Unit Overview: SOL 5.6 - Oceans

●●indicates file is included in zip file

►►indicates required component

Unit Overview

Title: / Oceans VA SOL 5.6
Author: / Katie Neville
Subject: / Science
Grade Level(s): / ►►5th Grade: 28 students including 4 IEP students. All learning style and multiple intelligences represented. IEP students are LD, ED and ADHD.
Duration: / ►►15 days - 3 weeks
Unit Description: / Oceans: VA SOL 5.6
Lesson Description for Week #1A / Ocean - Geological Characteristics
State Standards: / ►►SOL: 5.6 The student will investigate and understand characteristics of the ocean environment.
Key concepts include
a) geological characteristics;
b) physical characteristics; and
c) ecological characteristics.


Unit Goals:
VA SOL 5.6 - Oceans
Strand: Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems
Lesson Goals: (Introduction) / Introduction/Overview/Ongoing Activities


Anticipatory Set:
Safari Montage - Bill Nye Oceanography

Introduce and Model New Knowledge:
/ ►►●●Ocean Foldable
Provide Guided Practice:
How much of the earth is covered by water?
A globe (rubber ball) Have the kids toss it around the room and mark on a tally sheet where there left thumb lands on ocean...in the end they will see that the world is mostly covered in water.
Provide Independent Practice:
iOS App
►►Ocean Blue for iPad (.99)


Formative/Ongoing Assessment: / Teacher observation
Summative/End Of Lesson Assessment: / Teacher observation


Colored paper, labels, computer, internet access, Safari Montage,
Blow-up globe, tally sheet, whole class display (TV or IWB)
Lesson Description for Week #1B / Ocean - Geological Characteristics


Unit Goals:
VA SOL 5.6 - Oceans
Strand: Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems
Lesson Goals: / *create and interpret a model of the ocean floor and label and *describe each of the major features.
*research and describe the variation in depths associated with ocean features, including the continental shelf, slope, rise, the abyssal plain, and ocean trenches


Anticipatory Set:
/ BrainPop Video – Ocean Floor

Vocabulary Activity
Activote Quiz

Introduce and Model New Knowledge:

/ ●●Ocean Floor Flipchart

Provide Guided Practice:

/ 1. Add Ocean Floor Content to Foldable
2. Create the Ocean Floor
Ocean floor. Mix cornstarch, water and sand (play sand is ok) Let it come to a boil in a pot and it becomes this great sand mix. You can have the kids make their own "ocean floors" like sea arches, valleys, etc...Plus it's messy and they love it. AFter that I had them draw and diagram there models, so that was cool.

Provide Independent Practice:

/ ►►●●Ocean Floor Inspiration Activity
Ocean Floor cookie sheet activity (photo)

iOS App


Earth Observers App


Formative/Ongoing Assessment: / ●●Ocean Floor Quiz
Summative/End Of Lesson Assessment: / None


Computer, BrainPop Subscription, Activotes, IWB, cornstarch, water, sand, cardboard for base of ocean floor (Xerox lids should work perfectly), iOS Device, MS Word
Lesson Description for Week #2 / Ocean - Physical Characteristics


Unit Goals:


VA SOL 5.6 - Oceans

Strand: Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems

Lesson Goals: / *design an investigation (including models and simulations) related to physical characteristics of the ocean environment (depth, salinity, formation of waves, causes of tides, and currents, such as the Gulf Stream).
* interpret graphical data related to physical characteristics of the ocean.
*explain the formation of ocean currents and describe and locate the Gulf Stream.


Anticipatory Set:

/ 1. PBS Wave Machine

2. Oceans Alive

Introduce and Model New Knowledge:

/ 1. BrainPop Video – Ocean Currents

Vocabulary Activity
Activote Quiz
2. BrainPop Video- Waves
3. Safari Montage – Oceans in Motion (climate and waves, ocean floor, ocean depths)

Provide Guided Practice:


1. Add content to Oceans Foldable

●●2.Oceans in Motion Flipchart

Provide Independent Practice:

/ 1. Why is the Ocean Salty (website and experiment)

2. Water Density Experiment

Water Density: Take 3 containers of water. Add a different food coloring to each one. But leave one "plain" water-no color. Add varying degrees of salt to "2" of the containers...make sure one has a lot of salt. Now you have to use a dropper and drop the varying degrees of salt water (just a drop or two) into the plain water and see which salty water sinks. This is really a cool experiment because you can have the kids predict which water will sink, etc...I did it once but I had 4 different color salty waters and it was was GREAT...we had a nice rainbow container in the end. This takes time, but it's worth it, the kids seem to love it.

iOS App


1. Tide Graph App (1.99)

2. NOAA Ocean Buoy and Tides App (1.99)

3. Tide App (1.99)


Formative/Ongoing Assessment: / Glenco Quiz

Summative/End Of Lesson Assessment: / None


Computers, internet, IWB, LRS, BrainPop subscription, ActivInspire, salt, water, beakers, food coloring
Lesson Description for Week #3A / Ocean - Biological Characteristics


Unit Goals:


VA SOL 5.6 - Oceans

Strand: Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems

Lesson Goals: / *design an investigation (including models and simulations) related to ecological relationships of the ocean environment.
• interpret graphical data related to the ecological characteristics of the
ocean, such as the number of organisms vs. the depth of the water.
• analyze how the physical characteristics (depth, salinity, and temperature) of the ocean affect where marine organism can live.
• create and interpret a model of a basic marine food web, including floating organisms (plankton), swimming organisms, and organisms living on the ocean floor.


Anticipatory Set:

/ What is phytoplankton?

Introduce and Model New Knowledge:

/ 1. Safari Montage – Bill Nye – Ocean Life (Ocean Food Chain)

2. Safari Montage – All About Water EcoSystems

Chapter 4 – Oceans – Tropical
Chapter 5 – Oceans – Polar
3. Ocean Food Chain Video – You Tube

Provide Guided Practice:


●●Ocean Animals Flipchart

Provide Independent Practice:


Create an ocean food web:

iOS App


1. Sea Life Videos App (.99)

2. Ocean Encounters App (1.99)

3. Ocean Animals Guide App (Free)


Formative/Ongoing Assessment: / 1. Interactive Ocean Food Chain

●●Build a Marine Food Web (doc)** advanced students
Summative/End Of Lesson Assessment: / none


Computers, internet, Safari Montage, YouTube, IWB, LRS, ActivInspire
Lesson Description for Week #3B / Ocean - Culminating Activities/Just for Fun


Unit Goals:


VA SOL 5.6 - Oceans

Strand: Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems

Lesson Goals: / To create and have fun with newly learned information on oceans.


Provide Guided Practice


●●1.LoCo GIS Project - LCPS - Google Earth (Separate Zip File)

●●2.Oceans Millionaire PowerPoint

●●3.Oceans Study Book
4. Quia Quiz

●●5.Oceans Jeopardy
●●6. Race to the Reef PowerPoint

Provide Independent Practice:

/ 1. Ocean Adventures – 3 Games

2. Virtual Deep Sea (National Geographic)

iOS App

/ Dolphin Play App (.99)\


Summative/End Of Unit Assessment
(choice): / 1. Marine Animal Project - Green Screen Video
2. Podcast
3. Vodcast
4. Written Test


Computers, internet, IWB, LRS, Google Earth, green screen video capability, podcast and vodcast equipment.
Archive of Animal Sounds and Video

CAST2006Adapted from