Coordinator/Business Report,
April 5, 2017
Reports from Windows of Focus
1) Update on Planning for OEYCFCs (Kim Little)
The Parent Survey ran for four weeks and closed March 24, 2017. We had approximately
350 responses to the survey with responses geographically representative. Thank you to
community partners that promoted its completion. Summary report, when available from
the survey will be shared to BSN for use in their own planning efforts.
· Beth Steel has been engaged by the Counties to conduct focus groups over the month of
April with groups including: families with special needs children, homeschool families, child
care supervisors network, OEYC staff, Best Start Network, family support program out of
Country Roads, Homeward Bound participants, Bartholomew Hub families, newcomer
We continue to be on target for meeting Ministry deadline of needs assessment and initial
recommendations by May 31st, though we have not received funding information and have
heard the May date may be extended.
2) Poverty Reduction Alliance – (Loretta Corbeil)
a) Canada Learning Bond -- The Federal budget has announced $12.5 million over six years
starting in 2017–18 to help more low-income families benefit from the Canada Learning
EKIOC has issued a challenge to its members to see who can be first organization to sign
up 5 families. WIN lunch for 6 staff prepared by Loretta Corbeil. Other prizes have been
donated as well. Be the first organization to help sign up families.
c) Federal Poverty Consultations – March 27 – MP. Gord Brown and the Poverty Alliance
hosted a community consultation to inform the federal government’s poverty strategy.
About 30 people attended the event.
2) Triple P (Cathy Millard)
April 11 – Triple P Group for parents of teenagers; facilitated by Esther, CMHLG; to
register, please call Children’s Mental Health of Leeds & Grenville
April 11 – Transitions for divorced or separated parents; if both parents want to take the
class, they are placed in different groups that run at a different time; facilitated by Esther,
CMHLG; to register, please call Children’s Mental Health of Leeds & Grenville
April 19 – Triple P Group, 0-12 within the Homeward Bound program
Apr 26 – Triple P Group, 0-12; Andrea, FCSLLG in Lanark County; to register, please call
Family & Children’s Services
Reminder: Triple P “swag” is available. Order form was distributed. For further information
contact Gwendy.
Involving Community Partners – we need to revisit members/purpose of the working
(e.g. should it be a steering committee, which needs to belong, etc.)
3) Healthy Kids Community Challenge –
The action plan for Theme 3 – Eating Fruits and Vegetables, has been submitted; waiting for
Ministry approval.
Next Meeting: April 27, 1 to 3p.m. Health Unit
4) Meeting with Regional Planners – March 20
The four planners from South East Region met to discuss current initiatives and future
direction of planning tables
Hastings Prince Edward – planner is retiring this month; no plans at this point to replace her.
Planning table wants to continue but hasn’t discussed any Plan B.
KFLA – Planner is serving first year of 3 year contract. Her table is looking at being the
“conduit”/coordinating body for “Transformations” i.e. Coordinated Service Planning, Mental
Health, Autism and Early Years. Interesting take on early years. Their planning table has
decided that while OEYCFC’s are a key piece they are not the only piece in Early Years
Planning and the planning table has a coordinating function. The table is looking at
presenting a “business case” to MCYS.
Lanark – members will explore various scenarios related to planning table at a planning day
in April. One suggestion has been to morph into a Social Planning Council
5) EKIOC Planning Day May 3 – This will be an important meeting as we set future direction
for our planning table; please plan to attend.
An invitation will be distributed.
6) Bartholomew Hub – I will be working with Mark Heffernan and Kristina Hubert to support a
meeting of a group of community partners who will provide advice on how best to support
the hub.
7) Read to Every Kid – Linda Chadwick and I have submitted a grant proposal to Canada Post
to support the French Read to Every Kid program and a more deliberate outreach to families
with children Ages 0 to 3 who aren’t accessing the program.
8) Asset Builders – we will be putting out a call for nominations for “Asset Builders” –
individuals, groups who o make a difference in the lives of children/youth. There will be a
recognition ceremony at the Y on April 30.
April 7 – Brockville Hub Meeting 1:30 100 Strowger
April 10 – Poverty Alliance 9:30-11:30 UCLG
April 10—Planning meeting for conversation with Board Chair UCDSB
April 11 – Coordinated Service Planning 9 a.m. UCDSB
April 12 – Transportation Meeting 1:30 EEC
April 13 – Best Start 1:30 to 3:30 UCDSB
April 18 – Best Start workgroup on Physical Activity – 1:30 Health Unit
April 19 – Advisory Committee Bartholomew St. Hub 9 to 11
April 20 – Meeting with UCDSB Board Chair
April 24 – Planning meeting for presentations to Municipal Councils 1:30 Health Unit
April 27 – Healthy Kids Community Challenge 1 to 3 Health Unit
April 28 – Coordinating and Planning Meeting
April 30 – Healthy Kids Day YMCA – Asset Builders Presentations
May 3 – EKIOC Planning Day – The Mill Brockville 9 to 1:30
May 8 – LG/Lanark Co-chairs/Planners 9:30
May 11, 12 -- Workshops with Dr. Gordon Neufeld Brockville Conference Centre
June 8 – Best Start 1:30 UCDSB
June 13/14 – East Youth Worker Symposium Kingston Youth Worker Symposium 2017 East Region Registration
June 20 – Best Start Resource Consultation – “Reaching Marginalized
Families/Supporting Families with Mental Health Issues”