDS, CDCC, YS, NWLDC, LCon / CDYF / Medium / March 2009 – Ongoing
This can be actioned via youth work. NWLDC are able to provide assistance to this via Positive Futures Programme who can offer diversionary activities for children and young people to get involved in. Positive Futures workers need to be ‘bought in’ to carry out this project work.
Contact: Sarah Penny, Positive Futures Co-ordinator, 01530 454 835
Y9 / Improve transport and mobility for young people to access services in the district / NWLDC, LCC, CDVB, CDCC / CDYF / Medium / From April 2008
North West Leicestershire Youth Council are looking into this as a key piece of work in conjunction with Leicestershire County Council. Information on progress can be sought from Children's Services Co-ordinator.
Contact: Amy Brooke, Children’s Services Co-ordinator, 01530 454 642
Y11 / Improve public toilets / NWLDC / CDYF / Medium / From April 2008